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[ 1994 主题 / 5847 回复 ]

版块介绍: Reading daily jokes you could not only learn English but also could understand the foreigner's humor.What are you waiting for ?Come on to relax yourself now!

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 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  每日英语笑话 x-ace 2009-9-28 1/1710 x-ace 2009-11-21 09:31
  the second question Thursday4 2009-9-21 1/2045 x-ace 2009-11-21 09:27
  Very Pleased to Meet You 很兴奋熟悉你 Tuesday2 2009-9-12 1/2167 x-ace 2009-11-21 09:26
  The New Baby 新宝宝 x-ace 2009-10-15 1/1808 x-ace 2009-11-21 09:23
I'm a bachelor 我是个单身汉 xln1120 2009-11-7 1/1729 x-ace 2009-11-21 09:19
第一次,第二次,第三次 xln1120 2009-11-8 1/3598 x-ace 2009-11-21 09:17
  英语笑话:真相 yoyo530521 2009-11-19 1/1424 x-ace 2009-11-21 09:09
  每日笑话 :how can i open your computer? x-ace 2009-11-20 1/1749 x-ace 2009-11-21 09:06
Waste or Save 浪费还是节约 xln1120 2009-11-18 1/1813 x-ace 2009-11-21 08:59
一分之差 tingroom 2009-11-12 3/1683 簿子酒 2009-11-12 22:31
  Do You Know My Work? x-ace 2009-10-16 4/2041 ABCjun 2009-11-11 15:22
Your horse called x-ace 2009-11-11 1/1755 ABCjun 2009-11-11 15:21
  Pink Suit Sale xln1120 2009-6-9 5/2644 layuli 2009-11-9 19:45
  Real Play 逼真的戏剧 xln1120 2009-11-4 1/1887 簿子酒 2009-11-4 22:26
Real Play   x-ace 2009-10-27 5/1983 x-ace 2009-10-29 08:46
坏印象 A Bad Impression x-ace 2009-10-22 3/2001 簿子酒 2009-10-27 23:19
  十大经典店铺口号 x-ace 2009-10-13 4/2267 ABCjun 2009-10-15 13:30
  Blind Date 相亲 x-ace 2009-10-14 3/1950 x-ace 2009-10-14 13:21
  英文笑话:请教经验 yoyo530521 2009-10-2 1/1837 0119 2009-10-12 14:57
  A dollar per point 一分一块钱 ABCjun 2009-10-8 8/2029 0119 2009-10-9 11:29
  I Taught the Teacher x-ace 2009-10-7 1/1642 Raphael 2009-10-7 11:11
  Jesus’s Telly ABCjun 2009-10-6 3/1614 暴君 2009-10-6 13:45
  Mushroom and Toadstool 蘑菇与毒蕈 Saturday6 2009-7-18 3/1997 x-ace 2009-10-6 08:46
  MOSES & JESUS 摩西和耶稣 Wednesday3 2009-9-16 1/1839 aisijimi911 2009-9-28 11:02
  The swimmer ABCjun 2009-9-25 1/1930 x-ace 2009-9-26 15:26
  Ground Rules x-ace 2009-9-23 1/2118 暴君 2009-9-23 17:00
  Talking clock 会说话的钟 Saturday6 2009-8-29 2/2039 Tuesday2 2009-9-12 17:00
  The Bad News and the Terrible News 坏消息和可怕的消息 Friday5 2009-8-21 2/2308 Tuesday2 2009-9-12 16:58
  Stupid Question 你的钟准吗 Sunday7 2009-8-30 1/1794 Tuesday2 2009-9-12 16:56
  Send the Bill to My Father 把账单给我父亲 Tuesday2 2009-9-1 1/1868 Tuesday2 2009-9-12 16:55
  An Ugly Woman 丑女 Sunday7 2009-8-24 1/1861 Tuesday2 2009-9-12 16:44
  Big Head 大脑袋 Wednesday3 2009-9-4 1/1980 Thursday4 2009-9-10 17:01
  Two Lines In Heaven 天堂的两队 Monday1 2009-9-7 1/2038 Thursday4 2009-9-10 16:59
  Bet 打赌 Tuesday2 2009-8-4 2/2150 Sunday7 2009-8-30 16:38
  Who Are Crooks? 谁是骗子? Friday5 2009-8-14 2/2089 Sunday7 2009-8-30 16:29