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[ 1994 主题 / 5847 回复 ]

版块介绍: Reading daily jokes you could not only learn English but also could understand the foreigner's humor.What are you waiting for ?Come on to relax yourself now!

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 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  where to store? damosnow 2010-3-11 2/1855 tingroom 2010-3-12 10:18
  My current job damosnow 2010-3-11 3/1712 special 2010-3-11 19:39
  2月23日英语笑话:Be careful with what you wish for tomson 2010-2-23 3/2427 angelxuefei 2010-3-2 14:04
  2月27日英语资讯:animal trainer's death xifan 2010-2-27 1/2302 tingroom 2010-3-1 11:04
  2月20日翻译练习:基本原则 帖子被加分 hellokitty 2010-2-20 3/1845 kylezhou2010 2010-2-21 10:52
  1月19日笑话分享:大五个月 halo 2010-1-19 1/1685 hucy1301 2010-1-19 13:30
  1月19日笑话分享:大五个月 halo 2010-1-19 0/1225 halo 2010-1-19 13:23
  1月12日英语笑话:Fat man and a skinny man hollo 2010-1-12 0/1806 hollo 2010-1-12 10:34
  1月9日英语笑话:A good box of matches. hellokitty 2010-1-9 0/1680 hellokitty 2010-1-9 13:46
  1月4日英语笑话:Which woman hyingrzhe 2010-1-4 2/1832 peopoo 2010-1-4 13:40
  1月3日英语笑话:The Multi-Purpose Fly Swatter NBA2012 2010-1-3 3/2171 xln1120 2010-1-3 19:16
  12月30日英语笑话分享:Mushroom and Toadstool   sumny 2009-12-30 1/1618 sumny 2009-12-30 10:38
  12月24日笑话分享:I wish I were a newspaper sumny 2009-12-24 0/1728 sumny 2009-12-24 11:02
  12月19日英语笑话:Who am I peopoo 2009-12-19 0/1491 peopoo 2009-12-19 10:48
  12月18日英语笑话:我要做的一切就是付钱 华山亮剑 2009-12-18 1/1730 hollo 2009-12-19 08:44
  12月17日笑口常开:Mental deficiency 智力缺陷 lkjj 2009-12-17 1/2082 曾轶可 2009-12-18 09:38
  12月14日幽默笑话:I'm not having it all cut off x-ace 2009-12-14 2/1952 louisuuitt 2009-12-14 13:30
  12月12日哈哈大笑:Never Mind x-ace 2009-12-12 1/1682 簿子酒 2009-12-12 23:08
  12月10日英语笑话分享:A Fine Match 势均力敌 曾轶可 2009-12-10 1/2118 簿子酒 2009-12-10 22:46
  who signed the Declaration of Independence? x-ace 2009-11-26 1/1552 簿子酒 2009-12-10 22:44
  12月09日笑话分享:New Year Resolution hellokitty 2009-12-9 1/1996 簿子酒 2009-12-9 23:13
  12月8日笑话分享:The Looney Bin 华山亮剑 2009-12-8 2/1990 x-ace 2009-12-9 08:28
  12月7日笑话分享:A Dying Man's Favorite Cookies 密战 2009-12-7 2/2091 retun 2009-12-8 08:30
  12月5日笑口常开:I’m a police officer我是警察 x-ace 2009-12-5 1/1996 簿子酒 2009-12-5 10:46
  12月4日笑话分享:No Cavities没有蛀牙 x-ace 2009-12-4 3/2157 xln1120 2009-12-4 20:06
  12月3日笑话集锦:You're not going to make it chinin 2009-12-3 2/2007 chinin 2009-12-4 16:55
  Snake Talk x-ace 2009-11-21 1/1675 簿子酒 2009-12-3 22:18
  Jesus’s Telly 甲流不可怕 2009-11-28 3/1567 x-ace 2009-12-3 08:29
  12月1日:幽默笑话分享-i was not asleep x-ace 2009-12-1 1/1651 簿子酒 2009-12-1 21:51
  老百姓的苦:All I do is pay 甲流不可怕 2009-11-30 1/1990 簿子酒 2009-11-30 23:18
  两个疯子的对话 李霄云 2009-11-28 1/1572 簿子酒 2009-11-28 21:43
  I Need Your Football 李霄云 2009-11-28 1/1691 簿子酒 2009-11-28 21:37
  让别人高兴 密战 2009-11-28 0/1385 密战 2009-11-28 13:04
  任何时候都不要忘记微笑^_^:It worked 华山亮剑 2009-11-27 1/2105 x-ace 2009-11-27 14:13
  Talking clock x-ace 2009-11-21 1/1621 簿子酒 2009-11-26 23:07