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湿游 Wet Camping Trip

Camping is an activity that many college students enjoy. On a camping trip that several friends and I went on, we had a very wet experience.

On the first day that we were camping, the weather was beautiful, and we all had a great time. The second day, however, was not as good. It started to rain in the afternoon, and it continued until the next day.

So we spent a whole day in our tents, trying to stay dry and warm. By the next day, when it stopped raining, we were all too wet and tired to go any further, so we decided to go straight home.
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明日歌 Procrastination

Procrastination is one of the major problems that students have at universities. Procrastination means that you put off working on something for as long as possible.

Although professors give the instructions for the assignments usually one or two weeks ahead of time, students often do not start working on the project until the day before it is due.

One of my professors told a story of a student of a previous class that procrastinated too much. He told me that every assignment that he gave in class, this student would not do until the day it was due. He would bring a piece of paper in to class that day, and write out the assignment during class. He would then hand the paper to the professor at the end of class. As expected, the student failed the class.

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愚人节 April Fool's Day

April fool's day is a day where many people play pranks and tricks on their friends. Last year on April fool's, some of the girls in my college decided to play a trick on the guys.

They waited until all of the guys were gone from the dorm and in class. They sneaked into the guys' dorm and changed all of the clothes around. They took each person's clothes and put them in a different dorm room.

When we returned to the dorm that afternoon, none of us noticed anything was wrong. But later that evening, when one of the guys went to get a shirt from his closet, we discovered what had happened. It took almost fifteen minutes to find all of our clothes and put them in the right place.

But the girls who played the trick didn't get to enjoy their prank too long, because they all got a fine for breaking the rules and going into the guys' dorm.
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冰湖险境 Frozen Lake

The college I attended was in the northern part of the United States, so it was very cold in the winter. Because of the cold temperature, about two to four feet of ice was frozen on the surface of the lake. This allowed us to go out and walk around on top of the frozen lake.

One time, a few friends and I went out for a walk at night on top of the ice. This was in March, when the ice was beginning to melt. I was walking a few feet in front of my friends when they suddenly called out. "Adam, stop. Don't move." I looked back at them, and they pointed towards a huge hole in the ice in front of me.

I was looking at the stars as I was walking and did not pay attention to the ice. If my friends had not stopped me, I would have walked into the hole, and fell into the lake. Naturally, I was very happy that my friends were watching out for me.
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大学运动 College Sports

College sports are very popular in America; sometimes they are even more popular than the professional leagues.
The governing body of college athletics is called the NCAA, and it is divided into divisions based on how good the schools are. Division one has the best teams, and they are watched by people all over the country. Out of all the sports, basketball and American football are the most popular.

Each year in March, the college basketball tournament is held, with 64 teams trying to win the championship. Because of its popularity, it is called "March madness". College basketball is so popular that the number of people who watch it is almost as many as, if not more than, the NBA.

Glossary: governing body, madness
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交通意外 Second Car Accident

I have mentioned before of my friend who had two cars ruined in accidents, although I didn't describe how they happened. The second accident happened while they were traveling to Washington State, in the North-western part of America, during Spring Break.

It was late at night, about two in the morning. My friend, Tim, was getting tired, so he allowed someone else to drive the car. The roads were icy because of the snow that was falling, so it was hard to drive.  

About twenty minutes after changing drivers, they got into the accident. The car suddenly turned sharply, and rolled over, landing on its roof. Fortunately, all of the passengers were safe, and Evan, who was sleeping in the back of the car, did not even wake up!  

Glossary: ruin, describe, icy, rolled over

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