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Buster's New Year Gift

This New Year's, we gave Buster a gift. We bought him a stuffed toy pig with soft, pink fur. Buster took his new toy, went to his favorite rug, and laid down with it. He chewed on the stuffed pig just like he chews on his bone, and he tore a hole in the pig's neck.

  When I came back to see Buster later, buster was sleeping on the rug next to his pig, but his pig was torn to pieces! Buster had ripped the head and legs apart and had even torn off both of the pig's eyes and one of its ears! Buster made many holes in the pig, and all the stuffing that was in the pig was all over the floor. I told Buster that he was bad to make such a big mess. I think that next year we will buy him a bone or some dog treats instead.
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it is a  good story for practise listening


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good guy


Buster's New Hat

On New Year's Eve, we went to the flower market and bought Buster a little hat that looked like a chicken. When I first put the hat on Buster's head, he did not like it. Buster scratched at the hat with his paw until it came off. After it came off, Buster looked at it and sniffed it with his nose because he wanted to know what it was and if it was safe to have it on his head. When Buster was done examining the hat, he let me put it on his head again. It is fun to put hats on Buster. I think his Christmas hat was my favorite. One time I tried to put Daddy's hat on Buster, but the hat was too big and fell down in front of Buster's eyes. Buster did not want to wear a hat that was too big for his head.
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Every Christmas, Daddy tells me the story of the very first Christmas when Jesus was born. Daddy told me the Bible teaches that Jesus is God's son, and God sent Jesus to earth on Christmas Day about two thousand years ago. The man and woman who took care of Jesus were called Joseph and Mary. When Jesus was born, Daddy said that angels came and told some shepherds the news of Jesus' birth. The shepherds left their sheep and went to see Jesus on that very first Christmas. Each Christmas, my family buys gifts for each other, and we put them under our tree until Christmas morning when we open them. Mommy said that giving helps us to remember how God gave his Son as a gift to the world. This year I am giving Buster a new bone, even though Buster does not know what Christmas is. I cannot wait until Christmas because then I will open all of my presents and eat a big Christmas dinner that Mommy will make.
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Christmas Time

Christmas is always fun for Buster. Every Christmas my mother bakes a big turkey. After we eat our turkey dinner, there is always some left over for Buster to eat. I think that is Buster’s favorite part of Christmas. Buster likes getting presents too. Last year, my father bought Christmas hats for everyone, even Buster. Buster’s hat fell off many times. Almost every time he moved, his hat would fall off. Maybe next year, my dad should buy a hat with a string on it, so we could tie it onto Buster’s head. But Buster may not like having a hat tied to his head. He would probably try to take it off. So, we will still have our fun Christmas, even without a hat with a string on it.
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Christmas Tree

Every Christmas, we get a Christmas tree, and we decorate it with many beautiful things. Buster tries to help me, but he is a dog. And dogs cannot decorate the tree because they do not have any hands. Buster likes to smell all the colorful little balls. One time, he tried to smell the one in my hand, and the ball slipped out of my hand and fell on the floor. The glass ball broke into many, many pieces. I was mad. I had to clean up all the mess. But I could not stay mad at Buster. He did not mean to break the ball. But I told him to go lay down while I finished decorating the tree. The tree was very pretty when my family was done decorating it. I think Buster liked it too!
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Dog in a Shirt

Winter can be very cold. When my family and I were visting in America, we saw a lot of snow, and even built a snowman. I had to dress in very warm clothes every time I went outside in the snow. It can be cold in Hong Kong, too, and Mommy makes me wear a jacket when I go outside. But Hong Kong does not get as cold as North America and Northern Asia do in the winter. One day, I saw a dog that had a shirt on. I think that the owner of the dog wanted him to stay warm, just like Mommy wants me to stay warm. I do not think that Buster would like wearing a shirt, and I think it would be very hard to put a shirt on Buster. But Buster does not need a shirt or a coat, because God gave Buster fur to keep him warm.
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i have downloaded,thank you a lot!


This week, Daddy told me about the earthquakes in Indonesia. Daddy said that the earthquakes were so big that they sent a giant wave, called a tsunami, all the way to Sri Lanka. Thousands of people were killed in Sri Lanka. I am glad that God kept me safe, but I feel sad when I know that a lot of people were killed. I hope that many of those people went to heaven after they died.
Buster cannot understand what my Daddy says and does not know what an earthquake is, but I think that Buster knew that I felt sad when I thought of all the people who were hurt. I wanted to help those people, so Daddy said that the best way I could help would be to pray for all the people who were not killed.
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Buster Jealous of Puppet

Last week Daddy bought a puppet. We decided to name the puppet "Fred". Mommy and I laughed when Daddy acted silly with his new puppet. On the day Daddy brought the puppet home, Buster saw all of us playing with the puppet, and he was jealous. Buster wanted us to play with him instead of Fred. When Daddy walked around the house with Fred, Buster had to follow Daddy wherever he went. When Daddy saw that Buster was getting jealous, Daddy took Fred and sat down on the couch. Then Daddy did not pay any attention to Buster, while he played with Fred, to see what Buster would do. Buster became very jealous and jumped onto the couch with one of his toys. We thought Buster was very funny to be so jealous, but we felt sorry for him too. So Daddy stopped playing with Fred and played with Buster for a little while.
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