A piece which seems created to exorcise the memories of New Horizon for both student and teacher alike, it also provides uniquely useful phrases you’re not likely to find in any other textbook including “I love you like a fat kid loves cake” and “That’s not just any stack of boxes, that’s my house。” 这本书似乎生而为颠覆《新视野》系列曾经给老师和学生留下的美好映像,还为广大师生提供了许多十分独到而实用的,你在任何其他教科书里都不会找到的表达,例如,“我爱你,就像一个小胖砸爱蛋糕。”,“这可不是纸盒堆,这是我家府邸。”

The book begins by introducing us to the cast of characters who will guide us through our journey of learning English。 Some of these rascals include former straight-A student turned junkie-prostitute Emi Ito, and gun-toting triad Bin Dong.From there we follow the characters through their daily lives of drinking and gambling while learning how they naturally interact with each other。
全书开篇就介绍了所有的出场人物角色,正是他们即将带领我们走过学习英语的旅途。这些流氓人渣包括曾经学习优异,如今却十分堕落的女子伊藤惠美,还有持枪自保的三人组合。由此而始,我们跟随这些角色过着他们每天的生活,酗酒、赌博,也了解着他们如何与彼此互动。 Tokyo Shoseki also publishes a book titled Try Studying English Once Again with Future-Style New Horizon, a “next-generation textbook for adults,” essentially a light novel that teaches readers English which envolves the love triangle between Ken, Lucy, and Yumi。 这套教材的出版商东京书籍株式会社还出版了一本名为《未来式的新视野——再战学英语》的教材,这是一本“针对成人的新一代教材”,更可谓是一本教英语的轻小说,其中讲述了肯,露西,由美三人之间的三角恋关系。 话说日本人说英语回回都会让你有一种进入另一种次元的错觉……放视频自行感受一下……也不怪人家教材那么拼了 |