John: Hi, and welcome to BBC Learning English. I’m John.
Oliver: 大家好,我是 Oliver.
John: Today we’re going to find out all about public transport in London.
Oliver: Public transport 公共交通。
John: Vicki has done some special reports for us about the different types of transport in London. For example, the Underground.
Oliver: 地铁。你知道在英国俚语是地铁是怎么说的吗?如果你还不知道,那就仔细听听看吧。
The London Underground, also known as the Tube, is the oldest underground railway in the world. It’s often the fastest way to get around London because it avoids the heavy traffic above ground.
Vicki Sullivan, BBC Learning English
John: So the slang word for the Underground is the Tube. The Tube is a fast way to travel because it avoids the heavy traffic.
Oliver: Traffic 交通阻塞 heavy traffic 严重的交通阻塞。
John: The London Underground map is quite famous. Let’s hear why.
The map of the London Underground was first designed in 1931. It’s not really a map which shows the locations of stations, but a simplified diagram, which shows how to get from one station to another. This kind of design has now been adopted by underground railways all over the world.
Vicki Sullivan, BBC Learning English
Oliver: 伦敦的地铁图已经有相当长的历史了。而且极具创意。他没有指示地理意义上的车站位置,而是简单的标志出怎么从一个地铁站到另一个地铁站。
John: It’s a simplified diagram.

The London Underground map
Oliver: Diagram 图表, simplified 简单的、简化的。
John: And underground systems all over the world now use a similar map, they have adopted it.
Oliver: To adopt something 接纳、接受什么事情。
John: In the programme today we’re finding out about public transport in London.
Oliver: 之前,我们已经了解了伦敦地铁,那么在伦敦,人们还有什么其它的公共交通方式可以选择吗?
London streets are full of buses, and they are another very common way to get around in London. Traditionally of course, London buses are red double-deckers. The most famous London bus is the Routemaster, which began being used in 1957 and were taken out of service in 2005. These are the buses with the open door at the back, so passengers could jump on and off even if they weren’t at a bus stop. These days there are still double-decker buses in London, though they are modern ones, which are more suitable for disabled passengers and pushchairs. But there are also bendy buses: long articulated buses which can fit lots of people without needing two floors.
Vicki Sullivan, BBC Learning English
Oliver: 在伦敦有非常多的公共汽车。
John: People always think of London’s double-decker buses.
Oliver: Double-decker 双层的。

Routemaster buses are the most well-known London buses
John: But the most famous kind of double-decker buses, the Routemasters, were taken out of service.
Oliver: 也就是说,已经退出服务了,退休了。原因是新型的公共汽车更方便残疾人使用。
John: Disabled passengers.
Oliver: 儿童推车。
John: Pushchairs.
Oliver: 这儿, Vicki 用了一个非常有用的词儿,公共汽车站。
John: Yes, a bus stop.
Oliver: 现在在伦敦运行的有一种新型的公共汽车叫双截公车。这是一种单层的车,在两节车厢中间可以弯折。
John: They are often known as bendy buses, but are really called articulated buses. There’s one type of public transport in London we haven’t mentioned yet: trams.
Oliver: 有轨电车,让我们再听听 Vicki 是怎么介绍的。
There were trams in London for nearly a hundred years, from Victorian times until the 1950s. Then they were phased out, and replaced with buses. But in the year 2000 a new tram system was built in South London with modern electric trams. There are now plans to build new tram systems in other parts of London too.
Vicki Sullivan, BBC Learning English
Oliver: 以前,在很多年前,伦敦其实有很多的有轨电车。但是在上个世纪50年代,他们被逐步淘汰了。
John: They were phased out.
Oliver: 不过现在,在伦敦南部又有了现代化的有轨电车了,并且有计划将在伦敦的其它部分开通更多的有轨电车。
John: Before we go we should really tell you what kind of ticket to buy to get around London. We asked Vicki what kind of ticket was best for a tourist to buy.
You could buy a one-day travelcard, which allows passengers to travel on all the different types of public transport as much as they like for one day.
Vicki Sullivan, BBC Learning English
John: So, Vicki recommends buying a travelcard.
Oliver: A travelcard 全天通票。一种你可以全天任何时候使用任何公共交通工具的票。到这里,你已经对伦敦的公共交通有了一个了解了,我们的节目时间也快到了,欢迎你下次继续收听我们的节目,更多的了解伦敦。
John: Yes, join us next time. Bye bye!
Oliver: 再见!