John: Hello and welcome to On the Town from BBC Learning English. I'm John.
Feifei: 大家好,欢迎收听今天的都市掠影节目,我是冯菲菲。
John: Heathrow Airport is the UK's biggest airport, and it's also Europe's busiest airport for passenger traffic and handles more international passenger traffic than any other airport in the world.
Feifei: 希斯罗机场是英国境内最大,也是欧洲最繁忙的机场,每年国际旅客流量位居世界第一。
John: We spoke to Donna Casey, Media Relations Manager at Heathrow. She told us the history of the airport.
Heathrow was built, or opened, in 1946. It used to be an old RAF base and it evolved from there, originally run by the Civil Aviation Authority and then BAA. It's evolved over the years. The original terminals opened in 1955, with Terminal two; Terminal one opened later, in 1968; Terminal three in 1961 and Terminal four in 1986.
Donna Casey, Media Relations Manager at Heathrow airport
Feifei: What is the RAF John?
John: RAF stands for Royal Air Force. RAF. So before the airport was built, it used to be an old RAF base.
Feifei: RAF 代表的是 Royal Air Force 英国皇家空军。希斯罗机场在1946年成为民用机场前曾经是英国皇家空军基地。希斯罗曾经是由民用航空局管理 Civil Aviation Authority,现在是受英国机场管理局的管理 British Airports Authority.
John: Here's Donna again.
Heathrow's the world's busiest international airport. It's extremely large but it only operates with two runways. In terms of size, we provide a service for 90 airlines, serving 180 destinations. Currently we're handling about 185,000 passengers a day; that equates to about 68 million a year.
Donna Casey, Media Relations Manager at Heathrow airport
John: So that's 90 airlines, serving 180 destinations, handling about 185,000 passengers a day, so about 68 million passengers travel through Heathrow every year.

Heathrow airport has five Terminals
Feifei: 九十家航空公司 90 airlines, 一百八十个飞行目的地 180 destinations, 日客流量十八万零五千,年客流量达到了六千八百万。No wonder it's one of the busiest airports in the world. But is it the same as any other airport? Are there any differences?
John: Donna explains what we should expect when landing at Heathrow. Here are some words that might help. Air bridge.
Feifei: 旅客通道桥。
John: Arrivals hall.
Feifei: 到达厅。
John: Immigration.
Feifei: 移民检查,这是每个国家设于机场,港口检查入境者的护照及有关文件的一个检查站 immigration.
John: Baggage Reclaim hall.
Feifei: 行李提取厅。
John: Customs.
Feifei: 海关检查 customs. Let's listen.
On landing at Heathrow, you'd expect the normal process that you'd see at any other airport. When you get off the plane, you'll enter Heathrow usually by an air bridge, then you'll go down through into the Arrivals hall – well you'll go through Immigration – then you'll have the opportunity to proceed to the Baggage Reclaim hall where you can collect your bags and then you'll go through Customs and you can depart the airport. There are many public transport routes into London from here, either by coach, bus, by London Underground, or by the Heathrow Express.
Donna Casey, Media Relations Manager at Heathrow airport
John: So, if you follow the signs and the procedure as Donna describes, then you are ready to depart from the airport. There are many public transport routes into London from Heathrow, for example, you can go by coach…
Feifei: 坐长途大巴或是直达巴士。
John: By bus.
Feifei: 坐公共汽车。
John: By London Underground.
Feifei: 坐伦敦地铁。
John: Or by the Heathrow Express.
Feifei: 或是坐希斯罗快线,这条快线每十五分钟一班,从伦敦帕丁顿 London Paddington 出发到希斯罗机场只用十五分钟。总之,连接机场和伦敦市区的公共交通选择非常多,你可以选择最适合你的方式。Donna told us where to go for help.
They should ask any member of staff for help or alternatively there are information desks across the airport. Our Information Desk staff do speak – are multilingual – so if they are having problems, that would be my best advice, is to go to the Information Desk and a member of staff there will be pleased to help.
Donna Casey, Media Relations Manager at Heathrow airport
John: So Donna says you can ask any member of staff or go to the Information Desk where you will find multilingual staff.
Feifei: Donna 说如果大家有任何的问题或是需要帮助的话,都可以询问机场任何一名工作人员,或是到服务台,在那里会有讲多种语言的工作人员帮助你,multilingual 讲多种语言的。
John: We look forward to seeing you at Heathrow and welcome you to London. Join us again next time for another On the Town, and don't forget our website is updated every day and you'll find that at:
Feifei: 别忘了,我们的网站每天都会更新。Thanks for listening and see you next time.
John: Bye bye!