In Iraq at least 15 people have been killed in 2 separate car bombings in Baghdad. The deadliest attack happened in the mostly Shiite neighborhood of Ur, where a car bombing killed at least 8 people and wounded 20 others. There has been no claim of responsibility for the attacks. _____________________The government pulled out of the talks and Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif condemned the killings. A date for another round of talks is not scheduled. 伊拉克首都巴格达分别发生两起汽车炸弹爆炸事件,导致至少15人丧生.这次伤亡最大的袭击发生在什叶派聚集区乌尔,汽车炸弹导致至少8人死亡,20人受伤.尚未有组织声称对此事负责. ________________________政府退出和谈,总理谢里夫谴责塔利班屠杀被俘士兵.下一轮谈判的日期尚未确定.