
想要提高流利度,最好的方法之一就是谈论你熟知的话题。当你对自己了解的事物进行讨论时,你会受到更多挑战,因为你会在讨论自己感兴趣的主题时,会使用相关词汇。即使你不懂行话,你也会使用一些常用的新词汇。谈论你“熟知”的话题可以帮助你树立信心,因为无需为了查找正确的行话而苦恼。 自信心的推动可以让你走进一个良性循环:我说得越多,我就越是愿意犯错误,英语也就提高得越多,自然也就更愿意开口了。 1.The Virtuous Cycle 良性循环 A virtuous cycle is a process through which you steadily improve over time. Think of improving your English fluency as not going from point A to point B, but, rather, like a spiral that grows over time as in the graphic. You'll start off slowly, but you'll expand, you will become more fluent, which will lead you to want to speak more and so on. The key to improving fluency is to grow slowly over time and take time for the process. It doesn't happen over night, so you need to have the right attitude: I'm going to make mistakes, and I'll learn from them. 良性循环就是一个你的英语平稳上升的过程。提高英语的流利度,并不是像从A点跳到B点,而是螺旋形的图案一样。你的起步可能比较慢,但你一直都在进步,你会变得更加流利,这会使你更有开口的欲望。提高流利度的关键在于慢慢进步,专注过程。它不是一朝一夕的事,所以你需要树立正确的态度:我会犯错误,并且从中学习。 This may seem like a simple answer, and it is! However, over the years I've noticed that students who are willing too make the most mistakes are also the students who more quickly become fluent in English. 这看起来可能很简单,但它也确实是这样的!不过,多年以来,我发现,越是不怕犯错误的学生,越是能在短时间内说一口流利的英语。 Students who are overly worried about being correct may do very well on grammar tests, but they often have difficulties speaking English. That's because they become too self-aware and don't allow themselves to join in the flow of a conversation. 太过在意正误的学生可能会在语法考试中名列前茅,但他们在口语上会遇到困难。这是因为他们自我意识太过强烈,不让自己加入到对话当中。 2.Conversations are a River 对话就像河流 Good conversations flow like a river. 好的对话如同流水。 They go from this topic to that topic, nothing is forced. If you listen to closely to yourself, or are constantly thinking "Is this right?", you'll block the flow of the river. It sounds simplistic, but I've noticed it to be absolutely true. Even if you have difficulties finding the right words, take your time, find the words and participate. Don't criticize yourself. 他们在各个话题之间切换,毫无压力。如果你太过在意自己说话的内容,或者总是在想“我这样说对不对?”那么你就是阻塞河流的流动了。这听起来很简单,但我发现这确实是真的。即使你在对话中找不到恰当的词,可以花一点时间,查找要用的词语,再加入对话中。不要总是批评自己。 Here's a way to think about improving your fluency through conversation. 下面是怎样通过对话来提高流利度的方法。 Trust yourself to speak. 相信自己能行。 Make a number of mistakes, but continue the conversation. 即使会犯错误,也会坚持练习。 Listen to your partner speak on the same subject. 同样的话题,听听你的搭档是怎么说的。 Notice differences between the vocabulary you've used, and the vocabulary your partner has used. 留意你和搭档在用词上的差异。 Compare the differences and consider the following questions: 将这些差别进行对比,并考虑下面的问题: 1. Can you pick up any new vocabulary? 你能学会使用新词汇吗? 2. Were there any differences in the way your partner used the expressions? 你的搭档所使用的表达和你有不同点吗? |