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本帖最后由 evaxiaofan 于 2011-2-22 12:53 编辑
3. Giggle格格地笑;傻笑
I heard them giggle when I passed by the girls.
4. Grin露齿而笑
She was grinning with delight.她高兴得咧开嘴笑了。
5. Chuckle含笑,轻声笑
He was chuckling to himself over what he was reading. 他对自己在读的东西,暗自发笑。
6. Snicker忍笑;暗笑(通常有不敬的成分)
On hearing his absurd opinion, I went snickering. 听了他荒谬的意见,我忍不住笑着走开了。
7. Roar哄笑;大笑
His jokes set the table in a roar. 他的笑语使满座哄堂大笑。
They roared with laughter. 他们轰然大笑。
8. Simper假笑;痴笑,傻笑
When I told him that news,he simply simpered. 当我把那消息告诉他时,他只假笑了一下。
9. Cachinnate放声大笑
He cachinnated till his sides ached.他笑得肚皮都痛了。
10. Chortle欢笑;哈哈大笑
The children chortled all the time while they were hearing the story.
11. Deride讥笑
They all derided his foolishness.他们都讥笑他的愚笨。
12. Taunt嘲笑
He taunted me beyond endurance.他的嘲笑我不能忍受。
13. Horselaugh纵声大笑(如马嘶一般)
He burst out into a horselaugh.他忽然高声狂笑。
14. Guffaw 大笑;捧腹大笑
What he said aroused a blast of guffaw.他的话引起大家一阵哄笑。
今天你笑了没有?希望你有欢快喜悦的笑容。 |