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标题: crazy in ENGLISH [打印本页]

作者: cc515fly    时间: 2007-5-19 20:03     标题: crazy in ENGLISH

一直迷恋英语,从跟姐姐学说第一个单词"I".那时侯很骄傲,不时从姐姐那里学一些新词,见了邻居,赶紧显摆两下子,什么"apple"了,"mother"了,听到别人的夸赞,心里那个甜那! 然后上初中,说也奇怪.我跟同村另外两个女孩子同班,都爱学英语,都特别下劲.可总是我一个人经常被老师表扬.听着老师当那么多同学的面大声说:"你看人家王聪同学英语作文写的多好,大家可以看一下""你看人家王聪同学的英语说的多棒"当时,真是象一头扎在了蜂蜜里,甜那!那真是"top  of the  world"!到了高中,那更是-个字---狂!表扬接二连三往我身上砸,呵呵,逢人都会问我:"你英语怎么学的呀?"呵呵,其实想想我自己也蛮有天赋的.可惜自己选了理科,高招报考受到很多限制,没有走英语专业.现在想来也好,毕竟这样跟易于展现自己.可没有想到大学的英语课堂那么让人失望,枯燥乏味.到头来,我逃了不少课.课堂上没有学到知识,幸亏自己平时喜欢看一些英语书,才可以勉强维持自己骄傲的头衔。考英语4级的时候本来想来个一鸣惊人,可惜平时积累不够,勉强考了598分,也算苍天有言。不妄我对它的一片痴情,可是不满足啊.后悔啊,呵呵,不过现在我的激情又重新燃烧起来,相信吧,只要有激情,一定可以的!当然还要有一定的基础啊,天赋啊.呵呵,骗你的,只要努力,都能办到!"Nothing is impossible to a willing  mind "!
作者: cc515fly    时间: 2007-5-19 20:09     标题: so in love


Spring, summer, fall & winter dreams..
Those are shinning like a star
They keep whispering,
"I'm so in love with you"

Spring, summer, fall & winter love..
It is breeng to my heart
and it keeps telling,
"I'll make you rainbow smile"

I remember when we were angels,
when we dreamed about us
 All my days were happy
 just like a snowy christmas
 I wish i'd have them always..

Every step i make writes a story
It is full of the heart
feeling love of my life and
missing friends of my time
I Wish i'd have them all..

In Spring, summer, fall & winter days..
we've been sharing all the hearts
love shines in my eyes
love just won't fade away

I remember when we were angels,
when we dreamed about us
All my days were happy
just like a snowy christmas
I wish i'd have them always..

Every step i make writes a story
It is full of the heart
feeling love of my life and
missing friends of my time
I Wish i'd have them all..

If you'd all the way show me the world
 where I will stay in love

Every step i make writes a story
It is full of the heart
feeling love of my life and
missing friends of my time
I Wish i'd have them all..

If you'd all the way show me the world
where I will stay in love
All my days will be white
just like a snowy christmas
You're just all I need
作者: chenrenhua    时间: 2007-5-20 04:43

a good man.
作者: yoyo530521    时间: 2007-5-21 09:33

作者: xiaoxiang828    时间: 2007-5-21 23:01

作者: 九尾金狐    时间: 2007-8-29 17:23

作者: 九尾金狐    时间: 2007-8-29 17:23

作者: DZ    时间: 2007-8-30 17:14

thank you for sharing your experience with us my english was ever excellent,but large numbers of words make me less interested in it

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