Is this the world's creepiest robot? Japanese inventor develops the bald, legless Telenoid R1
难道这个世界上还有比这个更让人感到“毛骨悚然”的机器人吗?上图这个秃头、无腿的机器人乃一向以制造仿真拟人机器人日本设计师石黑浩一创造。这款他最近制作的远端临场机器人Telenoid R1更是被媒体称为最令人毛骨悚然的机器人。
Hiroshi Ishiguro with his latest invention, the Telenoid R1, which he says can transmit the presence of a person from a long distance
日本设计师石黑浩一双手环抱机器人“Telenoid R1”给众人讲解他的运行原理,原来这款机器人是一款交流机器人,并且它能够远距离模仿人的表情、动作和声音。使用者只需坐在电脑前,由摄像头捕捉记录下他的表情和动作变化。
Its pale torso is about the size of a small child, it has no legs and just stumps for arms.
An elderly man communicates with his granddaughter via the new humanoid robot
A girl receives a lesson via computer from the robot which is shaped like a child and composed of minimal human features