A first date falls into two categories: following up on an introduction, or pursuing personal instincts when asking out someone of your choosing. No matter which approach is taken, first dates can be stressful for both parties. It is normal to be a little nervous as one always wants to put their best foot forward and make a good first impression. The question commonly asked is how to go about planning a date that says “I like you” and “I want to get to know you”. In order for your level of interest to be conveyed it is important to show that effort and thought went into setting the right tone for your time spent together.
更多英文资料阅读请点击:英语分级阅读 初次约会一般有两种情况,一是经人介绍,而是由于个人直觉,对自己心仪的对象提出邀约。无论是哪一种情况,第一次约会会让双方都感到颇有压力。人人都希望事情有个美好的开端,给对方留下美好的印象,所以感到些微紧张是很正常的。人们通常会问,要怎么计划这样一场约会,才能告诉对方“我喜欢你”,“我希望更多的了解你”呢?为了传达你的心意,很重要的一点是,你应该让对方知道自己为了这场初次约会进展顺利,投注了许多心思和气力。 Begin the process with a phone call. As old school as it may sound, texts, tweets or emails just don’t cut it as a way to ask someone out. Direct communication where conversation can flow back and forth is still king. 首先,给对方去一个电话,这虽然看起来有点老土,可是,当你想约某人出去的时候,发短信、微博或者邮件都不如电话直截了当。双向的对话和直接交流仍然是王道。 Pick a location where you can talk without screaming. Hip and cool is fine, crazy loud with a thumping sound track is a no-no. The restaurant’s atmosphere and people watching are great sources for dialog. Observations made can be very revealing about each other. 第二,挑选一个你们可以自由交谈,不用大声高喊的安静环境。嘻哈风格的场所还差强人意,带有打击乐背景音响的特别吵闹的地方就不行了。在安静的氛围中,餐厅的环境和周围的客人可以作为极好的谈资。你们对对方的观察也可以更加清晰透彻。 Don’t pick a see and be seen place. The focus should be on the two of you without the interruptions of having to interface with the people you know in the room. Plus no reason to inform your immediate universe what you are up to. 不要选一个有熟人出没的地方。你们应该以两人单独相处为重点,杜绝此地还有你认识的人介入的情况。再说,还没必要让你的交际圈知道你正在干什么。 Movies are a perfect third or forth date idea as they provide food for thought later in the evening. As far as first dates go, stick to plans that allow you to get to know one another rather than sitting in the dark munching on popcorn. 到第三、第四次约会时再去看电影更好,因为电影能让你们在散场后有思考交谈的共同话题。至于第一次约会,还是选择能让你们了解双方的活动,而不是坐在黑暗中嚼爆米花比较好。 Common hobbies and shared interests are great for couples to engage in, but not on a first date. As your initial get together, hiking, biking, sky diving may not be an ideal way to connect. No need to show them your sweated up look right away. Making small talk while gripping your knees and panting is not sexy. 共同的兴趣爱好对一对情侣来说是经营感情的绝佳手段,但是对于初次约会的两人来说则不是。在初次约会时,远足、骑自行车、跳伞都不是理想的交流方式。没必要此刻就把你汗津津的样子展示给对方。当你精疲力尽,一边支着膝盖喘气、一边跟对方聊天,这可不够性感。 Coffee: Not the best idea for an initial meeting. A cup of Joe says “I don’t want to invest too much money or time with you”. “I am in it for quick recon”. Although coffee houses can be quaint and atmospheric, they tend to be viewed as in between activities, not the main event of the day or evening. 喝咖啡:不是初次约会的理想方式。约一倍咖啡会让对方觉得你“不想为对方花费太多的金钱或时间”、觉得你“只是想快速侦查一下”对方的情况。虽然咖啡厅环境颇为古雅浪漫,但是喝咖啡通常被认为是人们办正事的间隙时间里的消遣,而不是这一天或这一晚上的主要活动。 Lunch: A mid day meal can be seen as a one hour, more stilted, business like encounter rather than a date. On the other hand, a weekend picnic in a park, sitting on a blanket with savory threats is romantic. 吃午餐:一天正午的这餐饭可能会被看成程式化的,时间固定的商务会面而不是约会。另一方面,在周末去公园野餐,坐在毯子上吃着美味的点心倒是颇为浪漫。 Drinks: Clinking glasses is festive and shows a commitment of time and provides an upbeat vibe. What is appealing about drinks as a first date is that it leaves the door open for dinner. If things are going well it is easy to expand on your evening. 酒吧畅饮:去酒吧开怀畅饮,相互碰杯可以制造愉悦发气氛,表现你愿意为对方投入时间,而且能够调动双方的情绪。初次约会去酒吧畅饮的一大好处在于,你能很自然的约对方吃晚餐。如果进展顺利的话,你就能轻松的将约会顺延到晚上的用餐时间了。 Dinner: This demonstrates a willingness to spend an extended period of time with someone. Nothing expresses interest more than a two hour meal, especially on a Saturday night. 吃晚餐:吃晚餐会告诉对方,你愿意长时间与对方共处。没什么比一场两小时的晚宴更能表达你的心意了,特别是在周六的晚上。 The exciting part about a first date is that if it moves in the right direction, you are paving the way for second and third get togethers. When saying good night, assuming all went well, let it be known and take the initiative to plan another outing, leaving you both wanting more and giving each other something to look forward to… 初次约会让人开心之处在于,如果进展顺利,你们就可以准备进行第二、第三次约会了。当你们互道晚安,如果你心想一切都很顺利,要及时把自己的想法告诉对方,主动安排下一次见面,让双方都想要继续,给对方一点可供期待的念想…… 更多英文资料阅读请点击:英语分级阅读