BBC News with Julie Candler. Demonstrators from southern Mexico have been arriving in convoy in the capital Mexico City to join a massive protest against the abduction of 43 students. Police prepared crowd trying to block a road junction near the city’s international airport. The demonstrations have been led by the students’ families.__________________________________. Julie Candler为您播报BBC新闻 来自墨西哥南部的示威者已在保护下抵达墨西哥首都。针对被绑架的43名学生的问题,他们此行的目的是参加一场大型的游行示威活动。而警方则在国际机场附近的一个交通枢纽处布置了大量人手,防止示威者通过。这些示威者由学生的家属带领。____________________________________.
作者: herman_liu76 时间: 2014-12-28 21:21
they want answesr from the government on the fate of TRli teachers who was abdupted by the police link to drug scandles.