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标题: VOA标准英语2014.09.03 [打印本页]

作者: Rebecca949    时间: 2014-9-3 09:28     标题: VOA标准英语2014.09.03


_________________________Even on Monday, journalists had to wait for several hours before commission chief Ahmad Yousof Nooristani arrived to declare the results. He said that more than 8 million Afghan voters in the runoff election and that over 56% of the tally went to Ashraf Gahni while his rival Abdullah Abdullah received approximately 44%. However the chief election commissioner cautioned against drawing any conclusions at this stage. Nooristani says the announcement of preliminary results does not mean that the leading candidate is the winner, adding that proving to rigging complaints might change the outcome. Ayaz Gul for VOA news, Islamabad." _______________________即使在周一,记者也苦苦等待了数个小时才等到了委员会主席Ahmad Yousof Nooristani的到来,选举结果由他来公布.他宣布,此次总统决选有超过800万名阿富汗选民参加,其中超过56%的人把票投给了阿什拉夫-加尼,另外将近44%的人投给了他的对手阿卜杜拉-阿卜杜拉.然而,这位选举委员会主席告诫媒体不要轻易在这个阶段就下任何定论.Nooristani表示,初步结果的公示并不意味着领先者就是赢家,而且一旦操纵选票的指控被证实,结果可能会有变数.这里是美国之音新闻,Ayaz Gul在伊斯兰堡为您报道.


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