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标题: 职场英语场景五:SCENE5 我知道最适合的人选 [打印本页]

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-2-28 16:03     标题: 职场英语场景五:SCENE5 我知道最适合的人选


Zina: OK, let's find somebody then.

吉娜: 好吧,那我们就再找个人。

Vince: Good. I'll take care of it.

文斯: 好。我来处理这件事。

Zina: Wait a second, Vince. You know what? Why don't you let me handle it?

吉娜: 等等,文斯。这样吧,不好我来处理好了。

Vince: Are you sure? 1) Do you have somebody in mind?

文斯: 你确定?你心目中有人选吗?

Zina: Yeah. Let me see if he'll do it, and I'll get back to you.

吉娜: 有。我先去看看他做不做,再跟你说。

Vince: OK. Just keep in mind it has to be somebody who can 2) get along with Elvin.

文斯: 好。切记这个人得要能跟艾文处得来。

Zina: 3) Don't sweat it. I know just the guy.

吉娜: 你别多虑了。我知道最适合的人选。


A: If you need any help, just call.


B: Thanks. I'll keep that in mind.


【I'll get back to you. 我再回复你。】

当有人问起你一些事情或是讯息,若你无法立即答复,得要先去研究研究的时候,就可以用上这句话 I'll get back to you.“我会再回复你。”表达等你一有结论就会主动联络对方的诚意。

A: How much are these machines going to cost me?


B: Let me check my figures, and I'll get back to you on that.


【Don't sweat it.别花这心思。】

sweat 是“流汗”,而若是碰到要费一些周折才能解决的事,流点汗肯定是免不了的。于是sweat 也可以用作名词,表示“苦差事”,引申做动词也就成了“费苦心”的意思,Don't sweat it 这句短语就是指“别花力气、心思在这上头”。目的是告诉对方不必大费周折,白花力气。

A: I'm sorry I forgot your birthday party.


B: Don't sweat it. I had a good time anyway.


1) Do you have somebody in mind? 你心目中有人选吗?文后的 mind 则是指“谨记在心”。

2) get along with... 与……处得来

3) Don't sweat it 别白费力气了

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