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标题: 中共中央总书记习近平发表重要讲话(双语全文) [打印本页]

作者: wellgz    时间: 2012-11-16 17:39     标题: 中共中央总书记习近平发表重要讲话(双语全文)


女士们,先生们,朋友们:大家好!让大家久等了,很高兴同各位记者朋友见面。Good day, ladies, gentlemen, and friends. Sorry to have kept you waiting. I am very happy to meet with you, friends of the press.

昨天,中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会胜利闭幕了。这些天来,各位记者朋友们对这次大会作了大量报道,向世界各国传递了许多“中国声音”。大家很敬业、很专业、很辛苦,在此,我代表十八大大会秘书处,向你们表示衷心的感谢。 Yesterday, the 18th CPC National Congress victoriously concluded. During these days, friends of the press have made lots of coverage on the congress and conveyed China's voice in abundance to every country around the world. Everyone has been very dedicated, professional and hardworking. For this, on behalf of the Secretariat of the 18th Party Congress, I would like to express sincere gratitude to you.

刚才,我们召开了中国共产党第十八届中央委员会第一次全体会议,会议上选举产生了新一届中央领导机构。全会选举产生了七位中央政治局常委,选举我担任中共中央总书记。接下来,我把其他6位常委同事向大家介绍一下。Just now, we have conducted the first plenary meeting of the 18th CPC Central Committee and elected the new central leadership organisation during the meeting. The plenary meeting election has produced seven Standing Committee members of the Political Bureau and elected me as the CPC General Secretary. Here, let me introduce to you my colleagues, the other six Standing Committee members.

他们是:李克强同志、张德江同志、俞正声同志、刘云山同志、王岐山同志、张高丽同志。They are: Comrade Li Keqiang, Comrade Zhang Dejiang, Comrade Yu Zhengsheng, Comrade Liu Yunshan, Comrade Wang Qishan, and Comrade Zhang Gaoli.

李克强同志是十七届中央政治局常委,其他同志都是十七届中央政治局委员,大家对他们都比较了解。Comrade Li Keqiang served as a Standing Committee member of the Political Bureau of the 17th CPC Central Committee while other [w=comrade]comrades[/w] served as members of the Political Bureau of the 17th CPC Central Committee. You have known them well.

在这里,我代表新一届中央领导机构成员,衷心感谢全党同志对我们的信任。我们一定不负重托,不辱使命!Here, on behalf of the members of the new central leadership organisation, I sincerely thank all comrades of the party for their trust in us. We will live up to the great trust placed on and the mission assigned to us.

全党同志的重托,全国各族人民的期望,这是对我们做好工作的巨大鼓舞,也是我们肩上沉沉的担子。The great trust of all members of the party and the expectations of people of all ethnic groups around the country are not only a tremendous encouragement to our doing the work well, but also a heavy burden on our shoulders.

这个重大的责任,是对民族的责任。我们的民族是伟大的民族。在五千多年的文明发展历程中,中华民族为人类的文明进步作出了不可磨灭的贡献。近代以后,我们的民族历经磨难,中华民族到了最危险的时候。自那时以来,为了实现中华民族伟大复兴,无数仁人志士奋起抗争,但一次又一次地失败了。This great responsibility is the responsibility to our nation. Our nation is a great nation. During the civilisation and development process of more than 5,000 years, the Chinese nation has made an [w]indelible[/w] contribution to the civilisation and advancement of mankind. In the modern era, our nation experienced constant hardship and difficulties. The Chinese nation reached the most dangerous period. Since then, countless people with [w]lofty[/w] ideals to realise the great revival of the Chinese nation rose to resist and fight, but failed one time after another.

中国共产党成立后,团结带领人民前赴后继、顽强奋斗,把贫穷落后的旧中国变成日益走向繁荣富强的新中国,中华民族伟大复兴展现出前所未有的光明前景。Since the founding of the CPC, we have united and led the people to advance and struggle [w]tenaciously[/w], transforming the impoverished and backward Old China into the New China that has become prosperous and strong gradually. The great revival of the Chinese nation has demonstrated unprecedented bright prospects.

我们的责任,就是要团结带领全党全国各族人民,接过历史的接力棒,继续为实现中华民族伟大复兴而努力奋斗,使中华民族更加坚强有力地自立于世界民族之林,为人类作出新的更大的贡献。Our responsibility is to unite and lead people of the entire party and of all ethnic groups around the country while accepting the baton of history and continuing to work for realising the great revival of the Chinese nation in order to let the Chinese nation stand more firmly and powerfully among all nations around the world and make a greater contribution to mankind.

这个重大的责任,就是对人民的责任。我们的人民是伟大的人民。在漫长的历史进程中,中国人民依靠自己的勤劳、勇敢、智慧,开创了民族和睦共处的美好家园,培育了历久弥新的优秀文化。This great responsibility is the responsibility to the people. Our people are a great people. During the long process of history, by relying on our own diligence, courage and wisdom, Chinese people have opened up a good and beautiful home where all ethnic groups live in harmony and fostered an excellent culture that never fades.

我们的人民热爱生活,期盼有更好的教育、更稳定的工作、更满意的收入、更可靠的社会保障、更高水平的医疗卫生服务、更舒适的居住条件、更优美的环境,期盼着孩子们能成长得更好、工作得更好、生活得更好。人民对美好生活的向往,就是我们的奋斗目标。Our people love life and expect better education, more stable jobs, better income, more reliable social security, medical care of a higher standard, more comfortable living conditions, and a more beautiful environment. They hope that their children can grow up better, work better and live better. People's yearning for a good and beautiful life is the goal for us to strive for.

人世间的一切幸福都是要靠辛勤的劳动来创造的。我们的责任,就是要团结带领全党全国各族人民,继续解放思想,坚持改革开放,不断解放和发展社会生产力,努力解决群众的生产生活困难,坚定不移走共同富裕的道路。Every bit of happiness in the world has to be created by diligent work and labour. Our responsibility is to rally and lead the whole party and all of China's ethnic groups and continue to emancipate our way of thinking, insist on reform and opening up, further unleash and develop social productive forces, work hard to resolve the difficulties faced by the masses in both production and life, and steadfastly take the road of common prosperity.

这个重大的责任,就是对党的责任。我们的党是全心全意为人民服务的政党。党领导人民已经取得了举世瞩目的成就,我们完全有理由因此而自豪,但我们自豪而不自满,决不会躺在过去的功劳薄上。This is a major responsibility towards the party. Our party is a political party that serves the people wholeheartedly. The party has led the people in scoring accomplishments that capture the attention of the world. We have every reason to be proud. However, we are proud but not complacent, and we will never rest on our laurels.

新形势下,我们党面临着许多严峻挑战,党内存在着许多亟待解决的问题。尤其是一些党员干部中发生的贪污腐败、脱离群众、形式主义、官僚主义等问题,必须下大气力解决。全党必须警醒起来。In the new situation, our party faces many severe challenges, and there are many pressing problems within the party that need to be resolved, especially problems such as corruption and bribe-taking by some party members and cadres, being out of touch with the people, placing undue emphasis on formality and bureaucracy must be addressed with great effort. The whole party must be vigilant.


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