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标题: 1月5日互动话题:What's your opinion on the " Naked Wedding"? [打印本页]

作者: 狮子座    时间: 2010-1-6 10:55     标题: 1月5日互动话题:What's your opinion on the " Naked Wedding"?


No delicated house, no bride team, no banquet for the relatives and no custom-made wedding dresses. The only thing that Duan and Wang had were just two certificates proving their marriage to be legal.


Maybe you are a little out of date if you have no idea about the " Naked Wedding", which means the couple just get married with no house, no car, no wedding celebration and even no wedding rings. This phenomenon emerged under the global financial crisis background in 2008.

就像任何新鲜事物都会引起热议一样,裸婚当然也不例外。而人们争论的焦点无非就是“没有婚礼算不算真正的婚姻”、“双方父母是否同意”、“新娘是否有安全感”、“ 是否真能恒久远”、“裸婚是金融危机造成的无奈还是时代进步”、“没有物质基础的婚姻是否会造成婚后的问题?”等等。

The "Naked Wedding", like other fangles, has become a hot topic among people, with several focuses such as "can the marriage be accepted with no wedding celebration?", "if a marriage like that can be admitted by their parents?", "whether it provides enough respect for the bride or not?","is it necessary to have a diamond ring to promise the  happiness ever after?", "is it helpless during the financial crisis or the progress of era?", "will it cause problems afterwards?" etc.


Dear friends, what’s your consideration on it? Are you willing to be a part of it?

作者: suengwook    时间: 2010-1-27 08:58

wow~ i think it's a Nightmare that will be in the one's life..hh
作者: kylezhou2010    时间: 2010-1-27 09:11

本帖最后由 kylezhou2010 于 2010-1-27 09:34 AM 编辑
wow~ i think it's a Nightmare that will be in the one's life..hh
suengwook 发表于 2010-1-27 08:58 AM

No,i dont agree with you.
Somebody is distracted from the magnificent wedding.
i hate that.

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