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标题: 面试中令人难堪的六句话(一) [打印本页]

作者: x-ace    时间: 2009-12-30 14:19     标题: 面试中令人难堪的六句话(一)

  NO.1 我最近六个月一直宅在家里
  表达难点:全球都经济危机了,找不到工作在家睡觉六个月算是什么丢人的事儿么?当然不是!不过您可千万别实话实说---I have been unemployed/jobless in the past six months. 又不是演员试镜,用不着把气氛渲染得这么凄惨。
  表述技巧:当你的工作经历中间有比较大段的时间空白的时候,面试官不可避免的会问到这段时间你的whereabouts。这里应该尽量避免出现unemployed这种负面气场比较强烈的词。用一个词组"in between jobs"就可以委婉地表示这样的意思了。当然,最好的方式是告诉你的面试官:这半年虽然没有正式的工作,我可是一直没停止像金子一样的发光!
  What have you been doing since your last job?
  I´ve worked on a few freelance projects, while still actively job seeking。
  I volunteered for a coaching program that assists physically disadvantaged children。
  My grandmother needed a temporary caregiver at the hospital and I spent time looking after her。
  I took some continuing education classes and seminars, for example。
作者: 凯强    时间: 2010-3-1 17:17

thanks a lot !
作者: 猫咪    时间: 2010-3-2 09:34

In between jobs is a hard time for the young man.

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