Google to produce, sell own "Nexus One" phones: report
谷歌拟生产卖自己的“Nexus One”手机
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Google Inc plans to sell its own cellphone direct to consumers as soon as next year, bypassing wireless operators in a rare strategic move, the Wall Street Journal cited sources as saying on Saturday.
Called the Nexus One and made by smartphone maker HTC, the phone will run on the search giant's Android operating system -- around which Motorola and other cellphone makers have built devices -- and will be sold online, the newspaper cited persons familiar with the matter as saying.
Cellular service will have to be bought separately, it added.
The Internet search leader may be sounding a challenge to wireless carriers such as Sprint and Verizon, as well as smartphone makers like Apple. It marks a departure for the leader in Web advertising, which has rarely sold devices directly to consumers, the newspaper said.
该报引述知情人士的话称:此款名为Nexus One 智能手机由宏达(HTC )代工,采用谷歌的Android操作系统,然后在线销售。摩托罗拉和其他手机制造商也在围绕该系统开发设备。报道还补充称:移动电话服务将必须单独购买。
网络搜索巨头也许正在向斯普林特 (Sprint)和威瑞森 (Verizon)等无线运营商以及苹果等智能电话制造商发出挑战。该报道称:这标志着网络广告领导者的另一个开始,因为她很少直接向消费者出售商品。欢迎光临 英语听力论坛 ( | Powered by Discuz! 7.2 |