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标题: 学典故记单词:和数字有关的表达之"two" [打印本页]

作者: hollo    时间: 2009-12-5 15:59     标题: 学典故记单词:和数字有关的表达之"two"

Now, the VOA Special English program, WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.
Last week, I told about the number one. Today, I will tell about expressions using other numbers.
Some problems are difficult to solve. But there are a lot of number expressions that can help. For example, if we put two and two together, we might come up with the right answer. We know that two heads are better than one. It is always better to work with another person to solve a problem.
Sometimes there are no two ways about it. Some problems have only one solution. You cannot be of two minds over this.
But with any luck, we could solve the problem in two shakes of a lamb's tail. We could have our answers quickly and easily.
Sometimes we can kill two birds with one stone. That is, we can complete two goals with only one effort or action. But we must remember that two wrongs don't make a right. If someone does something bad to you, you should not do the same to him.
If you are going out with your girlfriend, or boyfriend, you do not want another friend to go along on your date. You can just say to your friend: two's company, three's a crowd.
When I was a young child in school, I had to learn the three R's.  These important skills are reading, writing and arithmetic. These three words do not all start with the letter "R." But they have the sound of "R." My teachers used to give three cheers when I did well in math. They gave praise and approval for a job well done.
Some of my friends were confused and did not understand their schoolwork. They were at sixes and sevens. In fact, they did not care if they finished high school. They saw little difference between the two choices. Six of one, half a dozen the other – that was their position. But they were really happy when they completed their studies and graduated from high school. They were in seventh heaven. They were on cloud nine.
Nine times out of ten, students who do well in school find good jobs. Some work in an office doing the same things every day at nine-to-five jobs. You do not have to dress to the nines, or wear your best clothes, for this kind of work.
Last year, one of my friends applied for a better job at her office. I did not think she would get it. I thought she had a hundred to one shot at the job. Other people at her office thought her chances were a million to one. One reason was that she had been caught catching forty winks at the office. She slept at her desk for short periods during the day. But her supervisor appointed her to the new job at the eleventh hour -- at the very last minute. I guess her lucky number came up.
This VOA Special English program, WORDS AND THEIR STORIES, was written by Jill Moss. I'm Faith Lapidus.
作者: hollo    时间: 2009-12-5 16:00


有一些问题很难解决。但是有很多关于数字的表达方式可以起到作用。例如,如果我们根据事实推理(put two and two together),就可能得出正确的答案。我们知道人多智广(或者说三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮,two heads are better than one)。与其他人一起工作来解决问题总比一个人好。

有时候你别无选择(no two ways about it),有些问题只有一个解决方法。你不能三心二意(be of two minds)。

但是有时候运气好,我们能立即(in two shakes of a lamb’s tail)解决问题。我们能够迅速简便地得到答案。

有时候我们能够一举两得(kill two birds with one stone)。也就是说,我们可以通过一次努力活行动完成两个目标。但是我们必须记住两个错误不能构成一个正确(two wrongs don’t make a right)。如果别人对你做了什么坏事,你不能冤冤相报。

如果你跟男朋友或女朋友外出,你不想另外一个朋友参加你的约会,你可以对你的朋友说:两人成伴三人不欢(two’s company, three’s a crowd.)。

当我还在读书的时候,我必须学习三个"R"。这三项重要的技能是阅读(reading),写作(writing_和算术(arithmetic)。这三个词并不都是以字母"R"开头的。但是他们的发音都包含"R"音。我数学表现比较好时,老师经常为我欢呼(give three cheers)。人们经常为完成的比较好的工作予以赞扬和认可。

我有些朋友非常困惑,不能明白课业。他们简直乱七八糟(at sixes and sevens)。实际上,他们根本就不在乎能否中学毕业。他们觉得两个选择没有任何区别,两者是半斤八两,各有千秋(Six of one, half a dozen the other)——这就是他们的立场。但是当他们从完成学业,从中学毕业时非常高兴。他们简直非常愉快(in seventh heaven),欣喜若狂(on cloud nine)。

十有八九(Nine times out of ten),在学校表现比较好的学生容易找到好工作。有一些人在办公室每天做着同样的事情,过着朝九晚五(nine-to-five)的生活。做这种工作,你不必打扮得时髦到极点(dress to the nines),或者穿你最好的衣服。

去年,我一个朋友申请办公室里一份比较好的工作。我认为她肯恩得不到。我认为她得到这份工作的机会微乎其微(a hundred to one shot)。她办公室其他人认为她的机会也非常小(a million to one)。一个原因是她被抓住在办公室小睡(forty winks)。白天她在办公室趴在桌子上睡了一小会儿。但是她的主管在最后时刻(eleventh hour)委任了她这项新的工作。我猜她是中彩了(lucky number came up)。


  (1) one by one 一个个地
  Students went out of the classroom one by
  one as soon as the bell rang.

  (2) at one 一致
  Their opinion is at one.

  (3) in one 合为一体
  It's a book of English phonetics,grammar and
  usage in one.

  (4) one another 互相
  We should help one another.

  (5) one to one 一比一
  Neither of them won,one to one.

  (6) one too many 多余的,不需要的
  I found myself one too many among people.

  (7) one in a thousand 优秀的人(或事物)
  My brother is a one in a thousand.

  (8) taking one with another总的看来
  The youth,taking one with another,is a nice worker.

  (9) from the first 首先;马上;立刻
  I knew him from the first.

  (10) first off 首先;马上;立刻
  They come to our office first off.

  (11) first water 极端
  You are a fool of the first water.

2. 含有two以及second的成语

  (1)two-way 双向的
  He invented a two-way recorder.

  (2) in two twos 立刻;一转眼
  My pen was lost in two twos.

(3) put two and two together 根据事实推断
  Thev came to the conclusion that he hadn't run out
  of their city,putting two and two together.

  (4) two-to-two shop 当铺
  This is only a two-to-two shop.

  (5) second to none 最好的;不可比拟的
  The jackets are second to none in the shop.

  (6) not for a second 决不
  "Are you tired after running"? "No, not for a second."
  "跑步以后你觉得累吗?" -- "不,一点也不累。"  

  3. 含有three及third的成语。

  (1) three-bottle man 大酒徒
  His grandfather is a three-bottle man.                                                   

  (2) third dimension 真实感
  The film seems to have a third dimension.


  (1) foursquare 直率的;坦白的
  The girl is four square.

  (2) on all fours 爬着
  The baby goes on all fours.

  (3) four-lettered words 下流话
  These books are full of four-lettered words.

  (4) in fours 每组四个
  Students are standing in a line,in fours.


  (1) five-star 很出色;第一流的;五星级的
  The house is five-star in the village.

  (2) five and ten 便宜的
  The meat is five and ten recently.

  (3) fifth wheel 多余的人(或物);备用轮
  The chair is a fifth wheel, please take it away.

  (4) take the fifth 拒绝回答
  I asked him many question, but he took the fifth.


  (1) at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟
  The boy made the room at sixes and sevens.

  (2) knock...for six 彻底打败……;完全打碎
  He knock the glass for six.


  (1) at seven-league 大踏步地
  China is developing at seven league strides.

  (2) in one's seventh heaven 在无限幸福中
  The children were in their seventh heaven,playing
  with water on the beach.


  chasing eight and quarters 追逐名利
  The boss in the company is a miser,chasing eight and


  (1) on cloud nine 万分高兴
  father bought me a bike, and I was on cloud nine.

  (2) in the nine holes 处于困境
  He is in the nine holes because of losing money.

  (3) dress up to the nines 打扮得十分华丽
  The woman dressed up to the nines.


  (1) take ten 小憩
  He took ten and went on working.

  (2) ten to one 很可能
  "He is at school, isn't he?"---"Yes.That must be ten
  to one."
  "他在读书,对吗?" "是的,很可能是。"  


  strike twelve 达到最高目标;获得最大成功
  You'll strike twelve if you study hard.

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