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标题: 英语初级口语教程1-5 [打印本页]

作者: ere118    时间: 2006-11-23 15:06     标题: 英语初级口语教程1-5

Lesson 1

Text A

How Old Is She?

A woman was having some trouble with her heart, so she went to see the doctor.He was a new doctor, and did not know her. so he first asked some questions, and one of them was , "How old are you?"
"Well," she answered, "I don't remember. doctor, but I will try to think." She thought for a minute and then said, "Yes. I remember now, doctor! When I married, I was eighteen years old, and my husband was thirty. Now my husband is sixty, I know. And that is twice thirty. So I am twice eighteen. That is thirty-six, isn't it?"

Text B

Could I Speak to Jim,Please?

A: Hello, 332440.
B: Oh hello, Sally. This is Dave Thomson here. Could I speak to Jim please?

A: I'm afraid he's not in at the moment Dave. He went out about an hour ago and he's not back yet
B: Any idea when he might?be back?

A: Well, he shouldn't be long. He said he was just going to get some paint. But I wouldn't be surprised if he's stopped off at the pub on
B: O. K. well , tell him I've called , will you , and I'll try again later.

the way back.

A: All right. Goodbye , Dave.
B: Thanks then Sally. Goodbye.

Questions on Text B

7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner.


The river, you see, was never really safe at that time of the year- early autumn, I mean, when there is heavy rainfall. So when I heard the children had gone swimming, as they used to all spring and summer, I knew there might be an awful accident. And when they came home late without little Katie, I guessed what had happened.

Lesson 2

Text A

But the Chinese Did !

One day Tom said to one of his friends, "I'm going to have a holiday in Peking. But I don't speak Chinese, so I'll go to evening classes and have Chinese lessons for a month before I go."

He studied very hard for a month, and then his holidays began and he went to China.

When he came back a few weeks later, his friend said to him, "Did you have any trouble with your Chinese when you were in Peking , Tom?"
"No, I didn't have any trouble with it," answered Tom. "But the Chinese did !"

Text B

At the Birthday Party

MRs Ross: Welcome, Peter. Give me your coat and hat.
PETER: Thank you, Mrs Ross.
MRs Ross: The boys and girls are in the living room. Wait, I'll call John.
* * *
JOHN: Hi, Peter. Why are you late?
PETER: My mother made me dress up.
JOHN: That's good. Alice has some pretty friends.
PETER: You know I don't like girls.
* * *
PETER: Happy birthday, Alice. Many happy returns of the day. Here's a present for you.
ALIcE: Thank you, Peter. Come into the dining room. I'm going to cut the cake soon.
JOHN: Have some sandwiches , Peter.
PETER: Thanks. John. who's that girl?
JOHN: That's Joan. She's pretty, isn't she? She likes to dance. Ask her to dance.
PETER: Well , I don't know.
JOHN: Don't be afraid. She isn't going to bite you.
PETER: Who's afraid? I'm not afraid.
* * *
PETER: Would you like to dance, Joan?
JOAN: Yes , Thank you. I'd like to dance very much.

Questions on Text B

7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner.

If you are in a hurry and you want to have a quick meal there is no better place than a self-service restaurant. You go into the restaurant, pick up a tray, knife, fork, and spoon and queue at a counter where the food is on display. You pick out what you want and put it on your tray, which you have to push along a special rack till you reach the cashier. The cashier will give you your bill. After paying, you take your tray to any table you like. You can sit alone or with another customer. You can have a good meal in ten minutes. And-as there is no waiter you don't have to give a tip.

Lesson 3

Text A

There Is Something Very Nice Inside Your Drum

It was Jimmy's birthday, and he was five years old. He got quite a lot of nice birthday presents from his family, and one of them was a beautiful big drum.
"Who gave him that thing?" Jimmy's father said when he saw it.
"His grandfather did," answered Jimmy's mother.
"Oh," said his father.
Of course , Jimmy liked his drum very much. He made a terrible noise witb it, but his mother did not mind. His father was working during the day, and Jimmy was in bed when he got home in the evening, so he did not hear the noise.
But one of the neighbours did not like the noise at all , so one morning a few days later, she took a sharp knife and went to Jimmy's house while he was hitting his drum. She said to him, "Hullo, Jimmy. Do you know, there's something very nice inside your drum. Here's a knife. Open the drum and let's find it. "

Text B

May I See a Hat, please?

MR Ross: May I see a hat , please?
SALESMAN: What size do you take?
MR Ross: I'm sorry. I don't know.
SALESMAN: I'll measure you. . . You take size 6. What colour hat would you like?
MR Ross: Brown, please.
SALESMAN: Here are some nice brown hats.Try this hat on.It's a very good one.
MR ROss: Yes, I like this one.It goes very well with my coat. How much is it?
SALESMAN: It's $ 9.95 ( nine dollars and ninety-five cents ). Do you want me to put it in a

Questions on Text B

7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner.

The police in the big city were looking for a thief. At last they caught him. But while they were taking photographs of him - from the front, from the left, from the right, with a hat, without a hat - he suddenly attacked the policemen and ran off. They tried to catch him, but he got away.
Then a week later the telephone rang in the police-station, and somebody said, "You are looking for Bill Cross, aren't you?"
"Yes. "
"Well, he left here for Waterbridge an hour ago. "
Waterbridge was a small town about 100 miles from the city. The city police at ence sent four different photographs of the thief to the police in Waterbridge.
Less than twelve hours later they got a telephone call from the police in Waterbridge. "We have caught the fourth this evening, we think.

Lesson 4

Text A

What's the Matter with You?

MRs WELsH: Good afternoon, Dr Dawes.
DR DAwEs: Good afternoon, Mrs Welsh .
MRS WELSH: Please come this way,Doctor.Peter's in this room.
DR DAwEs: Well, Peter.I'm sorry you're ill. What's the matter with you?
PETER: I don't know,Doctor. I'm ill.I have a headache and a stomachache.
DR DAwEs: Show me your tor.gue.What did you eat yesterday?
PETER: Well,Doctor,I. . .
DR DAwEs: Did you eat any cake?
PEKE: Yes,I ate some cake.
DR DAwEs: Did you eat any ice cream?
PETEK: Well,yes,I did.I ate some ice cream.
DR DAWEs: Did you eat any candy?
PETER: Well,yes,I did. I ate some candy.
DR DAwES: Young man,tell me everything you ate yesterday evening.
PETER: WeII, Doctor.I went to a birthday party.
DR DAwEs: I see!How many pieces of cake did you eat?
PETER: Three,Doctor.
DR DAwEs: How many plates of ice ream did you eat,young man?
PETER: Gosh,Doctor.I had only three plates of ice cream.John had four.

Text B

How Did You hose Your Way?

Mrs Brown's old grandfather lived with her and her husband. Every morning he went for a walk in the park and came home at half past twelve for his lunch.
But one morning a police car stopped outside Mrs Brown's house at twelve o'clock, and two policemen helped Mr Brown to get out. One of them said to Mrs Brown, "The poor old gentleman lost his way in the park and telephoned to us for help, sowe sent a car to bring him home. " Mrs Brown was very surprised, but she thanked the policemen and they left.
"But, Grandfather, " she then said , "you have been to that
park nearly every day for twenty years. How did you lose your way there?"
The old man smiled ,closed one eye and said, "I didn't
quite lose my way. I just got tired and I didn't want to walk home ! "

Questions on Text B

7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner.

One morning a man was crossing a narrow bridge when he saw a fisherman on the shady bank of the deep, smooth river under him,so he stopped to watch him quietly.
After a few minutes, the fisherman pulled his line in. There was a big, fat fish at the end of it.
The fisherman took it off the hook and threw it back into the water. Then he put his hook and line in again. After a few more minutes he caught another big fisb. Again he threw it back into the river. Then, the third time, he caught a small fish. He put it into his basket and started to get ready to go. The man on the bridge was very surprised, so he spoke to the fisherman. He said, "Why did you throw those beautiful, big fish back into the water and keep only that small one?"
The fisherman looked up and answered, "Small frying-pan. "
作者: ere118    时间: 2006-11-23 15:10     标题: 英语初级口语教程5-7

Lesson 5

Text A

Summer Plans

Peter and Mary are talking about their plans for the summer. Mary is going to work in the city, but Peter is going to go to camp. Mary thinks that their friend John is going to the mountains with his family.

PETERL: What are you going to do after you return from Washington?
MARY: I'm going to stay in the city.
PETER: What will you do all day?
MARY: I'm going to work with my father at the store. In the evening,I'll read books.
On weekends, I'll go to the beach with my family.
PETER: Have you ever worked?
MARy: No, but I can learn. What are you going to do this summer?
PETER: I'm going to camp. I've gone to camp for four summers.
MARY: I've never gone to camp. What do you do there?
PETER: We do many things . In the morning, we go swimming and boating. In the afternoon,
we play basketball or tennis. We sit around a campfire at night.We sing or tell .
MARY: That sounds wonderful.
PETER: It is wonderful. What's John going to do this summer?
MARY: I think he's going to the mountains with his parents.
FETER: Well, so long, Mary. Have fun.
MARY: You too , Peter. Give my regards to John.'8 I'll see you in September.

Text B

My Dishwasher

Mrs Williams lived in a small street in London, and now she had a new neighbour. Her name was Mrs Briggs , and she talked a lot about her expensive furniture, her beautiful carpets and her new kitchen.
"Do you know, " she said to Mrs Williams one day, "I've got a new
dishwasher. It washes the plates and glasses and knives and forks beautifully. "
"Oh?" Mrs Williams answered. "And does it dry them and put them in the cupboard too?"
Mrs Briggs was surprised. "Well," she answered, "the things in the machine are dry after an hour,but it doesn't put them away,of course. "
"I've had a dishwasher for twelve and a half years," Mrs Williams said.
"Oh?" Mrs Briggs answered. "And does yours put the things in the cupboard when it has washed them?" She laughed nastily.
"Yes , he does," Mrs Williams answered. "He dries the dishes and puts them away. "

Questions on Text B

7. Read the following dialogue once. Underline the key words while reading and retell to your partner the dialogue in your own words.

Frank and Charles discuss last night's television programme. Frank: Did you watch television last night, Charles?
Charles: Yes , I did.
Frank: It was a good game, wasn't if?
Charles: Oh, I didn't watch the football match. I wanted to , but my wife
preferred to see the
Frank: What a pity. It was quite exciting. Both teams played very well.
Charles: How did it finish?
Frank: It finished in a draw. What was the film like?
Charles: It was quite good. But.I missed the beginning of it because I had to eat first.
Frank: Did your wife enjoy it?
Charles: No , she didn't. After half an hour slie stopped watching and started to read a

Lesson 6

How to Make Everybody Happy

Peter's uncle lived in the country. Once Peter went to stay with him for a few weeks. Whenever they went for a walk or for a drive in the car and they passed somebody, his uncle waved. Peter was surprised, and said, "Uncle George, you know everybody here. Where did you meet them all?"

"I don't know all these people , " said his uncle.
"Then why do you wave to them?" asked Peter.
"Well, Peter," answered his uncle, "when I wave to someone and he knows me, he is pleased. He continues his journey with a happier heart.

But when I wave to someone and he doesn't know me, he is surprised and says to himself `Who is that man? Why did he wave to me?' So he has something to think about during the rest of his journey, and that makes his journey seem shorter. So I make everybody happy. "

Text B

What Wonld You Like to Do Tonight?

Mary's cousins, Fay and Rosemary, are still at her house. The girls want to go to the movies. They look in the newspaper to see what time the movie starts. After seeing the movie, they go to an ice cream parlor and order their favorite desserts.
MARY: Girls , what would you like to do tonight?
ROSEMARY: Do you ever go to the movies?
MARY: Of course. I often go to the movies.
ROSEMARY: Well, let's go to the movies.
MARY: There's a good movie near here: "Summer in Maine"
FAY: Fine. I heard it's a very good movie.
RosEMARY: Let's find out what time it starts.
MARY: Let's look at the newspaper. Movie programs are usually on page nine.
FAY: Here it is. "Summer in Maine " starts at 8 o'clock.

Questions on Text B

7.Read the following conversation once. Underline the key words while reading and retell to your partner the dialogue in your own words.

Fred: If I won the Pools, I'd go round the world.
Bert: Would you? I wouldn.'t.
Fred: What would you do?
Bert: Oh, I don't know. I'd buy a big house with a garden for my wife and kids, I
suppose. But it's difficult to imagine having a lot of money.
Fred: One thing's certain. If I had a lot of money, I wouldn't work any more.
Bert: Wouldn't you? What would you do with all that spare time?
Fred: As I said, I'd go round the world.
Bect: What would you do after that?
Fred: Oh, I don't know. It'd take me a long time to go round the world.
Bert: It doesn't sound very exciting.
Fred: Anyway, we haven't won the Pools, and we're not likely to win them. So there
isn't much point in talking about it, is there?
Bert: I'd be happy if I got a rise.
Fred: And my wife would be happy if I hought her a mink coat.
Bert: Well , I'm not likely to get a rise and you haven't the money for a mink oat, so
let'scome down to earth and have another drink.
Fred: What'll you have?
Bert: I'll have a pint of the best.
Fred: I'd have a Scotch if I were you. We deserve it.
Bert: All right. Make it a double, will you?

Lesson 7

Text A

After a Heavy Snowstorm

One night there was a heavy snowstorm, and in the morning Mr Smith's garden was full of deep snow. Mr Smith wanted to take his car out, so he paid a man to clean the path from his garage to his gate. He said to this man, "Don't throw any snow on that side, because it will damage the bushes in my garden; and don't throw any snow into the street, or the police will be angry. " Then Mr Smith went out.

When he came back, the path was clean and the snow from it was not on the bushes, or the fence, or the street. Mr Smith was very pleased-until he opened the garage to get his car out! The garage was full to the top with all the snow from the path, and his car was somewhere under it all!

Text B

No Baseball Today

PETER: Can you play baseball with me today?
JoHN: No, I can't. I'm sorry. I have to help my mother. We're going to move tomorrow.
PETER: Where's the new house? Is it far from here?
JoHN: No, it's not far. It's near our old house.
PETER: Can I help you pack?
JoHN: Sure. Thanks.
* * *

PETER: What can I do?
JoHN: Take the books out of the bookcase. Put them in this box.
PETER: Well, the books are in the box. What can I do now?
JoHN: Take the magazines out of the bookcase. Put them in that box.
PETER: All right.
JoHN: Peter ! Pack them. Don't read them.
PETER: These magazines are interesting. May I borrow one?
JOHN: Of course.
PETER: Thanks, John.

Quiestions on Text B

7. Read the foilowing passage once. Undertine the key words whiie reading and retell the story to your partner.

A Better Mailman !
I worked as a mailman for a short time. However, I am afraid of dogs and I had a lot of trouble. One day I tried to deliver some letters to a big house. I started to open the gate and all of a sudden a huge dog ran toward me. It growled and barked at me , so I threw the letters over the fence. The dog picked them up and carried them into the house. The dog was a better mailman than I was!
作者: ere118    时间: 2006-11-23 15:12     标题: 英语初级口语教程8-10

Lesson 8

Text A

Please Set the Table

I have to stay in the kitchen. I don't want the food to burn. Would you please

set the table?
Of course , Mother.

* * *
Did you put two forks with each plate?

Yes , I did.

Are the salt and pepper shakers on the table?

Oh , no , they're not. I'll get them now.

Did you use the new glasses?

Yes , I did.

Does the table look nice?

I think so, Mother.

I hear the bell. Please open the door, Mary.

Text B

Interestlng Pictures

"Food really tastes good cooked over an open fire," Lloyd remarked as he took another bite of his hot dog.
"It sure does," replied Fred. "I wish this weren't the last night of our camping trip, but school starts next week. "
A couple of days after returning home, Lloyd and Fred took the exposed film out of their camera and took it to the camera shop to be developed. They were told that the pictures would be ready Thursday. Thursday was just two days away. Fred and Lloyd could hardly wait to see how their pictures came out. They planned to show their pictures to everyone at school as soon as school was back in session.
Fred and Lloyd felt very pleased when they showed their teacher the pictures they had taken on their vacation. She said that they were some of the most interesting pictures she had seen.

Questions on TextB

7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner.

Who Waits for Whom?
Mr and Mrs Allen go grocery shopping on Saturday mornings. Mr Allen never enjoys these trips. Mrs Allen does the shopping and he sits in the car and waits for her. This morning there were a lot of people and it took Mrs Allen longer than usual. An hour went by and finally a man came up to Mr Allen. "Excuse me," he said, "is your name Allen? Your wife is waiting for you at the check-out counter. She doesn't have enough money for the groceries ! "

Lesson 9

Text A

Stop Eating Fried Potatoes

Mrs Jenkins went to her doctor one day, because her heart was giving her trouble.
The doctor listened to her heart carefully and did a few other things. Then he said, "Well, Mrs Jenkins, stop smoking, and then you'll soon be quite all right again. "
"But doctor," answered Mrs Jenkins quickly, "I've never smoked. I don't like smoking. "
"Oh, well," said the doctor, "then don't drink any more alcohol. "
"But I don't drink alcohol," answered Mrs Jenkins at once.
"Stop drinking tea and coffee then," the doctor said to her.
"I only drink water," answered Mrs Jenkins. "I don't like tea or coffee. "
The doctor thought for a few seconds and then said,
"Well,. . . er. . . do you like fried potatoes?"
"Yes, I like them very much," answered Mrs Jenkins.
"All right, then stop eating those," said the doctor as he got up to say goodbye to Mrs Jenkins.

Text B

Keep Him in Bed

MRS WELSH: Get up, Peter. It's late.
PETER: I can't get up , Mom. I'm ill.
MRS WELSH: What's the matter with you?
PETER: I have a headache and a bad stomachache.
MRS WELSH: You have a fever too. I'm going to call Dr Dawes. Don't get out of bed.
PETER: Oh, I can't get out of bed. I'm too ill.
MRS WELSH: Operator, give me Spring 3-2546, please. Hello, this is Mrs Welsh. Is Dr Dawes
there? Thank you. I'll wait. . . Dr Dawes, this is Mrs Welsh. Can you come to
the house , please?
DR DAWES: Who's ill?
MRS WELSH: Peter, my son.
DR DAWES: What's the matter with him?
MRS WELSH: I don't know. He has a headache, a bad stomachache and a fever.
DR DAWES: Keep him in bed.Where do you live?
MRS WELSH: We live at 44 Washington Avenue.
DR DAWES: All right, Mrs Welsh, I'll be there soon.
MRS WELSH: Thank you. Good-bye Dr Dawes.

Quiestions on TextB

7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner.

Harry is looking at a man in the street. He is talking to Jack about the man. Harry: Who's that man with the black bag?
Jack: I can't see a man with a black bag.
Harry: He was standing at the door of that house a moment ago. Now he's walking down the
Jack: Oh, that man. I don't know who he is. He's a stranger.
Harry: Look at the man who's running after him.
Jack: Yes. Perhaps the stranger is a thief.
Harry: I don't think so.
Jack: Wait a minute. I can recognise the man who's running after him. It's Mr Green.
Harry: Now I remember. Mr Green told me yesterday that his brother was coming.

Lesson 10

Text A

A Beautiful Dress

One day Mrs Jones went shopping. When her husband came home in the evening, she began to tell him about a beautiful cotton dress. "I saw it in a shop this morning," she said, "and..."
"And you want to buy it," said her husband. "How much does it cost? "
"Forty pounds. "
"Forty pounds for a cotton dress? That is too much!"
But every evening, when Mr Jones came back from work, his wife continued to speak only abou't the dress, and at last, after a week, he said, "Oh, buy the dress! Here is the money!" She was very happy.
But the next evening, when Mr Jones came home and asked, "Have you got the famous dress?" she said, "No. "
"Why not?" he said.
"Well, it was still in the window of the shop after a week, so I thought, nobody else wants this dress, so I don't want it either. "

Text B

Which Bus Shall 1 Take?

Jane Foster has just met Henry Taylor.Jane is on her way to the hospital to see her friend, Susan Green. HENRY: Where are you going, Jane?
JANE: I'm going to the hospital to see Susan Green.
HENRY: I saw her yesterday. She was a little better.
JANE: Must I catch a number 7 bus to get there?
HENRY: No , you needn't. A number 13 bus will also take you to the hospital.
JANE: Number 13 buses run much more frequently, don't they?
HENRY: Yes. I caught a number 7 bus yesterday, and I had to wait for half an hour at
the bus stop.
JANE: Thank you, Henry. I'll get a number .
HENRY: But number 13 buses leave from the centre of town. You'll have to walk two miles to
catch one.

Questions on Text B

7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner.

Mrs Jones was still cleaning the house when her husband came back from work. She was wearing dirty, old clothes and no stockings, her hair was not tidy, she had dust on her face, and she looked dirty and tired. Her husband looked at her and said, "Is this what I come home to see after a hard day's work?"
Mrs Jones's neighbour, Mrs Smit.h, was there. When she heard Mr Jones's words , she quickly said. goodbye and ran back to her house. Then she washed, brushed and combed her hair carefully, put on her best dress and her prettiest stockings, painted her face, and waited for her husband to come home.
When he arrived, he was hot and tired. He walked slowly into the house, saw his wife and stopped. Then he shouted angrily, "And where are you going this
作者: ere118    时间: 2006-11-23 15:19     标题: 初级口语教程 11-13

Lesson 11

Text A

A Visit to Conway Castle

Dave's class at school were studying English history, and one day their teacher said to them, "Well, boys, on Friday we're all going to get on a bus and go to Conway. There's a beautiful castle there, and we're going to visit it. " The boys were very happy when they heard this.

"Now, has anybody got any questions?" the teacher asked.
"How old is the castle, sir?" Dave asked.
"It's about seven hundred years old , Dave , " the teacher answered.
"What's the name of the castle, sir?" another boy asked.
"Conway Castle," the teacher said.

On Friday the boys came to school at 9 o'clock and got into the bus. They visited Conway Castle, and then they came back and went home.
"Well , " Dave's mother said to him when he got home , "did you like the castle,. Dave?"
"Not very much," Dave answered. "The stupid people built it too near the railway. "

Text B

What Are You Going to Do?

Robert and Peter are talking about the end of the school term. Robert is going to leave school and start work, but Peter is going to stay at school.
PETER: Are you going to leave school at the end of the term?
OBERT: Yes, I am.
PETER: What are you going to do?
OBERT: I'm going to be a clerk.
PETER: What does a clerk do?
OBERT: He works in an office. He writes letters and reports , and he types.
PETER: I want to be a vet.
OBERT: A-what?
PETER: A vet-a veterinary surgeon.
OBERT: Good gracious !What's that?
PETER: A vet's a man who takes care of sick animals. He's an animal doctor.
OBERT: I once read a story ahout a person who talked to animals. It was very interesting.

Questions on Text B

7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner.

Mrs Neat
Mrs Neat was tidy and orderly. One day she got on a bus, went up on top and sat down. When the conductor asked her for her fare , she opened her bag, took out her purse, closed her bag, opened her purse, took out a shilling, closed her purse, opened her bag, put in her purse and closed her bag. She paid her fare. The conductor gave her a ticket.

Lesson 12

Text A

What a Mess!

Bill Lane has just touched some wet paint. MR FIELD:
You mustn't touch the wet paint, Bill.

I'm sorry. I won't do it again.

Try to be more careful in future.

I shall. I wasn't as careless as John Sampson. He walked across that wet cement

over there.
The workmen oughtn't to leave it without a no tice.

The headmaster asked them not to do so.

Then why isn't there a notice?

They went to their stores to get one. Here they come with it now!

But look at them! They've forgotten about the wet cement and they're walking

across it to put up the notice!

Text B

A Tall and Slim Girl

At five feet six inches , Rosa was taller than every other student in the sixth grade. She worried about this alt the time, in school and at home. Her mother told her to stand up straight and be proud that she was so tall and slim.
"Someday , " her mother said , "you'11 be happy that you're tall. "
This made Rosa happier, but she was still afraid her classmates were making fun of her behind her back. One day , all this changed when Mr Ransom, the coach from the youth club , asked Rosa to play center on their basketball team. He said that Rosa was a good ball player and her height would make her valuable as center. Now, she really was proud to be tall. She was someone special.

Questions on Text B

7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell tbe story to your partner.

Better Be a Stupid Man
It was a beautiful spring morning. There wasn't a cloud in the sky, and the sun was warm but not too hot . so Mr Andrews was surprised when saw an old gentleman at the bus-stop with a big, strong black umbrella i' his hand.
Mr Andrews said to him, "Are we going to have rain today, do you think?"
"No , " said the old gentleman , "I don't think so. "
"Then are you carrying the umbrella to keep the sun off you?"
"No, the sun is not very hot in spring. "
Mr Andrews looked at the big umbrella again, and the gentleman said, "I am an old man, and my legs are not very strong, so I really need a walk- ing-stick. But when I carry a walking-stick, people say, `Look at that poor old man' , and I don't like that. When I carry an umbrella in fine weatber, people only say, `Look at that stupid man'.

Lesson 13

Text A

Give Me a Big Box of Chocolates

John liked chocolates very much, but his mother never gave him any, because they were bad for his teeth, she thought. But .)ohn had a very nice grandfather. The old man loved his grandaon very much, and sometimes he brought John chocolates when he. came to visit him. Then his mother let him eat them, because she wanted to make the old man happy.
One evening , a few days before John's seventh birthday , he was saying his prayers in his bedroom before he went to bed. "Please, God," he shouted, "make them give me a big box of chocolates for my birthday on Saturday. "
His mother was in the kitchen, but she heard the small boy shouting and went into his bedroom quickly.
"Why are you shouting, John?" she asked her son. "God can hear you when you talk quietly. "
"I know," answered the clever boy with a smile, "but Grandfather's in the next room, and he can't. "

Text B

You Are Too Young to Buy Alcohol

Later that day, Steve told the group that he had decided to go back to Edinburgh. "I want to see the rest of the Festival, " he explained. That evening, they all went to a pub for a final drink with Steve. They left a . message for Malc : GONE TO THE WHITE HORSE. SEE YOU THERE!
Malc arrived back quite late. He went round to the pub immediately. He was feeling very pleased with himself.
BILL: How did it go, then?
MALC: Oh, fantastic! I took some really good photographs. I'm sure I shall win that
LIsE: Well , you'd better buy us all a drink , then !
MALC: Yes... What would you all like?
(Malc goes to the bar)
I'd like four pints of best bitter... oh, and two lagers and lime.
BARMAN: ... Oh, excuse me, sir. How old are you?
MALC: Sixteen. Why?
BARMAN: Well, I'm afraid you're too young to buy alcohol. You have to be eighteen, you know.

Question on Text B

7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the atory to your partner.

An artist went to a beautiful part of the country for a holiday, and stayed with a farmer. Every day he went out with his paints and his brushes and painted from morning to evening, and then when it got dark, he went back to the farm and had a good dinner before he went to bed.

At the end of his holiday he wanted to pay the farmer, but the farmer said, "No, I do not want money - but give me one of your pictures. What is money? In a week it will all be finished, but your painting will still be here. "
The artist was very pleased and thanked the farmer for saying such kind things about his paintings.

The farmer smiled and answered, "It is not that. I have a son in London. He wanta to become an artist. When he comes here next month, I will show him your picture, and then he will not want to be an artist any more, I think. "
作者: ere118    时间: 2006-11-23 15:22     标题: 初级口语教程 14-16

Lesson 14

Text A

They Don't Talk

Mr Jones was very angry with his wife, and she was very angry with her husband. For several days they did not speak to each other at a11. One evening Mr Jones was very tired when he came back from work, so he went to bed soon after dinner. Of course , he did not say anything to Mrs Jones before he went upstairs. Mrs Jones washed the dinner things and then did some sewing. When she went up to bed much later than her husband, she found a piece of aper on the small table near her bed. On it were the words,"Mother. - Wake me up at 7 a. m. -Father"
When Mr Jones woke up the next morning, it was nearly 8 a. m. -and on the small table near his bed he saw another piece of paper. He took it and read these words: "Father. - Wake up. It is 7 a.m.-Mother. "

Text B

A Dirty Car

John, Peter and Mark are hrothers. Their father has a new car, and they clean it for him. It has just rained, and the car is very dirty. John is looking at it, and he is talking to Peter. JOHN:
The car hasn't been cleaned for a few days.

No , it hasn't . It's very dirty.

Someone ought to clean it today.

Mark should clean it . It's his turn.

No, he cleaned it last time. It's your turn.

No, it isn't. You always clean it after Mark.

Oh dear, is it really my turn? In that case, I'll clean tomorrow.

Clean it now. Only lazy people say they'll work tomorrow.

Then I'll clean it the day after tomorrow.

You are lazy. You ought to be ashamed.?You should enjoy working

Question on Text B

7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner.

Ellen walked briskly out into the yard and took a deep breath of cool, fresh air. She was eager to begin work. This time of year, with the new growth everywhere. always made her feel that she had to help tbings grow. She gathered her tools and went to the patch of freshly turned earth and dig rows of holes. Then she carefully picked up one fragile plant and ptaced it in a hole. Over and over she performed this same task and then gently patted the earth around each plant. Her growling stomach and the sun high,overhead told her when it was time to take a break.

Lesson 15

A Welcome Surprise

Let's now visit Mary Miller. Mary and her mother are happy today. The postman has brought a letter from Mrs Miller's brother. He's coming to visit the Millers with his family. Mary and Mrs Miller have to plan meals and festivities. Mary offers to go shopping to help her mother. MRs McLLER: Mary, please go to the door. I hear the bell.
MARY: It's the mailman, Mother. Here's a letter from Uncle George.
MRS MILLER: Give it to me ... How wonderful! He's coming to visit us.
MARY: When's he coming?
MRS MILLER: He's coming by car on the twenty-fourth. He's staying from the
twenty-fourth to the twenty-sixth.
MARY: Let me look at the calendar. Good! The twenty-fourth is a Saturday. Is he
coming alone?
MRS MILLER: No, he's coming with Aunt Cynthia and the girls.
MARY: Mother, I don't remember the girls. How old are they?
MRs MILLER: Your cousin Fay is fifteen. Rosemary is older than Fay. She's seventeen.
MARY: Are they going to stay here with us?
MRS MILLER: Of course. The girls can stay in your room with you.
MARY: Mother, may we have a party?
MRs MILLER: If you like, but now we have to think about meals and many other things.
MARY: Prepare the list, Mother. I can go shopping. I can go to the small stores.
Everyone knows me there.

Text B

I'll Start in Three Months' Time

Rose left school when she was seventeen and went to a college for a year to learn to type. She passed her examinations quite well and then went to look for work. She was still living with her parents.
A lot of people were looking for typists at that time, so it was not difficult to find interesting work. Rose went to several offices, and then chose one of them. It was near her parents' house. She thought, "I'll walk there every morning. I won't need to go by bus. "
She went to the office again and said to the manager, "I want to work here, but what will you pay me?"
"We'll pay you 27 pounds now," the manager answered, "and 30 pounds after three months."
Rose thought for a few seconds before she answered. Then she said, "All right, then I'll start in three months' time. "

Questions on Text B

7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner.

What a Language!

First Frenchman: I once heard someone shout, "Look out." I put my head out of a window and a bucketful of water fsll on me. It seems that "look out" may mean "don't look out. "
Second F: I was once on a ship and heard the captain shout, "All hands on deck. " I put my hands on the deck and someone walked on them. .
Third F: I once called early on an English friend and the maid who came to the door said, "He's not up yet. Come back in half an hour. " When I went again for him, she said, "He's not down yet. " I said , "If he's not up and he's not down, where is he?" She said, "He's still in bed. When I say 'He's not up' I mean he has not yet got np,so he has not yet come downstairs."
What do these phrases mean in their respective contexts?

Lesson 16

Text A

The Charcoal Pit

Erika was worried. Her restaurant was losing customers. The new restaurant across the street now had more customers than she did. She had even seen some of her own customers going to eat at The Charcoal Pit. What was she going to do?
One thing she could do was revise her menu. Maybe not everyone wanted hamburgers. She might add omelets and casseroles. The menu might help.
Perhaps the decor of her restaurant was dated. She could redecorate the place. Erika decided to consult an interior decorator who could give her some new ideas. A face-lift for Burger Haven would certainly lift her spirits.
In fact, she felt better after thinking of some improvements. Erika would fight to make her restaurant the most popular one in town.

Text B

There Is Hepe for Us !

Tina and Leela are talking to each other. They are standing outside a dance-hall and they are talking about dancing. TINA: I haven't danced for a long time.
LEELA: Neither have I.
TINA: We must go to a dance soon, or we'll forget how to dance.
LEELA: Yes, we must. What have you been doing since I last saw you?
TINA: I've been studying hard for my examinations. And you?
LEELA: I've been learning Japanese every evening.
TINA: Why have you been learning Japanese? Why not English?
LEELA: I hope to visit Japan next yesr.
TINA: Well, we'll both have to start learning all the new dances.
LEELA: Yes, let's go into the dance-hall and ask if we can take dancing-lessons .
TINA: A good idea. They can teach elephants to dance nowa days perhaps there's hope for
us !

Questions on Text B

7. Read the following passage once. Underline the key words while reading and retell the story to your partner.

When I looked out the window and saw the snow drift in the driveway, I thought to myself that I should never have gotten out of bed. I had been making preparatioris for more than two days for a large dinner party to bc held that night and knew that several of the people I was expecting to come would be calling to cancel if the snow continued much longer. I called upstairs to tell Jerry to look out the window. Jerry heard me and quickly got out of bed. He knew that the weather people had been predicting snow. Now it had really come. To Jerry, two or three inches of fresh snow would be just what was needed to make the ski trip a big success.
作者: yoyo530521    时间: 2006-11-24 09:19


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