奈杰尔:下午好。我想这房子是要出售的吧!Good afternoon, is this house for sale?
伊 恩: 是的。Yes,it is.
奈杰尔:我可以看一看吗?May I come in and see?
伊 恩: 可以,当然可以。请进。Yes, of couse, please come in.
奈杰尔:您在这里住了多长时间?How long have you lived here?
伊 恩: 我在这里住了20年了。I've lived here for 20 years.
奈杰恩:20年!这个时间可不短。20 years, It's a lont time.
伊 恩: 是啊,从1976年起我就住在这里。Yes, I am living here from 1976.
奈杰尔:那么,您为什么要卖掉它呢?So, way do you want to sell it?
伊 恩: 因为我刚退休。Because I am just retired.
我想在乡下买幢小房子。I want to buy a small house in countryside.
奈杰尔: 这座房子卖多少钱?How much do you want for it?
伊 恩: 68,500英镑。Sixty-eight thousand five hundred pounds
奈杰尔:我可真是一大笔钱呢!O,it's a great lot of money.
伊 恩: 它确确实实值这么多钱。It's realy worth this amount.
奈杰尔:啊,我喜欢这房子,Ye, I like this house.
但我还不能决定。But I can not decide now.
我妻子必须先来看一看。My wife must come and see it.
伊 恩: 女人总是最后说了算的。It's woman to decide in the end.作者: linfeiyang- 时间: 2012-1-13 14:19