标题: Seasons in the sun [打印本页] 作者: xln1120 时间: 2009-5-8 16:55 标题: Seasons in the sun
goodbye to you, my trusted friend,
we've known each other since we were nine or ten;
together we've climbed hills and trees,
learned of love and a-b-c`s,
skinned our hearts and skinned our knees.
goodbye my friend, it's hard to die,
when all the birds are singing in the sky;
now that the spring is in the air,
pretty girls are every where;
think of me and i'll be there.
we had joy, we had fun,
we had seasons in the sun;
but the hills that we climb
were just seasons out of time.
goodbye, papa, please pray for me,
i was the black sheep of the family;
you tried to teach me right from wrong,
too much wine and too much song,
wonder how i got along.
goodbye, papa, it's hard to die,
when all the birds are singing in the sky;
now that the spring is in the air,
little children every where,
when you'll see them, i'll be there.
we had joy, we had fun,
we had seasons in the sun;
but the hills that we climb
were just seasons out of time.
we had joy, we had fun,
we had seasons in the sun;
but the wild and the song,
like the season has all gone
goodbye, michelle, my little one,
you gave me love and helped me find the sun;
and every time that i was down,
you would always come around
and get my feet back on the ground.
goodbye, michelle, it's hard to die,
when all the birds are singing in the sky;
now that the spring is in the air,
love the flowers every where
i wish that we could both be there.
we had joy, we had fun,
we had seasons in the sun;
but the hills that we climb
were just seasons out of time.
we had joy, we had fun,
we had seasons in the sun;
but the wild and the song,
like the season has all gone
we had joy, we had fun,
we had seasons in the sun;
but the stars we could reach
were just starfish on the beach.
事实上,「Seasons in the Sun」绝对不是一首愉快的曲子,甚至还十分的伤感。它是一位法国歌手Jacques Brel的作品,原名叫做「Le Moribond」(将死的人),发表于1961年。歌曲的内容大致描述一个罹患癌症、不久于人世的男子,在面临死亡的时候,对父亲、妻子以及挚友的依依难舍。Brel谱写这首歌曲,可说是有感而发,因为他当时发觉自己罹患了癌症。在跟病魔搏斗十多年之后,他于1978年十月九日病逝,得年四十九岁。
跟Brel私交相当不错的美国诗人歌手Rod McKuen,很早就把这首歌曲翻译成英文的「Seasons in the Sun」,并且在1964年由民歌界元老的Kingston Trio率先灌录成唱片,不过当时并没有造成太大的轰动。后来,跟Rod McKuen颇有交情的Terry Jacks把它重新灌录,在1974年的三月二日获得全美排行三周冠军,原本也没有在我国受到太多注意,直到几年之后,才因为柯达的广告而在台湾造成了疯狂的流行,只可惜主唱人Terry Jacks当时早就在歌坛消失了。这位男歌手留下来的歌曲并不多,不过这首歌却成了经典——尽管他的诠释老实说有点失真。
由于当时的唱片市场上,似乎以合唱团比较吃香,所以尽管只有他老婆一个人独唱,他们还是决定用The Poppy Family为名,并且在1970年以获得美国排行亚军的「Which Way You Goin' Billy」一曲成名。可惜的是,这对夫妻在1973年就宣告分手了。
离婚之后,Terry Jacks继续在歌坛奋斗。由于吉他弹得不错,他应邀为Beach Boys伴奏。有一次,在录音的时候,他建议Beach Boys灌录「Seasons in the Sun」这首歌。不过,录完之后,可能是由于效果不如理想,Beach Boys决定不发行。而极为喜爱这首歌的Terry则为了追悼一位意外过世的好友,决定自己来灌唱。
年轻人的反应,使Terry决定自己发行这首歌曲。果然,这首歌在加拿大造成了轰动,美国的唱片公司也慕名而来,取得了发行权。1974年三月,这首歌不但获得三周排行冠军,更成了金唱片,销售达六百多万张,使他名扬四海。不久之后,他又灌录了另外一首同样由McKuen翻译成英语的Brel作品「If You Go Away」,也得到了不错的成绩。可惜的是,他在歌坛只是昙花一现,一年之后就销声匿迹了。
说的是1963年的冬季,美国冷得彻骨,来美国乐坛闯荡的加拿大男孩terryjacks坐在没有暖气的屋子里喝着白兰地,耳边放着法国歌手 jacques brel的‘lemoribond’。来美国也不少日子了,但却没有音乐人对他的音乐感兴趣。他看起刚刚朋友塞给他的一张名片,背后抄了一个死刑犯的临终遗言,听着‘lemoribond’,看着名片背后的字,他拿起了吉他开始轻轻弹唱……
虽然在法律上,a犯了故意杀人罪;但在民间,许多人却认为在道义上a也是极大的受害者。于是,人们纷纷传抄他的遗言,terry jacks在1963年拿到的那张名片背面的遗言,就是朋友抄的。terry jacks将a的遗言填入‘lemoribond’的曲中写成了‘seasons in the sun’。他四处给音乐人弹唱这首歌,但哪个音乐人会给一个无名之辈投资呢?最终,他找到了beach boys,把这首歌唱给他们听。这首歌很棒,beach boys自己将这首翻唱,可惜他们无法传递出这首歌的情感,于是terry jacks借了录音棚把这首歌录了一遍。然而因为他们当时专辑的歌满了,没有将此歌收录进去。直到十年之后,1973年,这首歌终于一炮而红,之后有许多翻唱的版本。