MARIO RITTER: October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month in the United States. The observance seeks to educate the public about an issue which affects millions of people each year. June Simms has more.
MARIO RITTER:十月是美国的家庭暴力认知月。 这个惯例的目的是在家庭暴力这个每年影响了成千上万人的问题上给公众正确的引导教育。 我们来听听June Simms的详细讲解。
JUNE SIMMS: Domestic violence experts from across the country gathered last week in Washington, DC. They took part in a special congressional briefing on the effects of domestic violence on children. A group called the Makers of Memories Foundation helped organize the event. Another organizer was the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
JUNE SIMMS:来自全国的家庭暴力研究专家上周在华盛顿特区聚 集。 他们参加了一个特殊的国会简报,讨论家庭暴力对孩子们的影响。 一个名为回忆制造者的基金会组织了这次活动。 另外一个组织方就是“反对家庭暴力全国联盟”。
Five years ago, the United Nations published results of a study about domestic violence. It found that as many as two hundred seventy five million children worldwide witness violence in the home. These boys and girls represent a secret society of sufferers. Officials say they are the forgotten victims of domestic violence.
Research shows such children face a greater risk of problems in school, emotional disorders, and drug abuse, among other things. Some research has suggested that their experiences are severe enough to meet the requirements for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Many children who witness violence at home grow up to become abusers or victims themselves. That is why the UN Children's Fund calls domestic violence "one of the most pervasive human rights challenges of our times."
The congressional hearing was held last week to educate American policy makers about the problem.
Domestic violence is defined as any form of behavior used to gain power or control over another person. It can include verbal, emotional, physical or sexual abuse.
The National Institute of Justice and the Centers for Disease Control say one in four American women will suffer some form of domestic violence in her lifetime. One and a half million women are physically attacked or raped each year. In the United States, three women die each day because of violence in the home.
The problem is believed to be even more widespread than these numbers suggest. Many cases of domestic violence are never reported. Victims often feel responsible for the abuse they suffer. They also experience a strong sense of shame or dishonor.
This is even truer among men, who are less likely to report abuse. Studies show that one in thirteen men in the United States is a victim of domestic violence.
Domestic Violence Awareness Month seeks to bring these issues out into the open, and to get more people involved in finding a solution. Officials say knowing the facts about domestic violence may help save lives and end the cycle of violence.
MARIO RITTER: Now, we take a look at some your comments about recent stories on AMERICAN MOSAIC.
MARIO RITTER:现在,我们来看看最近听众对美国万象节目上的一些故事有些什么看法。
Many of you wrote to express concern about the report on animals used in the movie industry. Several writers praised filmmakers who use digitally produced images of animals for movies instead of using live animals. One listener went even farther with that idea. Hasan from Turkey wrote "I believe that computer generated imagery should also replace the humans. Thus, film producers would not have to pay much money for the famous actors and actresses."
Hmmm ...this is an interesting idea, but one that labor unions for actors might oppose.
Several listeners sent comments after our story about building designer and MacArthur prize winner Jeanne Gang. A listener in Japan hoped that Ms. Gang's work would inspire other women to consider a career in architecture. And Loc from Vietnam has this to say about her wavy skyscraper in Chicago: "If I have a chance, I would lean from one of its balconies."
Another Vietnamese listener commented on our story about disabled men and women learning to surf. Thanh Vy wrote, "Disability doesn't mean you cannot do anything ... I really admire disabled people who overcome the physical hurt to get a better life."
Listeners were not so pleased to hear about how some Americans provide day care and costly treats to their pets. Florence from Togo noted people in the world who need help. She wrote that Americans should reduce their pet care spending and help people around them who are homeless.
Finally, our story on the new Martin Luther King Junior Memorial led to the most AMERIAN MOSAIC comments in September. Bhima Acharya-Baral in Nepal said he was impressed by King's "I Have a Dream" speech. And, he added, "His speech motivates everyone to universal brotherhood. I like his way to treat all equal."
Valia Herman of Burkina Faso expressed similar praise. She wrote it is thanks to Martin Luther King "that the USA is a true land of equality and opportunity."
MARIO RITTER: Singer-songwriter Feist released "Metals," her fifth album, earlier this month. Last Saturday, she launched a series of concert performances in support of the new album. Barbara Klein has more.
MARIO RITTER: 这个月初,创作型的歌手菲丝特发布了她的第五张专辑—“金属”。 上周六,她举行了一系列的音乐会表演给新专辑打气。 Barbara Klein送上更多关于菲丝特的音乐。
BARBARA KLEIN: That is "How Come You Never Go There" from Feist's album, "Metals." It was the first single released. The song seems to question the emotional reach of one of two people in a relationship. Feist sings: "words are like a lasso, you're an instrumental tune." In other words, somebody is not talking.
BARBARA KLEIN:现在播放的这首歌就是菲丝特的新专辑里面的“为什么你从未来过”。 它是首发的主打单曲。 这首歌似乎是在质问两位恋人之间的情感交流。 菲丝特在歌中唱到:“语言就像套索,而你就像是一个工具。” 意思是说,那个人根本什么也没有说。
A cowboy using a rope can make a lasso to seize horses or other animals. There are other suggestions of America's Old West on "Metals." The song "Anti-Pioneer" is an example.
Feist recorded "Metals" in Big Sur, California. She had a studio specially built high on a cliff overlooking the water. Birds and other creatures would have surrounded the musicians. Perhaps that led to this song: "Cicadas and Gulls."
MARIO RITTER: I'm Mario Ritter. Our program was written by June Simms and Caty Weaver, who was also our producer.
MARIO RITTER:我是主持人马里奥·里特 。 本节目的编剧是June Simms和Caty Weaver,制片人是Caty Weaver。
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It's nothing strange. Men could also be the victims of domestic violence either because their wives are stronger or they love wives more, among others reasons.