For three long hours my uncle worked without stopping for a moment. Soon, it became dark out. Still working in his study, my uncle saw nothing but the piece of ancient writing in front of him. I soon fell asleep on the sofa, while my uncle went on working.
When I woke up the next morning, my poor uncle was still working to discover the meaning, with red eyes and a pale face. I really pitied him. He was so concerned with finding out the meaning that he forgot all other emotions.
I could have told him the meaning of the writing, but I did not. Why did I remain silent? Because I felt my uncle would not benefit from such knowledge. No, no, I thought, I won't tell him. He'd want to go there, and he'd risk his life to go. I won't tell him the secret. Let him find it by himself if he can.
Soon,it became dark out.Still working in his study,my uncle saw nothing but the piece of ancient writing in frront of him.不一会天就黑透了,叔叔仍然在研究着,除了眼前的古著他什么都看不见。作者: sunnyraintsk 时间: 2011-11-14 16:00
Soon, it became dark out. Still working in his study, my uncle saw nothing but the piece of ancient writing in front of him.