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标题: 英语听写 2008-4-18 奖励积分 [打印本页]

作者: yoyo530521    时间: 2008-4-18 16:41     标题: 英语听写 2008-4-18 奖励积分

作者: Sylvia_scj    时间: 2008-4-18 18:14

A PET plastic bottle. Soft drinks bottles made from the synthetic material PET, or polyethylene-terephthalate. Light weight and unbreakable, they are particularly suitable for carbonated beverages. Nowadays PET can be readily recycled, almost as easily as glass. The first step is to separate the materials according to type of plastic and colour. The bottles are carried on the conveyer belts past a series of detectors .They fly off the belt as if snatched by an invisible hand. X-ray eyes recognize all the items, register the different structures of the plastics. Expensive, fast computers can even compensate for errors in reading the paper labels. They can recognize a green PET bottle even when it is carrying a white label. A camera supplies the data for colour sorting. An extremely fast computer controls the air jets. And here we see the result of two hours of sorting procedure. Cleanly separated clear PET *** the labels in different colors. It would be perfectly possible to produce new PET bottles from these fragments. A light weight bottle like this has ecological advantages when it comes to transport. Glass is 20 times heavier.
作者: snowwhite_62    时间: 2008-4-18 22:27

A PET plastic bottle, some drinks bottles made from synthetic material PET of ? light weight and unbreakable, ? suitable for ? Nowadays PET can be rightly recycled ? as easily as glass. The first step is seperate material according to type and color, ? carried about ?ask seriously detective? visible hand,? structural plastics, expensive, fast computers can even ?for area reading the paper labors, recognised the green PET bottle, even when it's carrying the white labor. The camera's supplied the date for color sort, and it extremely fast computer control the ? And here we see the result, two hours ? produced ? cleaning seperate PET, especially ? and different colors. You will be perfect possible produce new PET bottles from these equipments. A light weight bottle like this has equally advantages when it comes to the transport. Glass is twenty times heavier.
作者: yoyo530521    时间: 2008-4-21 16:31     标题: 标准答案

 A PET plastic bottle. Soft drinks bottles made from the synthetic material PET, or polyethylene-terephthalate. Lightweight and unbreakable, they are particularly suitable for carbonated beverages. Nowadays PET can be readily recycled, almost as easily as glass. The first step is to separate the materials according to type of plastic and colour.

  The bottles are carried on the conveyer belts past a series of detectors .They fly off the belt as if snatched by an invisible hand. X-ray eyes recognise all the items, register the different structures of the plastics. Expensive, fast computers can even compensate for errors in reading the paper labels. They can recognise a green PET bottle even when it is carrying a white label. A camera supplies the data for colour sorting. An extremely fast computer controls the air jets. And here we see the result of two hours of sorting procedure.

  It would be perfectly possible to produce new PET bottles from these fragments. A lightweight bottle like this has ecological advantages when it comes to transport. Glass is 20 times heavier.


  传送带上的瓶子经过一系列检测。好像有一只无形的手将瓶子拽走。原来X光眼正逐个辨认,将结构不同的塑料分检。昂贵的计算机系统可以弥补X光眼的某些失误。 即使是贴有白色标签的绿色PET瓶子也逃不过计算机的监测。摄像机头提供色彩数据。一台速度极快的计算机负责控制抽干瓶中的空气。这就是两个小时分检的最终结果。

作者: Sylvia_scj    时间: 2008-4-21 17:34

标准答案里少了一句,And here we see the result of two hours of sorting procedure. 后面的那句
作者: Sylvia_scj    时间: 2008-4-21 17:36


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