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标题: 英语听写 2008-4-9 奖励积分 [打印本页]

作者: yoyo530521    时间: 2008-4-9 16:36     标题: 英语听写 2008-4-9 奖励积分

作者: Sylvia_scj    时间: 2008-4-9 17:26

Shang dynasty endured roughly from 1700 to 1027 B.C. The Shang dynasty, also called the Yin dynasty in its later stages, is believed to have been founded by a rebel leader who overthrew the last Xia ruler. Its civilization was based on agriculture, augmented by hunting and animal husbandry. Two important events of the period were the development of a writing system, as revealed in archaic Chinese inscriptions found on tortoise shells and flat cattle bones, and the use of bronze metallurgy. A number of ceremonial bronze vessels with inscriptions date from the Shang period; the workmanship on the bronzes attests to a high level of civilization.
作者: snowwhite_62    时间: 2008-4-9 20:26

Shang dynasty endured roughly from seventeen hundred to ten twenty-seven B.C.. The Shang dynasty also called the Yin dynasty in its later stages, is believed to have been founded by a rebel leader who overthrew the last Xia ruler. Its civilization was based on agriculture, augmented by hunting and animal husbandry. Two important events of the period were the development of a writing system, as revealed in archaic Chinese inscriptions found on tortoise shells and flat cattle bones, and the use of bronze metallurgy. A number ceremonial bronze vessels with inscription date from the Shang period. The workmanship on the bronzes attests to a high level of civilization.

With your help, I can finish it correctly. Thank you, sylvia_scj
作者: cuiyfa    时间: 2008-4-10 08:24

Shang dynasty endured roughly from 1700 to 1027 B.C. The Shang dynasty also called the Yin dynasty in its later stages, is believed to have been founded by a rebel leader who overthrew the last Xia ruler. Its civilization was based on agriculture, augmented by hunting and animal husbandry. Two important events of the period were the development of a writing system, as revealed in archaic Chinese inscriptions found on tortoise shells and flat cattle bones and the use of bronze metallurgy. A number of ceremonial bronze vessels with inscriptions date from the Shang period, the workmanship on the bronzes attests to a high level of civilization.
作者: slu2820213    时间: 2008-4-10 10:37

Shang dynasty endured roughly from 1700 to 1027 B.C. The Shang dynasty, also called the Yin dynasty in its later stages, is believed to have been founded by a rebel leader who overthrew the last Xia ruler. Its civilization was based on agriculture, augmented by hunting and animal husbandry. Two important events of the period were the development of a writing system, as revealed in archaic Chinese inscriptions found on tortoise shells and flat cattle bones, and the use of bronze metallurgy. A number of ceremonial bronze vessels with inscriptions date from the Shang period; the workmanship on the bronzes attests to a high level of civilization.
作者: yoyo530521    时间: 2008-4-10 16:46     标题: 标准答案

Shang dynasty endured roughly from 1700 to 1027 B.C. The Shang dynasty (also called the Yin dynasty in its later stages) is believed to have been founded by a rebel leader who overthrew the last Xia ruler. Its civilization was based on agriculture, augmented by hunting and animal husbandry. Two important events of the period were the development of a writing system, as revealed in archaic Chinese inscriptions found on tortoise shells and flat cattle bones, and the use of bronze metallurgy. A number of ceremonial bronze vessels with inscriptions date from the Shang period; the workmanship on the bronzes attests to a high level of civilization.
商朝大约历经了大约从公元前1700年到公元前1027年这一段时期。人们认为商朝 (王朝的晚期被称为"殷" )是由推翻夏朝最后一个统制者的起义领袖建立的。商代的文明是建立在农业生产、狩猎和畜牧业发展的基础之上。

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