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标题: 情景会话:有人闯进我们家Someone has broken into the house [打印本页]

作者: eileengao    时间: 2011-9-21 11:49     标题: 情景会话:有人闯进我们家Someone has broken into the house


A:Oh, my God! What's this? 天啊!这是怎么了?

B:What? 什么?

A:Look! This window is open. 你看窗户是开着的。

B:Did you open it before we left? 我们离开之前你打开了吗?

A:Are you kidding? It's winter. Why would I open it? 开什么玩笑?冬天耶,为什么我会去开窗户?

B:I don't know. Wait. Is this yours? 我不知道。等等,这是你的吗?

A:No! Oh, my God! Someone has broken into the house. 不是!天啊!有人闯进屋子里。

B:It looks that way. That's probably why the door wasn't locked when we came in. 看起来是那样。也许那就是为什么当我们进来时门会没锁。

A:I locked it when I left though. 但是出门时我有锁门。

B:Yes, but the robber broke in.Then, when he left, he left through the door. So it wasn't locked. 是的,但是抢匪破门而入。然後他从门离开,所以门没锁。

A:I don't care about that, Allen! What did he steal? That's the question! 艾伦,我才不管那个!他偷了什么?那才是问题!

B:Look around. 四处看看。

A:The TV's still here. 电视还在这里。

B:And your stereo too. So what did he steal? We have to go look upstairs. 你的音响也在,那么他偷了什么?我们必须上楼看看。

A:But what if someone's still up there? 万一他还在楼上呢?

B:I don't think there will be. He left through the door, remember? 我觉得他不在。记得吗?他从大门出去了。

A:I don't want to go upstairs. We should call the police.He might still be in the house. And what if he has a gun? 我不要上楼,我们应该报警。他可能还在屋子里,万一他有枪呢?

B:Alright, maybe you're right. But did you have any valuables upstairs? 好吧,也许你是对的。但是你楼上有什么值钱的东西吗?

A:Like what? 譬如是什么?

B:Did you have any cash, expensive jewelry, or anything like that? 现金、昂贵的珠宝,或是任何像那样的东西?

A:No. I mean, of course I have jewelry, but nothing really expensive. 没有。当然我有珠宝,但是不怎么昂贵。

B:It's strange. I just wonder what he wanted to steal.Because I don't see anything missing down here. Let's call the police. 奇怪了,我在猜他想偷什么。因为我没看到这里有任何东西不见了。我们报警吧。

A:What's the number? 电话几号?

B:I don't know. Just dial 911.That's the general emergency number. They will connect you to the police. 不知道,就打 911。那是一般紧急情况的电话,他们会转给警察。

A:Hello. Please connect me to the police. 喂,请帮我接警察。

C:Police department. 警察局。

A:Yes, hello. My house has been broken into. 喂,有人闯进我们家。

C:What's your address, Ma'am? 请问你的地址是?

A:1414 East Maple Road. Monroe. 门罗市枫树东路 1414 号。

C:Alright. We will send someone right away.Do you have reason to believe the intruder may still be in the house? 好的,我们马上派人过去。你有什么理由相信侵入者还在屋子里吗?

A:No, I think he is gone. But I don't know. I didn't go upstairs. 我认为他走了。但是我不确定,我还没上楼。

C:That's smart. The best thing is to wait just outside until an officer arrives. 很聪明,最好就在外面等警察来。

A:Thank you. 谢谢你。

C:Someone should be there in a couple minutes. 几分钟后就会有人到那里。分享更多情景口语

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