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标题: 走红的"五道杠少年" [打印本页]

作者: pady401    时间: 2011-7-2 11:21     标题: 走红的"五道杠少年"



Even more "commendable", according to netizens, is his white armband bearing five red strokes. Most Chinese adults never saw themselves or classmates in primary school get more than three strokes, which show the wearer to be a young pioneer leader in a school. Two strokes indicate the wearer is a monitor of a class and one stroke indicates he or she is the overseer of a small team.


文中的five-stroke armband就是指少先队员“五道杠”的队章。80后的盆友们小时候很多都佩戴过这种带杠的队章。目前少先队中最高只有three-stroke armband(三道杠)的大队长,five-stroke armband代表的总队长是一些地方的尝试。

Stroke在这里指的是“笔画”。在游泳中,stroke还可以指各种不同的泳姿,比如back stroke(仰泳)、breast stroke(蛙泳)、butterfly stroke(蝶泳)等等。Stroke还可以用来指“高明的举措、巧妙的办法”,比如master stroke(绝招、妙举)。

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