1. 第一个词是cock。这个词是一开始学英语就学到的基本词汇之一,大家都知道它是“公鸡”的意思,可是在美语里,最好就不要用它了,因为它的意思早就不是“公鸡”了。在俚语里面,它指的是男性生殖器。比如你要说:“他有两只公鸡。”,千万不要说:He has two cocks。这样一定会让人误解的。那么用哪个词表达“公鸡”的意思呢?这时候,Rooster就是最好的选择了。例如你要说:“我是鸡年生的。”,就可以说: I was born in the year of rooster.
2. 还有一个需要注意的词是rubber。学英语的时候我们知道它是“橡皮”的意思,但在美语里面,说“橡皮”用的是eraser,而不是rubber。Rubber在美式口语里有三个意思,第一个意思指的是“轮胎”,也就是automobile tire或者tire。例如一个人说: The rubber on my car is ruined. 她的意思就是:我车子的轮胎已经被毁了。
我和同事埋头工作一上午,转眼就到了午休时间,公司里德高望重的老美顾问这时探首进来,我看准他要出去吃饭,就说:“out to lunch?"
老先生顿了一下,然后孩童似的西西笑了起来,笑得那么开怀,连脸都胀红了。见同事一脸茫然,他才喘气告诉我们 out to lunch 正面意思是去吃午饭,若当俚语解,是指这个人脑子不清楚,做白日梦,不专注,甚至有呆呆的意思呢
4. Nickel and Dime Someone
一个客户在电话线上和我就一笔生意讨价还价,硬要在我的报价上要砍掉一角钱,当时我和他据理力争,他说:”I'm not trying to nickel and dime you.“ 我当时就冲口回答:”I don't need your nickel and dime.(我才不要你的分分角角呢)”
5. Dress Code
刚到美国,我利用课余时间在一家餐馆打工,负责接电话。有一次,一个电话问道:“What's your 'dress code' ?" 我想可能是我没听清楚,对方应该是要问 address 和 zip code 。我马上口述了一遍我们餐馆的地址。
愚人节 April Fool's Day 那天,好友 Jenner 在“愚弄”我失败后,仍不罢休,她坚信一定可以找到一个愚弄我的方法的。我劝她放弃,她却说:“ There's one born every minute." 我听后觉得一头雾水,每分钟都有一个人出生?问了 Jenner 才明白,这句话是一句 saying,意思是“总会有人上当的”。
7. 再迟到,给你一脚? Get the boot 委婉表达解雇某人
一日,Jenner 告诉我她在去打工的路上高跟鞋坏了,结果迟到了半小时,正碰上老板心情不好,冲她斥道:“ If you're late again, you're getting the boot.”所以,Jenner感到很是委屈。可我对她老板说的话感到纳闷。
后来查字典终于真相大白:get the boot 是委婉的表达解雇某人的意思,同样的这个意思,还有一种书面表达方法是 give sb. the boot. ( get booted 在chatrooms 还有被踢出去的意思。)
8.别跟 Jack 打招呼
老美同事Jack 跟我们闲聊说,如在公众场合或是飞机上,碰巧遇到他可千万不要随意跟他打招呼!
我们问为什么,他就反问我们说如果碰到他,第一句会讲什么?大伙异口同声的回答说:“Hi ,Jack!” Jack 马上回答说:“ See! It is 'hijack' !”搞不好警察马上会掏枪把你制伏,因为跟 Jack 打招呼容易被误听成 hijack(抢劫 或 劫机)。
听完大伙顿时笑成一团。作者: kuangye678 时间: 2011-5-29 15:15
9.I have no culture
一次,我患尿路感染,去看医生,想要个处方,医生不给,还说:“I have no culture。”我想,处方与“文化”有什么关系,怎么搞的那么复杂。
回到家立即查字典,才弄明白Sugar Daddy的意思是,赠送豪华礼物来博取少女欢心的老头!我真是够土的!
`sugar-daddy n (infml 口) rich man who is generous to a younger woman, usu in return for sexual favours 对年轻女子慷慨的阔男子(通常为换取性方面的好处).
12.Put one's best foot forward 全力以赴
朋友的朋友是位刚从大学毕业不久的女孩。年底在纽约找到了工作。离家上千里,元旦就不回家了。New Year's Eve我们邀请朋友和那女孩一起来玩。聊天中得知,那女孩曾经是大学田径队跑中长跑的。由于我年轻的时候也有这样的爱好,所以我们谈的特别投机。她说,她没有得过什么特别好得名次,“But I always put my best foot forward。”
一次偶然得机会,我看到put one's best foot forward是全力以赴的意思。我才恍然大悟,难怪当时那么简单的提问她还会花时间去思考!
13. A peeking Tom
When small children peek through fences or into windows,they are probably just being curious。When a grown man does the same thing,it is often because he has other motives-and they aren't always innocent or respectable ones。A man snooping like that is a a peeking Tom,"The neighbors have called the police,They are certain there is a peeking Tom in the neighbourhood tonight。
peek / pi:k; pik/ v [I, Ipr] ~ (at sth) look quickly and often secretively (at sth) 匆匆地(常为秘密地)看(某物); 偷看; 窥视: * No peeking! 禁止窥视! * peek over the fence 向篱笆那边瞥一眼 * peek at sb's diary 偷看某人的日记.
Many words in English began as idioms.
A windfall is one of them.
It once referred to fruit that had been blown to the frond by the wind, but has now come to mean sudden good luck--Particularly in receiving money unexpectedly.
eg: "Felix won some money in the lottery and got a welcome windfall."
一天,经理叫我请大卫去办公室走一趟。不料大卫头也不抬就答道:“I don't blow my horn。”
办公室那里有horn(号角,喇叭)呢?我只好将原话象经理复述。不料他说:“Then you blow for him。”当我发呆不语时候,他解释说:总公司派人来了解大卫,想表彰他。
星期天,我们到朋友Helen家看录像带。她的弟弟正在电脑旁打报告,抬头向我们打了一声招呼后,完全不受干扰的又继续埋头工作。Helen说:“我们看我们的电影,不必管他,he is such an egghead!”“鸡蛋脸?不会吧!我觉得他应该算是方面大耳的国字脸呀!“我如此的回答。看我一本正经的模样,大家都笑了起来。原来,Egghead是指那些有呆气的读书人或者爱讲道理的知识分子,和什么脸形,面相都无关系!
egghead n (infml derog 口, 贬) very intellectual person 很有学问的人:
* The eggheads at the university know nothing about business. 大学的饱学之士对做生意一窍不通.
be ,no (spring) `chicken (idm 习语) (infml 口) (esp of women) be no longer young (尤指女子)已不年轻
20.A dead letter
A letter that the post office is unable to deliver--maybe it's addressed incorrectly or the person to whom it's addressed has moved--is a dead letter. So, too, is a law, an order or a directive that has lost its effectiveness and is no longer used. “that order from the boss is a dead letter, Nobody obeyed it anyway."
一封可能因为地址写错或收信人已经搬离该处的信,邮局无法递派出去,便称之为“a dead letter”;现在,人们常用“a dead letter”来比喻那些已失效或不再通行的法律,命令或指令。“老板的命令毫无作用,根本没有人遵照行事!”
时值年底,因资金结余。老板问大家有无新的仪器定购。众人纷纷摇头。这时有位博士生表情诡异的说:“We need some lab bunnies。”我不明所以,以为是做实验所需的动物,便接口说道:“No,we don't need rabbits,we have nothing to do with that for a year。”结果美国同事哄堂大笑。
bunny n
1 (used by and to small children 用作儿语) rabbit 兔子.
2 (also `bunny girl) (often sexist 常含性别偏见) night-club hostess, esp one wearing a costume that includes false rabbit's ears and a tail 兔儿女郎(夜总会的女招待, 尤指以假的兔子耳朵及尾巴为装饰者).
22.Not Brown Enough
那天正在聊天,Cathy说她有时候很迷糊,“Probably I am not brown enough!”结果Donna安慰她说:“Never mind,we are the same,and this is not true!”听了这些对话,我才真是迷糊了,连忙要她们解释。
阿丹马上从他的口袋里面掏出皮夹子,要抽出信用卡给收银小姐,收银小姐以为阿丹不懂英文而手足无措时,正巧后面的顾客到阿丹前面,一手拿着纸袋一手抓着塑料袋在阿丹面前晃一晃,这时阿丹才悟出来他会意错了意思。原来收银小姐问的是”纸袋“还是”塑料袋“(plastic bag or paper bag)而不是信用卡!
24. A Chinese puzzle
Apparently the Chinese are quite skilled at constructing intricate puzzles which require a great deal of time and thought to solve. From that,anything difficult to comprehend or something extremely complex is referred to as a Chinese puzzle. “I have never been able to understand mathematics,”Julia frowned,“The subject continues to remain a Chinese puzzle to me."
显然地,中国人精于设计复杂的七巧板(puzzle),使人们花很多时间和心思才能拼成。因此,凡任何难以理解,错综复杂的事物,都可以比喻为“a Chinese puzzle”。
Apparently the Chinese are quite skilled at constructing intricate puzzles which require a great deal of time and thought to solve. From that,anything difficult to comprehend or something extremely complex is referred to as a Chinese puzzle. “I have never been able to understand mathematics,”Julia frowned,“The subject continues to remain a Chinese puzzle to me."
显然地,中国人精于设计复杂的七巧板(puzzle),使人们花很多时间和心思才能拼成。因此,凡任何难以理解,错综复杂的事物,都可以比喻为“a Chinese puzzle”。
“我一向都理解不了数学,”朱利亚愁苦地说,“这个科目对我来说就像中国地七巧板一样复杂! ”
26. Too Many Irons on the Fire
那天我和Marilyn约好去Sandra家坐坐,我晚到了。刚要开门,就听见Marilyn嚷嚷说:“......too many irons on the fire”,我不知道是什么东西放在火上,又不希望又什么意外发生,结果啥都没有!
原来“too many irons on the fire”就表示一个人有太多的事情要做,太忙了!就像以前老祖母放很多熨斗在火炉上,衣服一件接着一件烫,忙不过来。这可真是现代人的写照啊!
两年多前刚来美国不久,我与洋老公迁入一教堂顶楼居住。每逢周末,有不同教堂组织前来礼拜,楼下不时传来优美的圣歌。一日我对老公说:“Listen to the beautiful gossip,isn’t it nice?”
28.She has her own pets
表妹女儿的同学来家里玩,两个孩子在一起谈到学校里的事。那天她们又在你一句我一句的争论不休。只听那位同学说:“Mrs O‘Brien(the teacher)has her own pets。”
“My old man is a pretty remarkable person,”Heloise smiled。“All I have to do is give a loud cry and he wakes up,climbs out of his warm bed,puts on his slippers in the dark,turns on the light,and hurries to my room bearing a gift that's guaranteed to silence me!What a guy,that old man of mine!I wonder where my old lady met him?”In colloquial speech,someone’s old man is his or her father,husband or boyfriend。His or her old lady is his/her mother,wife or girlfriend。
When animals are in danger they use their teeth and toenails(claws)to defend themselves。They do so tooth and nail。That has given us this expression,which is somewhat removed from the original meaning for it now means to do something with great determination while using all one‘s strength。“I am working tooth and nail to pass my examinations。” ”Our team fought tooth and nail,and we eventually won the football game。“
“Tooth and nail”,形容下最大决心和全力以赴的去做某种事情。这出自动物遇到危险时,张牙舞爪的来保卫自己!
Have a turkey on one's back 是喝醉酒或吸毒成隐的意思。当然我们都知道Audun只是贪杯而已,他可不会去吸毒的。
36. Leave well enough alone
每年10月德克萨斯州有一次TAAS考试,全称 Texas Assessment of Academic Skills。每一个德州高中生,想毕业就一定要考过TAAS,我当然也不例外。考前老师对全班同学说:Leave well enough alone。但我并未理解。在班里数学一向第一的我,考完后既开开心心地上其他课去了。
两个月过后,老师告诉我数学只得了78分。我百思不得其解,便向老师要来了原题及答题卷,我发现有很多题自己原本作对了,却又在检查时改错了。这时我才明白老师讲的 Leave well enough alone 的意思了:不要画蛇添足。