"Young people are probably making those connections more easily because they have been brought up with the issue and with the science much more so than older generations, but everyone is beginning to get on board," Osborn said.
One Youngo member who came here is Logaswari from Singapore. _____________________________________________________________________.
"Over here, you are able to talk to the person," said Logaswari. "You get to meet everybody and you can work in a more relaxed manner because you can go out for coffee. It is a lot more efficient, really."
These young people hope their activism will eventually bring about change that could prevent the worst consequences of global warming.
作者: 多啦 时间: 2011-5-27 09:12
she says she connected with other young online and now she is with them作者: 莎莎dawn 时间: 2011-5-27 13:52
she says she conected with others young actives online and untill now here with them meeting with _ decision makers.作者: sunjilong1 时间: 2011-5-29 11:07
123123123作者: areyouready 时间: 2011-5-29 18:38
She says she connected with other young activists on line,and she's now here with them meeting these deligates of decision makers.作者: 雨落风残 时间: 2011-7-20 16:24
本帖最后由 雨落风残 于 2011-7-20 16:25 编辑
She says she connected with other young activists on line and is now here with them, meeting with delegates and decision-makers.
By the way, 那个新加坡的女的说话给人感觉就是,她的脑子时而短路,时而恢复一样。有时半天只说出2,3个单词,有时却一秒说出5,6个单词,还成串的。听起来让人抓狂。