Support bacteria. They're the only culture some people have。
A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory。作者: dragon520 时间: 2011-5-25 16:27
I can't understand the last sentence.
How can connect with them?作者: Brucemar 时间: 2011-5-25 22:27
I can't understand,too.作者: xuxiaolin 时间: 2011-5-26 14:36
" 99 percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name." If this sentence is true,we are in danger.The world is no longer safe .作者: xiaomeixin 时间: 2011-5-26 14:42
A day without sunshine is like night。
I just love this.作者: kuangye678 时间: 2011-5-27 00:44
in west many lawyers are bad作者: kuangye678 时间: 2011-5-27 00:46