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标题: 如何拥有好睡眠 [打印本页]

作者: 凉茶    时间: 2011-5-8 16:15     标题: 如何拥有好睡眠

Tips for the Best Sleep Ever

You’ve done all the obvious stuff—cut out late-night caffeine, made sure your bedroom is dark and cozy, avoided scary movies . So why are you still tossing and turning? Certain habits you’re unaware of could be sabotaging your sleep .


And, as you may know, lack of shut-eye doesn’t just leave you foggy the next day: Chronic, long-term insufficient sleep ups your odds of diabetes, depression, cardiovascular disease, even weight gain. So what to do? Try these unexpected tweaks, and wake up feeling incredibly well-rested.



Halt your afternoon habit

It’s a no-brainer that drinking coffee or tea right before you hit the sack won’t do you any sleep favors. But you also need to watch your afternoon drinks, says Joan Salge Blake, RD, a clinical associate professor at Boston University. It’s got caffeine, and so do some flavored waters and even sodas, Blake warns. Check the labels on your favorite midday drinks—any that boast energy-boosting benefits are likely culprits. Naturally, coffee drinks pack a real wallop, so stay away from them after lunch.


睡前喝茶或是咖啡对睡眠没有任何助益。另外,你还要注意你的下午茶波士顿大学临床学副教授,营养师Joan Salge Blake提醒道。他还说,人们通常喝得下午茶里含有咖啡因,添加剂甚至是苏打水等。仔细看看你喜欢喝的下午茶饮品标签——那些说是能提神的饮品很有可能就会影响你的睡眠。当然,咖啡饮品对人的睡眠影响很大,因此午饭后不喝为妙。

Choose sleep superfoods

While it’s important to avoid a big, heavy meal right before bed (a full stomach will disturb your sleep), some foods may actually help you snooze. If you’ve had a few nights of restless sleep, make a light whole-wheat-pasta dish with fresh vegetables, a little diced chicken breast, tomato sauce, and a sprinkle of Parmesan for dinner. This meal contains a snooze-friendly combination of protein and tryptophan, an amino acid that converts to sleep-promoting serotonin in the body.


If your stomach’s growling late at night, try a small bowl of cottage cheese with banana slices, another dish that serves up tryptophan. Other combos of healthy carbs and protein, such as milk and graham crackers or yogurt sprinkled with cereal, will also do the trick.

Take an early soak


Like to unwind in the tub before you snooze? Surprisingly, a hot bath might make it harder for you to drift off: Doing anything that raises your body temperature too close to bedtime may actually hinder you from falling asleep, because your body needs to cool to a certain temperature in order to reach a sound slumber, says J. Todd Arnedt, PhD, director of the University of Michigan Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program. That doesn’t mean you can’t soak after a rough day—when you get home from work, not right before turning in.


喜欢全身心放松的躺在浴缸里打盹嘛?让人没想到的是,泡热水澡可能更让人难以入眠:主持密歇根大学行为睡眠医学项目的J. Todd Arnedt博士指出,快睡觉时做任何能升高人体温度的事情都会影响睡眠,这是因为人体需要时间来降低体表温度以进入睡眠。这并不是说当你辛苦工作一整天之后,回家连澡都不可以洗。只是不要在快睡时洗澡。

Set the mood for slumber


Keeping your room dark while you sleep is a great start, but bringing the lights down before bed is also important. Bright light too close to bedtime can make it hard to fall asleep. That’s because dimness signals the biological clock that it’s time to wind down, while bright light says “daytime!” Swap out überbright bedroom bulbs for low-watt ones, or install a dimmer switch and keep it low. Like to read in bed? Do it in the lowest light that’s still comfortable.



作者: 陈秀玲    时间: 2011-5-8 19:12

I should have enough shut-eye ```````
作者: 凉茶    时间: 2011-5-8 21:20

回复 2# 陈秀玲

    I was frequently wakeful~

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