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标题: 新西兰之旅:白云之地 [打印本页]

作者: sxjun    时间: 2006-7-11 17:54     标题: 新西兰之旅:白云之地

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日期:2003-11-19 11:15:23  
New Zealand: Land of the white cloud

With its primeval forests, mighty snowcapped peaks, gigantic fjords and grumbling volcanoes, its no wonder the makers of The Lord Of The Rings films decided to shoot the trilogy in New Zealand.
Rugged ranger-types can relive The Fellowship Of The Ring by scaling forbidding mountain passes or crossing volcanic moonscapes towards the cracks of doom. For more adrenaline highs theres an unbeatable choice of good value activities, from white water rafting and jet boat rides to bungee-jumping and skydiving.
For more homely Hobbit types, NZ has many other attractions to enjoy--rambling countryside, a glorious coastline and plenty of sedate places to sit and enjoy the amazing views. And then theres the terrific cuisine and wine.
With two weeks or more, a good way to see the country is to start in Auckland on the North Island, then drive to Wellington, crossing by ferry to the South Island. Take in the breathtaking scenery around Queenstown before flying home from Christchurch.
Theres too much to see beyond Auckland to justify spending too much time in the city, so head south to Waitomo. Hiding beneath this hilly area are the haunting Waitomo Glowworm Caves. Drift in silence in the dark on the subterranean lake and gaze up at the spectacular living lightshow. Adventure company Waitomo Luminosa leads groups through the underground rivers riding dark rapids on inner tyres.
Directly east from Waitomo, Rotorua town is a rich playground for adventure sports. Try Zorbing, which recreates the feeling of being inside a spinning washing machine. Climb inside a giant, transparent, padded ball at The Agrodome Leisure Park and roll downhill…fast!
Rotorua is known for its volcanic thermal vents creating pools of plopping volcanic mud at the Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Park. Volcanic fissures cover the whole area. Sinister eggy-smelling steam snakes from cracks in pavements and heats the many pools here. Try the thermal Blue Baths, taking tea afterwards in the Thirties tearooms. Just out of town, the Titikere Springs Spa is a luxury option.

If you want to encounter a real volcano, head south to Tongariro National Park with its breath-taking peaks reminiscent of the Lonely Mountain from The Hobbit. Its easy to imagine Smaug the dragon slumbering in Mount Ruapehu, a very active volcano whose slopes become a popular ski resort in winter, the ski lifts heading over a lava-strewn wasteland to within 1,000ft of the streaming crater.
Set in this epic landscape, the comfortable Grand Chateau is convenient for all the walks in the area. Its where the film crews and stars of The Lord Of The Rings stayed while filming scenes on Mount Doom for The Return Of The King.
An ideal romantic destination is Fernside, a restored historic house about an hour north of Wellington with large colonial-era bedrooms offering luxury bed, breakfast, lunch and dinner.
About midway down the South Island stands Mount Cook, the highest peak in the country at 3,754m, surrounded by giant glaciers. The mountain range it towers over is the Southern Alps.
If the weather is good, head out from the nearby Hermitage Hotel for an easy, pleasant alpine walk to the bottom of the glacier. Mount Cook Ski Planes fly up to and land on top of the glacier itself, a thrilling ride with fantastic views. Queens-town, sitting under the jagged peaks of the aptly-named Remarkables, is a scenic four-hour drive south of Mount Cook, or a short flight from Christchurch.
The town is a good base for exploring the best bits of the South Island. In winter its a ski resort, in summer an enchanting place from which to plan walks, river rafting, fishing and boat trips. A more sedate option is the lovely old steamship TSS Earnslaw.
Set aside a day for the must-see spectacle of Milford Sound in the heart of NZs unspoiled and awe-inspiring fjord-land. Treat yourself to a scenic flight with Queenstown Air. Nothing can prepare you for the scale in which giant cruise ships are mere specks in the vast panorama of mountain and sound. It makes for a suitably grandiose ending to an epic trip


  原始森林、厚厚的白雪覆盖的山峰、雄伟的峡湾以及轰鸣的火山, 难怪《指环王》的制片者会最终选择新西兰拍摄这部"三部曲"。

  喜欢冒险和挑战的勇敢者可以在翻越崇山峻岭或者穿越火山表面, 直至死亡之隙的过程中重新体验《戒之友情》中的汹涌豪迈。为了寻找更多的刺激, 这里是那些极限运动的最佳去处, 从白水河漂流和驾驶快艇到蹦极跳和高空飞降。

  而对于喜欢宁静与平和的游者来说, 新西兰还有更多田园式风格的美景--漫无边际的乡村、壮丽的海岸线以及众多可以坐下来享受美景的静谧之地。然后你可以在这儿品尝美味的菜肴和芳香的葡萄酒。

  如果有两个星期或者更多时间, 游览这个国家的最好行程是从北岛的奥克兰出发, 然后驱车到达惠灵顿, 再经码头乘船到达南岛。享受了昆斯敦市的绝佳美景后再由基督城乘飞机回家。

  除奥克兰外, 其附近还有许多美得让人留恋忘返、值得一看的胜景, 所以千万别错过去南面的怀托摩。在这山地之中藏着让我无法忘怀的怀托摩萤火虫儿岩洞。在黑暗的地下湖中静静地漂流, 你会为生动而五光十色的景观所吸引。怀托摩鲁米诺萨(Luminosa)探险公司会带领你在黑暗中乘坐橡皮艇, 穿过地下河那湍急的水流。

  怀托摩正东的罗托鲁瓦城是一个冒险运动的乐园。试试"潲饼"(Zorbing), 那种感觉就好像是被甩到了滚筒洗衣机里。去爱歌顿游乐园爬进巨大的透明充气球里, 然后再滚下来……风驰电掣!

  罗托鲁瓦因其在香槟湖地热公园内冒着火山泥的火山地热喷泉而闻名于世。火山缝隙覆盖了整个地区。可恶的带鸡蛋气味的水蒸气从人行道的裂缝中钻出把这里的很多池塘都烘得热乎乎的。试试温暖的温馨浴(Blue Baths), 再在"30岁人茶馆"中来杯热茶。如果到城外去, 提提科尔(Titikere)的温泉浴实在是一种奢侈的享受了。

  如果你想见见真正的火山, 往南到冬加里洛国家公园。那里壮观的山峰令人想起《小矮人历险记》中的孤独山。这很容易想象斯毛格(Smaug)这个卢亚帕禾山中沉睡的"巨龙", 一个非常活跃的火山, 其斜坡已变成冬季的滑雪胜地。滑雪缆车可以带你越过布满岩浆的荒原到达1000英尺处蒸汽滚滚的火山口。

  舒适的城堡旅馆建在史诗般的景色之中, 而它的位置可以让你无比惬意地步行游览附近地区。难怪《指环王》的摄制组与明星们在拍摄《王者的归来》一片中的命运山的外景时, 会选择住在这里。

  一个浪漫的理想去处是芬赛德(Fernside), 位于惠灵顿北边, 驱车前往需1小时左右。这是一幢已经经过修葺的历史悠久的建筑, 它仍保留着殖民地时代那种硕大宽敞的卧房, 你可以享受奢华的睡眠和三餐。

  在南岛的中部屹立着新西兰的最高峰, 海拔3754米的库克山, 其周围是巨大的冰河。库克山下绵延的山脉就是南阿尔卑斯山。

  如果天气好, 可以从附近隐士旅馆出发, 前往冰河底部, 享受一段轻松快乐的高山之行。乘坐库克山的滑雪飞机并降落到冰河的顶端, 可以享受一段美景相伴的惊人旅行。昆斯敦市位于群峦叠嶂之下, 这些山峰有个非常恰当的名字--卓越峰。游览这处胜景可以从库克山乘车向南行驶4小时或从基督城乘一小段飞机。

  这座城市是探索南岛美景一个极棒的出发点。冬季, 这里是个滑雪胜地;夏季则是远足、漂流、垂钓以及乘船旅行的绝佳去处。如果要选择更安静一点的方式, 则有古董蒸汽轮船恩斯罗号。

  一定要留一天给不能错过的美景米尔福德峡湾, 它位于新西兰腹地纯自然而壮观的峡湾地区。乘坐昆斯敦航空公司的飞机享受一番风景。你怎么都无法想象它的雄伟:巨大的游轮就好像是已融入群山与海峡中的一个微小墨迹, 它为这次旅行划上了一个圆满的句号。
作者: 臭小子    时间: 2006-7-12 09:22     标题: romantic

i like this  plase !i  like  it !with a  lot of itchto thisplase ,i hope my friends includeing you accompany me >fly away
作者: sqh2687191    时间: 2006-7-12 10:13

作者: why123_520    时间: 2006-7-12 19:13     标题: beautiful~~~~~


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