7. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, by RichardCarlson。
Carlson是Slowing Down to the Speed ofLife的合着者,不过他更有名的着作是这一本。这本书是“别为小事担忧”系列的第一本。和副标题连在一起,你能读出更多意味:《别为小事担忧——所有的都是小事》。这本书教你透视所有事情,免除焦虑困扰。它也告诉你,要以欣赏的眼光看待周围事物,尤其是我们身边的人。
we will try to find rest books together~
welcome friends here who have these e-book resouces to upload it to share with us~作者: leenyao 时间: 2010-12-24 22:54
I am picking up a book for the coming spring festival holiday.May I could choose one from your list,thank you,leeyao.作者: hardworker 时间: 2011-1-29 22:00
一本都 没看过作者: zwsmj123 时间: 2011-2-4 17:13
thank you very much!作者: 皮皮鲁 时间: 2011-2-5 00:05
calm myself down , reading, A to Z !作者: a757805594 时间: 2011-3-7 19:58