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标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(24)a [打印本页]

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-8-30 17:08     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(24)a

Test TwentyFour
character, personality, nature, temperament, individuality
She is a woman of strong character. 她是个性格坚强的女人。
Love had to be a giveandtake, each respecting the other’s personality.爱既包含奉献也包含索取,彼此应尊重对方的人格。
It’s not her nature to be rude; she’s polite by nature.她的天性不是粗鲁无礼,而是彬彬有礼。
Many actors have excitable temperament.许多演员性情容易激动。
Dress expresses the wearer’s individuality.衣着反映人的个性。
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-8-30 17:08     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(24)b


1. My train arrives inShenyang at seven o’clock tomorrow. The plane I would like to take from there ____ by then.

A. would leave B. will have left 

C. has leftD. had left

2. ____ the building did he realize that there was danger everywhere in it.

A. Upon enteringB. When he entered

C. Only after enteringD. After he had entered

3. He will do anything for us except ____ us his oxen.

A. lendingB. will lendC. lendD. has lent

4. The suspect at last admitted ____ the stolen goods but he denied ____ them.

A. receiving...sellingB. to receive...selling

C. sellD. to sell

5. How close parents are to their children ____ a strong influence on the character of the children.

A. haveB. hasC. having D. to have

6. ____ on a clear day, far from the city crowds, the mountains give him a sense of infinite peace.

A. If walkingB. Walking

C. While walkingD. When one is walking

7. Professor Smith’s dedication to ____ earned him the respect of both his colleagues and students.

A. being taught B. be taught

C. teach D. teaching

8. If only I ____ what you wanted!

A. knewB. knowC. had knownD. have known

9. He was reading a piece of science fiction, completely ____ to the outside world.

A. to be lostB. lostC. losingD. having lost

10. I’d rather that they ____ during the bad weather, but they insist that they must return home today.

A. don’t travelB. didn’t travel

C. shouldn’t travelD. not travel

11. The manager gave her his ____ that her complaint would be investigated.

A. consentB. conceptionC. assuranceD. insurance

12. It has always been the ____ of this company to promote existing staff to senior positions.

A. procedureB. policyC. processD. prime

13. When he graduated from high school he got his ____.

A. diplomatB. certificateC. degreeD identity

14. These varied racial groups have learned to live together in peace and ____, setting an example well worth following.

A. harmonyB. graceC. rhythmD. relief

15. John Dewey believed that education should be a preparation for life, that a person learns by doing, and that teaching must ____ the curiosity and creativity of children.

A. stimulateB. spareC. seekD. secure

16. In 1914, an apparently insignificant event in a remote part of Eastern Europe ____ Europe into a great war.

A. imposedB. pitchedC. insertedD. plunged

17. What are your ____ for judging a bottle of wine?

A. regulationsB. rules

C. premisesD. criteria

18. To help students understand how we see, teachers often draw a(n) ______ between an eye and a camera.

A. contrastB. analogyC. imageD. substitute

19. Whereas sudden great disasters are instantaneous, others, such as droughts, are ____.

A. cumulativeB. formidable 

C. eternalD. prospective

20. We are always ready to ____ our motherland from any foreign aggression.

A. defendB. protectC. guardD. shield

21. The train has been____ by an accident.

A. delayedB. postponedC. put offD. relayed

22. Can you ____ any smell of the gaswhich is escaping?

A. discoverB. detectC. findD. spot

23. A(n) ____ annoyance of bus terminals is the abundance of exhaust fumes.

A. instantaneousB. regular

C. inherentD. extensive

24. They have no idea of the ____rich in mineral springs.

A. localityB. locationC. situationD. site

25. When Tasuma first came to the U.S. from Japan, he wasn’t sure he could ____ into American culture, but after a few months, he felt at home here.

A. absorbB. transformC. digestD. assimilate
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-8-30 17:09     标题: 专业四级:词汇、语法详细解答40套(24)c


1. B)【句意】我乘坐的火车明天7点到沈阳,到那时,我想乘坐的航班可能已经从那里起飞了。

【难点】时间状语by then意为“到那时”,常和将来完成时连用。

2. C)【句意】只在进入大楼后,他才意识到危机四伏。


3. C)【句意】除了不借给我们牛用之外,他愿为我们做任何事情。

【难点】have nothing but ,do nothing /anything but /except 这种结构,只要位于but /except 前面的成分中包含动词do ,则 but/except后必定跟动词原形。

4. A)【句意】犯罪嫌疑人最终承认收到了被盗的货物,但却否认销赃。

【难点】admit 和deny 通常后跟动名词,名词,或that引导的从句作宾语,所以本句中只有选项A)正确。

5. B)【句意】父母和孩子的亲近程度对孩子性格的影响非常大。


6. D)【句意】如果一个人在晴朗的天气里到远离尘嚣的地方散步,群山会给他一种无限宁静的感觉。


7. D)【句意】史密斯教授献身教育的精神,赢得了同事和学生们的尊敬。

【难点】词组dedicated to 意为“献身于,全身心地做某事”,to 为介词,后边只能跟名词,代词或动名词。因此B)和C)不正确,并且史密斯教授是从事教学而非被授,所以A)也不正确,只有选项D)正确。

8. C)【句意】假如我早知道你要什么该多好。

【难点】If only 意为“假如…该多好”,往往用于引导虚拟条件句,如果表示与将来或现在事实相反的假设,则句中谓语应采用过去时;如果表示与过去事实相反的假设,则句中谓语应采用过去完成时。

9. B)【句意】他在看一本科幻小说,对周围的一切毫不在意。

【难点】“be lost to sth ”为一固定短语,意为“未注意,漠视”。

10. B)【句意】我倒希望他们别在坏天气赶路,但他们坚持今天必须回家。

【难点】由would /had rather+宾语从句构成的虚拟语气句,宾语从句的谓语动词形式一般有两种表示方式,用动词的过去式表示现在和将来的含义,用过去完成时表示过去的含义。

11. C)【句意】经理保证她的申诉将得到调查。

【难点】assurance意为“保证”,后接that 从句,作同位语。consent 意为“同意;准许,赞同”;conception意为“思想,观念;想法,概念”;insurance意为“保险”。

12. B)【句意】给在职职工升职一直是该公司的政策。

【难点】policy 意为“政策”;procedure意为“程序”;process 意为“过程”;prime是形容词,意为“最主要的”,在本句中不合适。

13. B)【句意】高中毕业时,他得到了毕业证。

【难点】certificate 意为“证书;执照;结业证书”;diplomat是“外交官”,diploma是“文凭”;degree意为“学位,学衔”,是高校用语;identity意为“身份,本身”。

14. A)【句意】这些不同的种族群体已学会和平共处地生活在一起,树立了值得学习的榜样。

【难点】harmony 意为“和谐,一致”,in harmony 构成介词词组;grace 意为“(姿态

动作的)优美,优雅,文雅”;rhythm 意为“韵律,节奏;节拍”; relief意为“安慰,安心,宽慰”。

15. A)【句意】约翰•杜威认为,教育是对生活的准备,人要通过做事学知识,教学必须要激发儿童的好奇心和创造力。

【难点】stimulate 意为“刺激,激发,促进”; spare意为“分让…给(人);seek意为“寻求;追求;探求”;secure 意为“使…安全;保护…免于危险”。

16. D)【句意】1914年,东欧一个偏僻的地区发生的一件明显微不足道的小事使欧洲陷入了一场大战。

【难点】plunge 意为“使…陷入(某种状态);把…抛进”,常和介词into 构成习惯搭配;impose 意为“(把想法等)强加(于某人),强迫(某人)接受…,后面一般接on ;pitch意为“抛,扔,投”;insert意为“将…插入;将(词句)写入”,后接in ,into, between等。

17. D)【句意】你判断一瓶葡萄酒的标准是什么?

【难点】criteria 意为“(评判之)标准,准则”; regulation意为“规则;规定”;rule和regulation类似,意为“规定,规则,章程,条例”;premise意为“假定,假设,前提”。18. B)【句意】为帮助学生理解我们是如何看见事物的,教师常常用眼睛和照相机作类比。

【难点】analogy意为“类比,类推”;contrast意为“对比,对照”;image 意为“形象,比喻,意象”;substitute 意为“代替人,代替物,代用品”。

19. A)【句意】突然发生的灾难往往是瞬间的,而像干旱这样的灾难则是日积月累的。

【难点】cumulative 意为“累积的,渐增的”;formidable 意为“可怕的;难以应付的”;eternal 意为“永恒的,无休止的,不断的”;prospective 意为“预期的,盼望中的,即将发生的”。

20. A)【句意】我们应随时准备好捍卫我们的祖国,使之免受外国入侵。

【难点】defend 意为“防御,保卫”;protect 意为“保护,防护”;guard 意为“守卫,警卫”;shield 意为“保护,掩护”。defend在四个词里最符合句意。

21. A)【句意】由于出事故,火车晚点了?

【难点】delay 意为“耽搁;延误”,指事失没有计划的延误;postpone意为“延缓,使延期”,指事先作延期安排; put off 与postpone相同;relay 意为“接力传送,传递”。

22. B)【句意】你能不能闻到泄漏的煤气味?

【难点】detect 意为“察觉,发觉,发现”;discover 意为“发现”,指偶然发现了已经存在那里很长时间的事物;find意为“(通过努力)发现;发现…处于某种状态”;spot 意为“(尤用眼睛)察觉,认出,挑出,发现”。

23. C)【句意】公共汽车候车室固有的一种令人讨厌的东西就是它弥漫着的废气味。

【难点】inherent 意为“内在的;固有的,生来就有的”;regular 意为“有规则的;定期的;正规的”;instantaneous 意为“立即的;瞬间发生的”;extensive意为“广大的,广泛的”。

24. A)【句意】他们不知道那个地方有丰富的矿泉水。

【难点】locality 意为“地区,地点”,指客观上的位置;location 意为“方位,定位”,指主观上的位置;situation指相对的位置;site 意为“场所,地点”。

25. D)【句意】当族麻第一次从日本来到美国时,他不相信自己能溶入美国文化。可是过了几个月,他就感觉像在自己家似的。

【难点】assimilate 意为“同化,溶进”,常与to ,into 连用。 absorb 意为“吸收”,为及物动词;transform 意为“使…改变性质”;digest 意为“消化;领悟,理解”。

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