1. Liu Xiang's surgery, rehabilitation and comeback have come under the microscope and all eyes will be pinned on the 27-year-old when he lines up for the final on Wednesday.
pin是“钉”的意思,把所有眼睛都钉在某人或某物身上,可想而知就是“万众瞩目”啦。其中pin可以省略,直接说all eyes will be on就可以了。另外句子中还出现了一个under the microscope,在显微镜下,把东西放在显微镜下肯定是要仔细观察,所以它就是“严密监视,细心观察”的意思。
2. A new line of electric cars took center stage at the automobile show.
take center stage,占据中心舞台,这也很好理解啦,意思就是to be the center of interest,成为大家关注的中心。如果是曾经淡出视野又回归了的话,那么就可以说return to centre stage,重新成为焦点。
3. He's been in the limelight recently, following the publication of a controversial novel.