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标题: 高考英语常见易混易错句型归纳解析(1) [打印本页]

作者: 小雅儿    时间: 2010-10-12 13:52     标题: 高考英语常见易混易错句型归纳解析(1)

Because------(so) though/Although----(but) repeat -----(the same ,again) repay----(back)
Return------(back) unite------(together) combine-----(together) master----(well)
Hate--(very much) advance---(forword) improve----(better) sink—(down)
Renew---(again) about/around—(or so) walk-----(on foot) alone---(by oneself)
Still----(remain) meet---(together) No---(not any/not a) think over--(carefully)
(very)---perfect (very)----excellent (very)--- tiny (very)---huge
Can----(be able to) Be about to do…..(at once /immediately) both…..(as wellas, equal , equally, together)
①表示to allow oneself to share inor become part of 分享,投身于,成为….的一部分
He entered in to the spirit of the game with great excitement他兴致勃勃,融入比赛的气氛中
②表示to begin to take part in formally (正式 )开始参加
Before you enter into an agreement ,you should read the contract carefully
㈡ 触及身体某一部位的表达方式
主语﹢谓语﹢somebody﹢ 介词﹢the身体部位
误: John hit his face . 正:John hit him in the face
解析:在这一句型中常用的 动词有:hit , pat , beat , touch , strike 等等。
一般身体部位比较硬而突出的地方或强调接触人体的表面,用介词on;如on the head(back ,nose ,shoulder, chest, ……)
一般在软而凹的部位用介词 in 如:in the face(eye ,stomach , rib…..)
一般表示抓,拉,握,牵等.常见动词:catch , seize ,grab ,pull ,take, hold ,. 身体的某一部位时,用介词by.
选择填空: 1 The boss_____him _____back and told him something secret Key (D)
A patted….by the B patted …on his C patted…in the D patted …on the
2 Mary led a granny_____hand to across the street Key(D)
A in..the B on the C by her D by the
3 He felt someone ____ him on ____shoulder when he was watching the game. KEY ( C)
A patted…his B pat..his C patting…the D patted….his
㈢ 辨别since从句肯定与否定的三条规律

① 非延续性动词的一般过去时充当since从句的谓语时,从句的内容和形式是统一的,从句的意义是“自从….以来”.。非延续性动词又叫终止性动词/结束性动词。如 come ,leave ,give ,die ,arrive ,return ,find 等。
1 We have lived in Shanghai since we parted 自从分手以来,我们一直住在上海。
2 I have not been to Beijing since I came to study here in 2002 自从2002年来此学习后,握就没去过北京。
② 延续性动词的一般过去时充当since从句的谓语时,从句的内容和形式是对立的,从句的意义是“自从不….以来,或自从….结束以来.”.。延续性动词所表示的动作和状态可以一直持续下去。如: work ,study ,live ,teach等。
1 Things have become even more difficult since I had the bike
[误] 自从我有了那辆自行车以后,情况就更糟糕了。
[正] 自从我丢了那辆自行车以后,情况就更糟糕了。
2 We have not heard from Mike since he worked there 。
[误] 自从迈克在那里工作,我们再也没有收到他的来信。
[正] 自从迈克不在那里工作以后,我们再也没有收到他的来信
3 It is a week since he was in hospital .
[正] 他出院有一个星期了
1 延续性动词的现在完成时充当since从句的谓语.。
She has made much progress since she has been a teacher .
2 since与ever连用时,延续性动词的一般过去时充当从句的谓语。
She has given me a lot of help ever since she worked in our factory

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