in terms of time,women perform approximately 90 per cent of child care tasks and 70 per cent of all family work,and only 14 per cent of fathers are highly participant in terms of time spent on family
work(russell 1983)
a. 观点在作者的名字之后;例如:
demo and acock(1993)in a recent us study, also found that , women contimue to perform a constant and major proportion of household labour(68 per cent to 95 per cent)across all family types(first , marriage,divorced,step-family or never married)regardless of whether they are employed or non-employed in paid work。
(2) 看题目的第一个观点,最好读懂它的意思,或者找出其中几个关键词。做这种题型,应该一道题一道题的做。先看题目的第一个观点,最好能读懂它的意思。否则,找出其中的几个关键词。
(3) 将此观点与原文划线处一一对应。意思相同的或关键词对应上的即为答案。答案确定后,在原文观点处写上此题的题号。原文的每个观点只能与一个题目相对应,所以将已经与某题目对应的观点做上标记,在做其它题目时,就不用看这个观点了。
(4) 依此方法做其它题目。