时尚,已经成为都市年轻人生活中不可获缺的一部分,快来看看什么样的时尚装扮更适合你! ARIES (Mar. 21- April 20)
Red is the color that matches your fiery personality, so use it as your main shade in all your outfits, and spice up your hairstyle with some red hair extensions. Your cheekbones are your best feature, and earrings, especially hoops, help show them off. You look stylish in hats of all kinds, from berets to panamas. 白羊:炽热的红色很衬白羊座热情似火的个性,用它作为你全套行头的主色调是再好不过了。头发也可以配以红色来提亮。你的颧骨长得很漂亮,要是配上适合的耳环一定非常有型。此外,各种款式的帽子,如贝蕾帽或是巴拿马风格的帽子也会让整个人看上去很时髦。 TAURUS (Apr. 21 - May 21)
Your sensuous sign loves the touch of cashmere sweaters and silk shirts, and you look great in pastel colors of light violet, pink, and yellow. Don’t forget to add lots of necklaces and scarves to your accessories, since they flatter your sign’s part of the body, the neck and throat. You shimmer in flowery dresses, and paisley ties are a must for male Bulls. 金牛:牛儿偏爱羊绒毛衣和丝制衬衣。要是穿上淡紫、浅粉或明黄等一些柔和的颜色会让整个人显得精彩奕奕。当然,一定别忘了搭配一些像项链和丝巾/领带这样的装饰物哦,它们最能将你的颈部线条勾勒地优美有型了。而花色服装配以螺旋花纹的领带绝对是男性牛儿的首选哦。 GEMINI (May 22 - June 21) You love what’s fun and hot and different, as in bubble-shaped tank dresses splashed in all the colors of the rainbow. Show off your beautiful hands and arms with rings and bracelets, and don’t forget handbags. Khaki tote bags and metallic suede clutch bags appeal to you, since you want your accessories to be as eclectic as you are. 双子:什么好玩,什么另类你就喜欢,正像泡沫状的箱车被天上的彩虹泼浅了五颜六色一样。戒指和手镯是秀出你纤细玉手和漂亮胳膊的最好装饰物,也别忘了挎上手提包哦。卡其布或金属的小山羊皮裁制手提包都很衬你哦。 CANCER (June 22 - July 22)
Your personal colors are the shades of your ruler, the Moon: pearl, silver, and off-white. You love clothes that have a vintage and antique flavor, and you carry off that look better than anyone. Your sign’s body type is usually full in the bust, so capitalize on that with an array of feminine, lacy tops and blouses for gals and chest-hugging tank tops for guys. 巨蟹:最能体现你个性的颜色与你的守护星-月亮类似:它们是珍珠色、银和淡白色。没有人比你更适合演绎复古风情的服装了。合理的装饰胸部更能将你的女性气质淋漓尽致地展现出来。女性巨蟹可以尝试蕾丝上衣来扮靓自己,男性蟹子则可用简单的背心来突显自己的肌肉线条。 LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Everything you do is splashed with your customary flamboyance and flair, and that includes your fashion image. Your color scheme radiates the rays of the summer sun, so make it a point to wear yellow, orange, and gold, and consider having golden highlights put into your voluptuous mane of hair. Male Lions look great in polo shirts, while Lady Leos look smashing in snazzy halter and jersey dresses. 狮子:你所做的每件事都与你一惯的华丽作派密不可分,在时尚方面也不例外。颜色上,你希望用黄、橙、金来展现你如夏日阳光般的热情。当然,狮子的鬃毛还是要用金色来配才最显尊贵了。至于运动衫,不论男女,都很衬狮子座人哦。
VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 23)
A printed shirt dress with a large leather belt, combined with a dark colored blazer, suits you and your tailored style perfectly. Look for earth tones for your best color matches, such as forest green, dark brown, and burnt umber, and incorporate those colors into your makeup scheme. You love to be punctual, and a small-dial strap watch is perfect for you. 处女:印花衬衫配以皮制宽腰带,外面再套上一件黑色运动夹克,这样的装扮相信对于追求完美剪裁的处女座来说是再适合不过了。颜色搭配方面,森林绿、深褐和红棕色是你可选择的化妆颜色。你很守时,这样的话,再配上一块精致的腕表就很理想了。 LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23)
Feminine lacy dresses are your first love, and you look wonderful in the colors of pale blue, pink, yellow and green. Strappy sandals, chic Capri pants, and an off-the-shoulder blouse make your entrance into any social event one to take notice of. 天秤:妩媚的蕾丝装扮是你的最爱,如果再配上淡蓝、浅粉、嫩黄和浅绿这样柔和的颜色,就更能衬出你的时尚可爱。登上系带凉鞋,套上别致的意式短裤及溜肩上衣一定能让你成为众人瞩目的焦点。 SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)
Sexy lingerie in the shades of black, maroon or burgundy is your idea of fashion heaven, and you wear that intimate bedroom look as often as you can and anywhere you can! Designer sunglasses aren’t just an accessory for you, they are a lifestyle statement, since you are able to deflect your intense and smoldering eyes with tinted lenses and Jackie O style oversize frames. 天蝎:性感的黑色、栗色或葡萄色内衣是最能体现你时尚品味的服饰。设计时髦的太阳镜并不只是一件装饰品,它们更是一种时尚生活方式的代言物。你希望用这种带色彩的镜片记录自己五光十色的生活。 SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 - Dec. 21)
Casual and sporty is your style, and no one looks better than you do in a T-shirt, cutoff shorts and baseball cap, whether you are a female or male Archer. Your long legs look fabulous in leggings and tights, and when you wear form-fitting jeans, put on some slinky high-heeled boots to add to your pizzazz. Royal purple and midnight blue are your best colors. 射手:随性、直爽是你的风格。因此,没有人比你更适合配以T恤、短裤及棒球帽这样的运动装扮了,无论你是男性还是女性射手座。当你穿上合体的牛仔裤,登上展现腿部曲线的高梆靴子,潇洒帅气的形象绝对让人过目难忘。蓝紫和深蓝是很衬你的颜色。 CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 - Jan. 20)
You are made for mensprint draped skirts and pinstripe pantsuits, and you wear the colors gray, white, and black with true stylish panache. When it’s time to relax, you look great in beaded skirts and tops, and you love denim, which you wear with ease. Guy Goats look great on weekends in flannel shirts, but for work you feel comfortable with the thin tie/white shirt/dark suit image. 摩羯:棉裙和细条纹长裤便服很适合你,配以灰、白、黑色,更能凸显你的时尚触觉。休闲的时候可以穿些珠状裙衫,粗斜纹棉布裁制的服装让你感觉很轻松。周末,穿上法兰绒衬衣的男性摩羯座让人感觉很有品味;工作时,白衬衫、黑西服和细领带是既简单又很舒适的职业装扮。 AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19)
Your favorite color scheme is as electric as you are, and you love fluorescent colors, as in shocking orange. You love unique and off-beat clothing styles, and you look great with retro bell bottom jeans and 50’s high top sneakers, topped off with a racy camisole. Ankle bracelets were made for your sign, so wear them often, since they add a hint of allure to any outfit you have on. 水瓶:你喜欢的颜色和你一样充满魅力。亮亮的橙色最能体现你的个性。另类的你偏爱时尚的牛仔装扮和50年代流行的运动鞋。手镯是最衬你的装饰物,它能搭配任何你身上的其它装备,让你的吸引力倍增,好好利用它们吧! PISCES (Feb. 20 - Mar. 20)
Shoes R You, and one of your favorite shoe styles is the open-toed sandal in order to display your snazzy toe rings. Turquoise, aquamarine, and sea green are your best colors, and use those shades in your makeup, especially in eye shadow, since your eyes are one of your best features. Soft velvet jackets over pleated skirts for gals or pants for guys make a welcome addition to your closet. 双鱼:你很适合在鞋上做文章。你最爱的鞋子的风格是那种露出脚趾的凉鞋,它能将你时髦的趾环展示出来。宝石绿、碧绿和海绿很适合你,可以用它们作为化妆的颜色,尤其可以作为眼影的颜色,因为眼睛是你最漂亮的部位哦。适合女孩的柔软天鹅绒夹克及褶皱裙和适合男孩的短裤一定是最受鱼儿欢迎的衣橱必备物。