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标题: 辅导:阅读词汇附中英文注释(九) [打印本页]

作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-5-24 16:21     标题: 辅导:阅读词汇附中英文注释(九)

    pick up-follow沿着-沿着
    preside over-manage掌管-掌管
    roll back-reduce把…压到标准水平-降低,减少
    shy away from-avoid躲避-躲避
    skyrocket-increase rapidly快速上升-迅速增加
    sort out-separate区分-分离
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-5-24 16:22     标题: 辅导:阅读词汇附中英文注释(八)

    exponential leaps-rapid increases几何级数般的跳跃-快速增加
    first rank-highest quality顶级的-最高档次的
    fixture-commonplace object固定设备-常规物体
    ingot-a block of metal金属锭-一块金属
    initially-at first最初-第一
    lament-complain about令人对…感到遗憾-抱怨
    milestone-significant development里程碑-重大的发展
    myriad of-many无数的-许多的
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-5-24 16:22     标题: 辅导:阅读词汇附中英文注释(七)

scarce—— Hard to find; absent or rare难得的;缺少的或罕见的=rare
    scores—— A composition written for a musical comedy配乐=musical compositions音乐作品
    scent—— A perfume香水=perfume
    scale—— To climb up or over; ascend攀登=climb
    sanitation—— Formulation and application of measures designed to protect public health.
    tremendous—— Extremely large in amount, extent, or degree; enormous巨大的=huge, greatly
    trend—— A general tendency or inclination趋向=tendency
    trap—— A contrivance for catching and holding animals, as a concealed pit or a clamp like device that springs shut suddenly陷阱=entomb To place in or as if in a tomb or grave埋葬
    trace—— A visible mark, such as a footprint, made or left by the passage of a person, an animal, or a thing痕迹=imprint, residue The remainder of something after removal of parts or a part残留物
    textile—— A cloth, especially one manufactured by weaving or knitting; a fabric纺织品=cloth, fabric
    terrestrial—— Of, relating to, or composed of land陆地的=land
    terrain—— An area of land; ground地区;地带=land
    tedium—— The quality or condition of being tedious; tediousness or boredom单调乏味=tiresome
    temporarily—— Lasting, used, serving, or enjoyed for a limited time在有限的时间内持续地、被使用、发挥作用=makeshift A temporary or expedient substitute for something else.
    usher—— To precede and introduce; inaugurate宣告,展示介绍;开始,开创=begin
    unrestricted—— adj.无限制的,自由的=unlimited
    unravel—— To separate and clarify the elements of (something mysterious or baffling); solve分散并澄清=discover
    undergo—— To pass through; experience经过;经历=experience
    unadorned—— Without adornment or embellishment; simple or plain未加装饰的;简单的,朴素的=plain
    venerable—— Commanding respect by virtue of age, dignity, character, or position值得敬重的,令人崇敬的=worship Ardent devotion; adoration.热烈的崇拜;崇敬
    variable—— Likely to change or vary; subject to variation; changeable易变的=unstable
    vivid—— Evoking lifelike images within the mind; heard, seen, or felt as if real生动的=graphic Described in vivid detail生动细致地描写的
    witness—— To take note of; observe作记录;观察=observe
    yield—— To give forth by or as if by a natural process, especially by cultivation生产=provide, produce
    concomitant with-in conjunction with与…相一致-与…相一致
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-5-24 16:23     标题: 辅导:阅读词汇附中英文注释(六)

surging—— To increase suddenly. Used of electric current or voltage猛增=accelerating
    surpass—— To be or go beyond, as in degree or quality; exceed胜过=exceed, outrun
    sustain—— To keep in existence; maintain继续生存;维持=maintain
    sustenance—— Something, especially food, that sustains life or health营养物,尤指食物=fare Food and drink; diet食物和饮料
    Means of livelihood生计=livelihood
    supplement——Something added to complete a thing, make up for a deficiency, or extend or strengthen the whole补充物,用来完成某事、补充不足、扩展或加强=extension
    An addition that increases the area, influence, operation, or contents of something扩大
    supreme——Greatest in importance, degree, significance, character, or achievement最重要的=outstanding
    succinct——Characterized by clear, precise expression in few words; concise and terse简明的=concise
    sufficient——Being as much as is needed充足的=adequate
    sumptuous——Of a size or splendor suggesting great expense; lavish豪华的;花费奢侈的=luxurious
    substantial——Considerable in importance, value, degree, amount, or extent有重大价值的=considerable Worthy of consideration; significant重要的
    substitute——One that takes the place of another; a replacement代用品=replacement, in place of代替
    subsidize——To assist or support with a subsidy以津贴补助=finance To supply funds to给…提供资金
    subtle——So slight as to be difficult to detect or analyze; elusive纤细的,细小的=slight
    subsidy——Monetary assistance granted by a government to a person orsgroupsin support of an enterprise regarded as being in the public interest补助金=financing融通资金
    subject to ——在……条件下;易受……的侵袭;受控制=expose to, susceptible to
    stretch——A continuous or unbroken length, area, or expanse连续不断的长度,地区或空间=span The extent or measure of space between two points or extremities, as of a bridge or roof; the breadth跨度两点或两端间的空间
    strike——To engage in a strike against an employer罢工=walkout
    To come to; attain来到;到达= make contact with
    striking—— Arresting the attention and producing a vivid impression on the sight or the mind.惹人注目的=prominent Immediately noticeable; conspicuous显眼的
    stringent—— Imposing rigorous standards of performance; severe严格的=strict
    stimulus—— Something that incites or rouses to action; an incentive激发物=motivate
    strain ——To pull, draw, or stretch tight拉紧=tension The act or process of stretching something tight拉紧
    stationary—— Not capable of being moved; fixed不能被移动的;固定的=fixed, immobile
    status——Position relative to that of others; standing地位=standing
    sticky——shavingsthe property of adhering or sticking to a surface; adhesive粘的=adhere, cement
    staple—— A basic or principal element or feature主要成分,基本成分=basic element
    squirt—— To issue forth in a thin forceful stream or jet; spurt喷=spurt out v.喷出
    staggering—— Causing great astonishment, amazement, or dismay; overwhelming令人大为吃惊、惊讶或沮丧的;使束手无策的=overwhelming
    spur—— To incite or stimulate刺激,鞭策=stimulate
    speculate about—— To assume to be true without conclusive evidence推测=hypothesize To assert as a hypothesis假设
    spinal——Of, relating to, or situated near the spine or spinal cord; vertebral脊柱的=backbone
    spark—— To set in motion; activate发动;触发=bring about引起;致使;造成;达成
    spawn—— To give rise to; engender造成;使产生=create
    solemn—— Deeply earnest, serious, and sober庄严的,极认真的,严肃的=serious
    slope——declivity A downward slope, as of a hill斜坡
    smother—— To suffocate (another)使窒息=eliminate To get rid of; remove消灭;消除
    snap—— To pull apart or break with a snapping sound折断=break
    signify—— To denote; mean表示…的意思=denote
    skepticism—— A doubting or questioning attitude or state of mind; dubiety怀疑态度=doubt
    shield—— To protect or defend with or as if with a shield; guard保护、防卫=protect
    secrete—— To conceal in a hiding place; cache躲藏=produce??
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-5-24 16:24     标题: 辅导:阅读词汇附中英文注释(五)

proponent—— One who argues in support of something; an advocate倡导者=supporter
    property—— A characteristic trait or peculiarity, especially one serving to define or describe its possessor特性=characteristic,
    A piece of real estate地产;不动产=estate
    proper—— Characterized by appropriateness or suitability; fitting恰当的=suitable, correctly
    promising—— Likely to develop in a desirable manner有前途的;有希望的=likely Apt to achieve success or yield a desired outcome; promising有希望的
    prominent—— Widely known; eminent著名的=distinguished Characterized by excellence or distinction; eminent卓越的
    proliferation—— To grow or multiply by rapidly producing new tissue, parts, cells, or offspring增生,增殖=multiply To breed or propagate繁殖或增殖
    prevail—— To be in force, use, or effect; be current正在用的,有影响的;现行的=dominate
    prevailing—— Most frequent or common; predominant普遍的;有优势的=most frequent
    primal—— Of first importance; primary最重要的;主要的=key, principal First, highest, or foremost in importance, rank, worth, or degree; chief重要的,首要的
    primarily—— Of first importance; primary最重要的;主要的=mainly For the most part; chiefly.大部分地;主要地
    prehistoric—— Of, relating to, or belonging to the era before recorded history史前的=ancient
    preservative—— Something used to preserve, especially a chemical added to foods to inhibit spoilage防腐剂=maintain To keep in an existing state; preserve or retain保持
    preside over——管理,主管=manage
    prestige—— A person's high standing among others; honor or esteem威望;尊重或敬佩=honor
    predecessor—— One who precedes another in time, especially in holding an office or a position.前任;An ancestor; a forebear祖先;祖宗=forerunner One that precedes, as in time; a predecessor前任;An ancestor; a forebear祖先;祖宗
    predominantly—— Most common or conspicuous; main or prevalent最主要的;最普通的=primarily
    precede—— To come, exist, or occur before in time.先于…=prior to ,before
    portion—— A section or quantity within a larger thing; a part of a whole部分=part
    possess—— To have as property; own持有;拥有To have as a quality, characteristic, or other attribute具有品质、特点=have
    potential——shavingspossibility, capability, or power有可能性的=possible
    pertinent——shavingslogical, precise relevance to the matter at hand有关系的=relevant
    pit—— A natural or artificial hole or cavity in the ground坑=hole
    perception—— The capacity for such insight洞察能力=insightful Showing orshavingsinsight; perceptive有洞察力的;有悟性的
    penetrate—— To enter or force a way into; pierce.穿过,刺入=go through
    patron—— A customer, especially a regular customer顾客=customer
    particle—— A very small piece or part; a tiny portion or speck一小份儿或一小点儿=speck A small spot, mark, or discoloration小斑点,小污点或小瑕疵
    rupture—— The process of breaking open or bursting裂开,突然炸开=burst
    rural—— Of, relating to, or characteristic of the country农村的=country
    rudimentary——Being in the earliest stages of development; incipient处于发展的最早阶段的=undeveloped, unsophisticated
    rotate——To turn around on an axis or center绕轴或中心转动=turn, swirl
    To proceed in sequence; take turns or alternate循环,交替或轮换=alternate
    robust—— Full of health and strength; vigorous健康和有力的=strong
    roam—— To move about without purpose or plan; wander漫游=wander
    rigidity—— An instance of being rigid僵化,严厉=stiffness
    revise—— To reconsider and change or modify修改,修正=change
    retrieve—— To get back; regain.重获;收复;=recover, To get back; regain.重获;收复;重新得到=bring back
    To rectify the unfavorable consequences of; remedy. See: recover
    restrict—— To keep or confine within limits限制=limit
    retain—— To maintain possession of保持=keep
    representation—— The state or condition of serving as an official delegate, agent, or spokesperson代表=delegate, stand for
    resemble—— To exhibit similarity or likeness to类似=similar
    renounce—— To reject; disown拒绝=reject To refuse to accept, submit to, believe, or make use of拒绝
    replace—— To take or fill the place of取代=supplant To displace and substitute for (another)取代,代替(另一个)
    release—— To free from something that binds, fastens, or holds back; let go松开=give off
    refreshing—— Pleasantly fresh and different新鲜宜人的,与众不同的=unusual
    reflection—— A manifestation or result显示,结果=indicate To suggest or demonstrate the necessity, expedience, or advisability of说明,显示,暗示
    receptacle—— A container that holds items or matter贮藏器=container
    recognize—— To show awareness of; approve of or appreciate赏识=appreciate
    rarefy—— To make thin, less compact, or less dense使稀薄=infrequent
    rear—— To lift upright; raise直立起;抬高=raise
    radical—— Departing markedly from the usual or customary; extreme极端的=drastic Severe or radical in nature; extreme严厉或剧烈的;极端的
    symmetrical—— Of or exhibiting symmetry对称的=proportionally balanced
    synthetic—— Produced by synthesis, especially not of natural origin.合成的=formation, integrate
    Not natural or genuine; artificial or contrived人造的,不自然的=artificial
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-5-24 16:24     标题: 辅导:阅读词汇附中英文注释(四)

house——A structure serving as a dwelling for one or more persons, especially for a family房屋=dwelling,
    To contain; harbor收容;隐藏=contain To have within; hold包含;容纳
    homogeneous——Uniform in structure or composition throughout同质的=uniform Unvaried in texture, color, or design均质的
    herald——To proclaim; announce公布;宣布=announce
    heritage——Something that is passed down from preceding generations; a tradition遗留物,传统=tradition
    harshness——Being extremely severe or exacting; stern严厉=acid Biting, sarcastic, or scornful尖刻的
    harness——To bring under control and direct the force of统治,管理,支配=utilize To put to use, especially to find a profitable or practical use for利用
    hail——To greet or acclaim enthusiastically喝彩=acclaim
    integrate——To makesintosa whole by bringing all parts together; unify使结合=unify
    integral——Essential or necessary for completeness; constituent必须的;应有的=essential Basic or indispensable; necessary基本的,必须的
    institution—— An established organization or foundation, especially one dedicated to education, public service, or culture机构=establishment A public or private institution, such as a hospital or school私人或公共机构
    insight——The capacity to discern the true nature of a situation; penetration洞察力=understanding The faculty by which one understands; intelligence理解力
    inspire——To affect, guide, or arouse by divine influence使受神灵的;感召的=fire the imagination of
    ingredient——An element in a mixture or compound; a constituent成份=component A constituent element, as of a system成分系统的组成要素
    inhabit—— To live or reside in居住=occupy To dwell or reside in居住
    inhabitant——One that inhabits a place, especially as a permanent resident居民=resident
    inhibit——To hold back; restrain抑制;限制=hinder To interfere with action or progress阻碍,= curb To check, restrain, or control as if with a curb; rein in抑制
    innumerable——Too numerous to be counted; numberless无数的=countless
    influx——A mass arrival or incoming汇集=arrival
    inevitably——Impossible to avoid or prevent必然的,不能规避或避免的=unavoidably
    inclination——A characteristic disposition to do, prefer, or favor one thing rather than another; a propensity爱好去做=preference The state of being preferred偏爱
    inadequate——Not adequate to fulfill a need or meet a requirement; insufficient不足的=deficient, insufficient
    impose——To apply or make prevail by or as if by authority强制实行=demand To ask for urgently or peremptorily要求迫切或专横要求
    implement——A tool or an instrument used in doing work工具=tool
    immunity——The quality or condition of being immune免除,免疫=protection
    illustrate——To provide (a publication) with explanatory or decorative features图解=picture To make a visible representation of展示
    identify——To ascertain the origin, nature, or definitive characteristics of确认=spot To detect or discern, especially visually; spy辩认
    jolt——To disturb suddenly and severely; stun震惊=shock Something that jars the mind or emotions as if with a violent, unexpected blow.震惊
    myth——A fictitious story, person, or thing传说=legend An unverified story handed down from earlier times, especially one popularly believed to be historical传说
    noxious——Harmful to living things; injurious to health有害的=harmful
    narrate——To give an account or a description叙述或描绘=recount To narrate the facts or particulars of详细叙述
    over taxed——税收过高的=heavily burdened负担沉重的
    outbreak——A sudden increase突然发生=beginning The act or process of bringing or being broughtsintosbeing; a start开端
    originate——To comesintosbeing; start出现;开始=initial, genesis, pioneer
    To bringsintosbeing; create创造=invent,
    puncture—— To pierce with a pointed object刺用带尖的物体穿透=pierce
    quaint—— Odd, especially in an old-fashioned way离奇的=odd, bizarre Strikingly unconventional and far-fetched in style or appearance; odd古怪的
    protrude—— To jut out; project突出;伸出=project To extend forward or out; jut out突出
    prospect—— Something expected; a possibility期待被期望的某物;可能性=possibility
    prosperity—— The condition of being prosperous繁荣=wealth The state of being rich; affluence富裕
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-5-24 16:25     标题: 辅导:阅读词汇附中英文注释(三)

distinct——Readily distinguishable from all others; discrete有区别的,不同的=different, separate, definite
    dispute——To argue about; debate就…进行争论=argument, disagreement
    disseminate——To spread abroad; promulgate散布=spread, distribute
    disposal——The act or process of getting rid of something除掉=get rid of
    discrete——Constituting a separate thing; distinct分离的=separate Existing as an independent entity单独的
    discard——To throw away; reject丢弃,抛弃=get rid of
    diffuse——To become widely dispersed; spread out散布=travel To be transmitted, as light or sound; move or pass传送
    differentiate——To constitute the distinction between区分=distinguish To perceive as being different or distinct区分
    dictate——To prescribe with authority; impose命令;To issue orders or commands命令=determine To reach a decision; resolve解决,决定,=prescribe To set down as a rule or guide; enjoin指定,规定
    devastate——To lay waste; destroy变成废墟,荒芜;破坏=ruin
    device——A contrivance or an invention serving a particular purpose, especially a machine used to perform one or more relatively simple tasks机器=instrument A device for recording, measuring, or controlling, especially such a device functioning as part of a control system仪表
    devoid of ——free of无……的,免于……的;摆脱了……的
    destruction——The act of destroying毁灭=demolition The act or process of wrecking or destroying, especially destruction by explosives.摧毁破坏
    detect——To discover or ascertain the existence, presence, or fact of查明;发现=discover, sense To become aware of; perceive感觉意识到
    detectable——Can be discovered or ascertained the existence, presence, or fact可查明;可发现apparent, measurable,sizable
    derive——To obtain or receive from a source得到=obtain,
    To issue from a source; originate起源于=stem from
    depression——An area that is sunk below its surroundings; a hollow下陷处=low
    depressed——Low in spirits; dejected情绪低落的;沮丧的=saddened
    deposit——To put or set down; place放置=place, lay
    deplete——To decrease the fullness of; use up or empty out消灭,用完或用光=exhaust, run out
    dense——Hard to penetrate; thick浓厚的=thick, heavy
    delicate——Marked by sensitivity of discrimination敏锐的=sensitive
    Easily broken or damaged脆弱的=fragile
    delicate——Considerate of the feelings of others体贴的=careful, intentionally
    deft——Quick and skillful; adroit灵巧的=skilled
    extract——To remove for separate consideration or publication; excerpt摘录=remove
    extend——To stretch or spread (something) out to greater or fullest length延伸=increase, stretch, outspread
    extensive——Large in extent, range, or amount广大的=wide, far from reaching
    exponential——Containing, involving, or expressed as an exponent指数的=rapid, increase
    exert——To bring to bear; exercise对…施加=apply To putsintosaction使用,运用,=cause
    exhibition——The act or an instance of exhibiting展览=display
    exorbitant——Exceeding all bounds, as of custom or fairness过高的,昂贵的=expensive
    expand——To increase the size, volume, quantity, or scope of; enlarge扩大=increase
    excessive——Exceeding a normal, usual, reasonable, or proper limit过量的=extreme Extending far beyond the norm过分的
    exclusion——The condition or fact of being excluded.排除或被排除的状态keep out of躲开;置身于…之外
    exalted——Lofty; sublime; noble高的,崇高的;高贵的=superior Of great value or excellence; extraordinary价值巨大或品质优越的;突出的
    exceed——To be greater than; surpass比…更好;超过=surpass
    excel——To show superiority; surpass others胜过=be superior
    exceptional——Well above average; extraordinary杰出的=extraordinary
    exceptionally——Deviating widely from a norm, as of physical or mental ability特殊的=abnormally,
    Being an exception; uncommon例外的=extremely
    evident——Easily seen or understood; obvious显然的=apparent Readily understood; clear or obvious显然的
    evolve——To undergo gradual change; develop发展=develop
    erode——To wear (something) away by or as if by abrasion腐蚀,侵蚀=wear away
    equivalent——Equal, as in value, force, or meaning相等的=interchangeable That can be interchanged可以相互交换的
    entity——Something that exists as a particular and discrete unit实体=object Something perceptible by one or more of the senses, especially by vision or touch; a material thing物体
    enormous——Very great in size, extent, number, or degree巨大的=tremendous, huge
    emit——To give or send out matter or energy发射=give off发出,放出(蒸汽、气味等)
    employ——To put to use or service投入使用=use
    enactment——To act (something) out, as on a stage扮演=performance, pass
    emerge——To comesintosexistence发生使出现=appear, spring up
    embed——To cause to be an integral part of a surrounding whole包埋=encase To enclose in or as if in a case把…装箱
    elaborate——To become elaborate变得复杂=complicate To make or become complex or perplexing使复杂或令人困惑
    elaborately——Planned or executed with painstaking attention to numerous parts or details精心制作的=done in great detail
    fuse——To mix (constituent elements) together by or as if by melting; blend.熔合=combine
    furnish——To supply; give供应;提供=provide
    fragment——A small part broken off or detached.碎片=piece A portion or part that has been separated from a whole
    forbid——To command against the doing or use of (something); prohibit严禁=ban
    forage——To wander in search of food or provisions搜索粮食=feed To give food to; supply with nourishment给予食物
    float——To move from place to place, especially at random漂移=drift along
    fertile——Rich in material needed to sustain plant growth肥沃的=rich Abounding, especially in natural resources肥沃的;丰富的
    faction——Asgroupsof persons forming a cohesive, usually contentious minority within a larger group小集团=side One of two or more opposing individuals, groups, teams, or sets of opinions派
    graze——To feed on (herbage) in a field or on pastureland放牧=feed
    gorgeous——Dazzlingly beautiful or magnificent耀眼的;美丽的;眩目艳丽的=magnificent, beautiful
    global——Of, relating to, or involving the entire earth; worldwide全球的=worldwide
    give way to ——让路,让步=be replaced by ,=turnsintos
    genetic——Affecting or affected by genes影响基因的或被基因影响的=heredity The genetic transmission of characteristics from parent to offspring遣传
    gap——An opening in a solid structure or surface; a cleft or breach豁口=opening A breach or an aperture缺口
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-5-24 16:26     标题: 辅导:阅读词汇附中英文注释(二)

beam—— A ray or shaft of light光柱,光束=ray
    be characterized by——distinguish
    barren—— Lacking vegetation, especially useful vegetation不毛的=infertile
    balmy—— Mild and pleasant温和的=mild
    comprise—— To consist of; be composed of由…构成=consist of ,make up
    conception—— Something conceived in the mind; a concept, plan, design, idea, or thought概念、计划、设计或思想=notion A mental image or representation; an idea or conception心理形象或象征;想法或构思
    composed of ——To create or produce (a literary or musical piece)创作或制作=create
    component—— A constituent element, as of a system组成要素=element, part
    comparable—— Similar or equivalent相似或相当=similar
    compile—— To put together or compose from materials gathered from several sources汇编=put together
    community—— Society as a whole; the public作为整体的社会;大众。Asgroupsof plants and animals living and interacting with one another in a specific region under relatively similar environmental conditions共生动物群的一群植物和动物=settlement, society
    commodity—— Something useful that can be turned to commercial or other advantage商品=goods
    coincide—— To happen at the same time or during the same period同时发生=occur at the same time
    cohesion—— The act, process, or condition of cohering结合=unity The combination or arrangement of partssintosa whole; unification统一
    cluster—— To gather or growsintosbunches丛生=concentrate
    classify—— To arrange or organize according to class or category分类=categorize
    cling to —— v.依附,依靠,坚持=stick to
    cite —— To mention or bring forward as support, illustration, or proof引证把…作为支持、说明或证明而提及或提出=mention
    check ——monitor To check the quality or content of (an electronic audio or visual signal) by means of a receiver监听,收听;To check by means of an electronic receiver for significant content, such as military, political, or illegal activity窃听
    celestial—— Of or relating to the sky or the heavens天空的=astronomical
    cease—— To put an end to; discontinue使…停止;中止=stop
    capability—— The quality of being capable; ability能力=ability
    cumbersome —— Troublesome or onerous麻烦的=burdensome
    crisscross—— To move back and forth through or over交叉移动move back and forth
    crawl—— To move slowly on the hands and knees or by dragging the body along the ground; creep爬行=creep
    counterpart—— A copy or duplicate of a legal paper复制品=version An adaptation of a work of art or literaturesintosanother medium or style版本
    counteract—— To oppose and mitigate the effects of by contrary action; check抵制,抵消=negate
    core —— The basic or most important part; the essence核心,本质=center
    conventional—— Conforming to established practice or accepted standards; traditional传统的=traditional
    contribute to —— v.捐献=donate To present as a gift to a fund or cause; contribute捐赠
    consumption——The act or process of consuming消耗=eating
    constrain——To keep within close bounds; confine限制=bound To set a limit to; confine限制
    constitute——To found (an institution, for example)创建=make up
    constituent——Serving as part of a whole; component组成的=component
    constantly——Continually occurring; persistently持续的=continuously
    conspicuous——Attracting attention, as by being unusual or remarkable; noticeable值得注意的=noticeable
    consort with ——v.陪伴=associate To keep company陪伴
    conserve——To protect from loss or harm; preserve保存,保护=retain vt.留住;保住
    consequence——Something that logically or naturally follows from an action or condition结果=result
    conjecture——A statement, an opinion, or a conclusion based on guesswork猜想=based on guessing
    congestion——To be overfilled or overcrowded堵塞=overcrowded, crowded
    conflicting——To be opposing; different对立的,不同的=opposing, contrary
    confront——To come face to face with, especially with defiance or hostility面对与…面对面的=face To confront with complete awareness面对
    confine to ——To keep within bounds; restrict限制=limit, cramp Restrict; narrow受限制
    confederacy——A union of persons, parties, or states; a league联盟=ally One that is allied with another, especially by treaty同盟者
    conceal——To keep from being seen, found, observed, or discovered; hide隐藏=hide
    dramatically——Arresting or forceful in appearance or effect引人注目的=striking
    durable——Lasting; stable持久的;稳定的=lasting
    domestic——Tame or domesticated. Used of animals驯养的=tame
    dominate——To enjoy a commanding, controlling position in占支配地位=be prevalent in
    divergence——Difference, as of opinion意见分歧difference
    diverse——Made up of distinct characteristics, qualities, or elements多种多样的=various
    dogma——An authoritative principle, belief, or statement of ideas or opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true信条=belief
    distinction——The condition or fact of being dissimilar or distinct; difference差别=difference
作者: 幽幽草    时间: 2007-5-24 16:27     标题: 辅导:阅读词汇附中英文注释(一)

adjust—— To change so as to match or fit; cause to correspond修改=alter To adjust (a garment) for a better fit修改
    adjoining—— Neighboring; contiguous接临的=neighboring
    adaptation—— Something, such as a device or mechanism, that is changed or changes so as to become suitable to a new or special application or situation改装=modification
    acute—— Extremely sharp or severe; intense强烈的=intense
    Keenly perceptive or discerning; penetrating聪明的=sharp
    accustomed—— Being in the habit of习惯的=used to
    accumulate—— To gather or pile up; amass收集,堆集;积累=collect
    accompany—— To be or go with as a companion陪伴=travel with
    accompaniment—— Something, such as a situation, that accompanies something else; a concomitant伴随状况伴随发生的事物=attendant An accompanying thing or circumstance; a concomitant伴随物伴随的事物或情况;伴随物
    accommodate—— To provide for; supply with提供住处;供应=lodge To provide with temporary quarters, especially for sleeping提供住处
    acclaimed—— To be praised enthusiastically and often publicly; applauded喝彩地,赞赏地=praised
    accelerate—— To cause to develop or progress more quickly使加快=increased
    abundance—— Fullness to overflowing丰富=profusion The state of being profuse; abundance丰富
    absurd—— Ridiculously incongruous or unreasonable荒诞的,荒唐的=preposterous Contrary to nature, reason, or common sense; absurd荒谬的
    abandon—— To give up by leaving or ceasing to operate or inhabit, especially as a result of danger or other impending threat离弃=give up
    awareness——shavingsknowledge or cognizance意识到的或认识到的=realization
    available—— Present and ready for use; at hand; accessible可用的现实可用的;手边的;可获得的=accessible
    attribute—— A quality or characteristic inherent in or ascribed to someone or something品质、属性=characteristic, trait
    attire—— Clothing or array; apparel服装、盛装;服饰=clothing
    attach—— To fasten, secure, or join系,贴或连接=fasten, stick to
    assortment—— A collection of various kinds; a variety多种多样=variety
    astonishing —— Filling with sudden wonder or amazement惊奇的,奇怪的=startling
    astounding-To be astonishing and bewildering震惊极为惊讶和迷惑不解=surprising
    assemble—— To bring or call togethersintosasgroupsor whole召集集合=gathering
    ascend—— To slope upward爬坡倾斜而上=climb of
    ascribe to——assume to be true
    arduous—— Demanding great effort or labor; difficult困难的=difficult,
    Testing severely the powers of endurance; strenuous艰苦的=strenuous Requiring great effort, energy, or exertion艰巨的
    arid—— Lacking moisture, especiallyshavingsinsufficient rainfall to support trees or woody plants干旱的缺乏水分=dry
    aptly—— Exactly suitable; appropriately合适的=appropriately
    approach—— To come near or nearer, as in space or time接近靠近=near
    appeal—— The power of attracting or of arousing interest吸引力=attraction
    apart from—— With the exception of; besides除…外;除…外还=except for
    anonymous——shavingsan unknown or unacknowledged name匿名的=unknown
    annually—— Recurring, done, or performed every year; yearly每年的=yearly
    annihilate—— To defeat decisively; vanquish战胜=conquer To defeat or subdue by force, especially by force of arms征服
    alloy—— To combine; mix融合;混合=blend, mix
    altitude—— The height of a thing above a reference level, especially above sea level or above the earth's surface高度=elevation
    affluent—— Generously supplied with money, property, or possessions; prosperous or rich富裕的=wealthy
    afflict—— To inflict grievous physical or mental suffering on折磨=problem
    affect—— To have or show a liking for喜欢=fondness
    aesthetically—— Artistically有艺术的,在艺术上的=artistically
    adverse—— Acting or serving to oppose; antagonistic敌对的=oppose, ill
    adversely—— harmfully or unfavorable有害的或不利的=negatively Marked by or exhibiting features, such as hostility, that cannot be deemed positive or constructive反面的
    advocate—— One that argues for a cause; a supporter or defender支持者或保护者=proponent To speak, plead, or argue in favor of拥护演说=urge, preach
    adorn—— To lend beauty to; decorate使美观为…增添美;装饰=decorate
    adopt—— To take on or assume采取采用或接受=take on
    brilliance—— The state or quality of being brilliant光辉=radiant
    boundary—— Something that indicates a border or limit边界=dividing line
    breach—— A violation or infraction, as of a law, a legal obligation, or a promise破坏,违犯=violation
    boost—— To increase; raise增加;拔高;To raise or lift by pushing up from behind or below推、举=raise
    blend—— To combine (varieties or grades) to obtain a mixture of a particular character, quality, or consistency把…掺在一起混合=combine, mix
    bizarre—— Strikingly unconventional and far-fetched in style or appearance; odd古怪的=odd
    bias—— A preference or an inclination, especially one that inhibits impartial judgment偏见=prejudice

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