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发表于 2007-5-19 16:37
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potent adj. possessing inner or physical strength; powerful; exerting or capable of exerting strong influence; cogent
potential adj. possible; capable of becoming; able to be
potential n. possibility; ability; capability of being; possible energy (Electricity)
powerful adj. exerting great force; effective; potent; producing the desired effect; mighty; authoritative; influential
praiseworthy adj. meriting praise; highly commendable
precede v. to go before; to come before; to be in front; to be ahead of; to predate; to happen before
precept n. a rule or principle prescribing a particular course of action or conduct
precise adj. exact; not more and not less; meticulous; exacting; strict
precisely adv. exactly; accurately; definitely; certainly; surely
precondition n. advance stipulation; preliminary terms
precondition v. to train in advance; to put in the necessary condition ahead of time; to condition beforehand
predestination n. the act of predestining or the condition of being predestined; destiny; fate
predict v. to prophesy; to foretell; to announce in advance
predictable adj. can be prophesied; can be foretold
predisposition n. sensitivity; susceptibility (to disease, etc.)
predominate v. to control to rule over; to be superior; to be of higher rank or authority; to comprise a majority; to prevail; to preponderate; to be wide-spread
preempt v. to occupy a place; to take a place; to obtain at an advance opportunity; to acquire by preemptive right
preface n. introduction; foreword; opening statement
preface v. to use as an introduction; to use as a foreword; to write an introduction; to write a foreword
prefer v. to hold superior; to appoint; to nominate; to like better; to promote; to advance; to bring before (a judge, governor, etc.)
preference n. favor; liking; fondness; priority; superior status; something that is preferred; favorite; option within a menu that can be individually adjusted and determines the appearance or function of a program or operation system (Computers)
pregnant adj. carrying developing offspring within the body; weighty or significant; full of meaning; having a profusion of ideas
prejudice n. preconceived opinion; bias; sentence passed before proper examination of the circumstances
prejudice v. to express a preconceived opinion; to express one's biases; to infringe on someone's rights; to injure the rights of another
premises n. property; site; area; grounds; lands; office or building with the grounds belonging to it
premium n. supplementary charge; additional charge; amount paid for insurance; prize; reward; tuition
premonition n. a presentiment of the future; a foreboding; a warning in advance; a forewarning
prepaid adj. paid in advance; remunerated ahead of time; settled beforehand via payment
prerogative n. right; special privilege
prescribe v. to set down as a rule or guide; enjoin; to order the use of (a medicine or other treatment)
prescription n. written order for a medication; instruction; directive; order; command
preserve n. area of land set aside to protect natural resources and wildlife
preserve v. to guard; to keep safe; to keep; to defend; to protect; to make everlasting
president n. head; leader; chairman; chief
pressure n. exertion of force; application of weight; weight; burden; encumbrance
presume v. to take for granted; to dare; to venture; to take liberties; to permit oneself
pretend adj. simulated, feigned, make-believe
pretend v. to impersonate; to act in a role; to claim; to assert
pretense n. feigning; pretending; impersonation; false show; false appearance; claim; assertion
pretentious adj. impersonating; putting on a false appearance; pretending; feigning; arrogant; haughty
prevail v. to win; to succeed; to overcome; to surpass; to prove superior; to predominate; to rule; to reign
prevalent adj. common; widespread; current
prevent v. to cause not to happen; to avert; to delay; to impede; to hinder
preventive adj. averting; avoiding; delaying; inhibiting; hindering; designed to avert unwanted circumstances
preventive n. safeguard; something used to avert an unwanted situation
previous adj. earlier; antecedent; hasty; premature
previously adv. before; at an earlier time; in the past; antecedently
primarily adv. chiefly; principally; mainly; in the first place; initially
principal adj. chief; head; leading; primary; main; major; first in rank; of the highest importance or priority
principal n. school director, school master; capital sum (Finance)
principle n. doctrine; tenet; precept; fundamental law; primary law on which other laws are based
prior adj. earlier; antecedent; former
prior n. officer of a monastery, high-ranking member of a religious order
prioritize v. to set priorities; to organize according to importance
priority n. preference; precedence; higher rank; privileged position; seniority; precedence
privacy n. seclusion, solitude, reclusion; state of being private, secrecy, confidentiality; freedom from harassment or disturbance
privatize v. to transfer control from governmental to individual powers
privilege n. special individual right not enjoyed by others; benefit; right; advantage; prerogative; benefits given only to people of a particular group; immunity from legal prosecution
privilege v. to grant special rights; to give special advantages or benefits; to provide immunity from legal prosecution; to exempt; to release from a particular obligation
probably adv. almost certainly; very likely; apparently; in all likelihood
procedure n. routine; protocol; course of action; subroutine; sequence of instructions (Computers)
proceed v. to continue; to carry on; to advance; to progress; to move forward
process n. routine; course of action; advance; summons to court; program which uses some of a multitasking computer's system resources (Computers); projecting part in an organism
process v. to treat; to adapt; to prepare; to make ready
procrastinatev. to put off doing something; postpone doing what one should be doing
procure v. to obtain; to acquire; to get; to buy; to purchase
procurement n. purchase; sale; acquisition
production n. manufacture; assembly; output;, yield; process of publicizing a motion picture (or play, television program, etc.)
productivity n. generativeness, creativeness; fruitfulness, prolificness, state of accomplishing a large amount of work
profession n. vocation; skilled occupation; total people engaged in a profession; declaration; proclamation; avowal; acknowledgement
professional adj. of a skilled occupation; working in one of the skilled occupations
professional n. person who works in a skilled occupation, specialist
proficiency n. expertise; state of having expert skills; skillfulness; adeptness; masterfulness
profit n. earnings; financial gain; benefit; avail; financial income; advantage; privilege
profit v. to earn income; to make financial gains; to be of service; to be beneficial; to be advantageous
profitable adj. lucrative; paying; rewarding; beneficial; producing income
profuse adj. plentiful; abundant; generous; giving freely; extravagant; wasteful
profusion n. plentifulness; abundance; numerousness;, plurality; wasteful spending; squandering; lavishness; excess
programmer n. person who creates sets of instructions for a computer or other device
progress n. headway; forward movement; development; advancement
progress v. to advance; to move forward; to gain
prohibit v. to outlaw; to forbid by law; to interdict; to enjoin; to ban; to prevent; to hinder
proliferate v. to reproduce quickly; to multiply rapidly; to thrive; to grow quickly
proliferation n. rapid multiplication; rapid reproduction; prosperity; rapid growth; instance of thriving
prolific adj. fruitful, productive; abundant, plentiful; reproducing, multiplying; producing fruit
prolong v. to extend; to lengthen
promise n. pledge; vow; declaration of intention; source of hope; basis for expectations
promise v. to pledge; to give one's word; to vow; to commit oneself to a certain course of action
promote v. to further; to advance; to advance in rank or position; to foster sales through advertising; to encourage sales; to aid; to help; to assist; to obtain through trickery
promotional adj. of publicizing; of advancement; of encouragement; of fostering; of an enterprise; of an initiative
promulgate v. to make known (a decree, for example) by public declaration; announce officially; to put (a law) into effect by formal public announcement
proof adj. resistant; invulnerable; impervious; sealed; durable; capable of withstanding; used in proofreading; serving as a trial print
proof v. to make resistant; to make impervious; to make a trial print for proofreading; to proofread, to edit
propensity n. inclination; tendency; disposition; aptitude; special trait; distinct trait
property n. possessions; belongings; estate; assets; ownership; characteristic; attribute; prop used on-stage during a performance (Theater)
propitious adj. presenting favorable circumstances; auspicious; kindly; gracious
proposal n. suggestion; tender; plan; offer of marriage
propose v. to suggest; to recommend; to tender; to make an offer of marriage
proposition n. offer; plan; theory; theorem (Mathematics); problem
prosaic adj. common; regular; boring; tedious; unimaginative; dull; resembling prose; similar to the writing style for prose
proscribe v. to denounce or condemn; to prohibit; forbid; to banish or outlaw (a person)
prospect n. chance; probability of advancement or success; hope; promise; view; vista; scene; outlook; perspective; potential customer (Economics)
prospect v. to search for valuable materials (such as gold, oil, etc.); to examine an area for the presence of valuable materials
prospectus n. document or brochure providing a brief description of a project or enterprise (provided to potential clients or investors)
protection n. defense; shelter; safety; act of safeguarding; act of defending
protocol n. method of dealing with a certain subject; draft of a treaty; rules of behavior; standard for dealing with data transfer (Computers)
provision n. supply; stock; act of supplying or furnishing; measure; means; food; condition; stipulation
provision v. to supply with stock; to equip with supplies (esp. food)
proximity n. adjacency; nearness; closeness; vicinity
prudent adj. characterized by, arising from, or showing prudence
publication n. process of producing and distributing printed material; any printed material that has been produced and distributed (such as journals, pamphlets, etc.); act of publicizing, act of advertising
publicize v. to advertise; to bring to the attention of a large audience
pull out v. to remove; to withdraw; to abandon; to exit; to depart
purchase n. something which has been bought; act of buying
purchase v. to buy; to acquire in exchange for money; to procure; to obtain
pursue v. to chase after; to follow; to aspire to; to strive for; to continue; to carry on; to persist in; to work at
pursuit n. chase; hunt; quest;, search; occupation; pastime
pushy adj. bossy; domineering; controlling; aggressive; extremely self-assertive
put in v. to make an application; to enter; to let something or someone enter
put off v. to postpone; to disgust; to repulse; to deter
put up with v. to tolerate; to be patient
puzzle n. enigma; riddle; problem; game composed of differently shaped pieces which fit together to form a picture; jigsaw
puzzle v. to mystify; to baffle; to confound; to confuse; to perplex; to bewilder |