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Africa—The Mysterious Land
Africa—The Mysterious Land
The Beijing Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation will be held on Nov. 4-5. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the inauguration of diplomatic relationship between the People's Republic of China and African countries. Leaders from African countries are unanimous in their desire to strengthen ties with China and China's entrepreneurs. More Chinese are willing to know more about Africa—this mysterious land.
Africa, the planet 's 2nd largest continent after Asia, includes 53 individual countries. It contains the Nile River,the world's longest, and the massive Sahara Desert ,the world's largest. Africa covers about 30,370,000 km² including adjacent islands. With more than 890,000,000 people in territories, it accounts for about 14% of the world’s human population. By most estimates Africa contains over two thousand languages. Africa is the most polyglot continent in the world; it is not rare to find individuals there who fluently speak not only several African languages, but one or two European ones as well. Africans profess a wide variety of religious beliefs, with Christianity and Islam being the most widespread. Wild animals living in the great nature of Africa, such as African elephants, giraffes and herds of zebras proceeding across the continent, Africa is the paradise for wildlife.
非洲有53个独立的国家,是世界第2大洲,它拥有世界第1长的河流-尼罗河,和世界最大的沙漠-撒哈拉大沙漠.包括附近的岛屿整个非洲大陆占地面积30,370,000平方公里。整个非洲大陆大约有890,000,000人口,占全世界总人口的14%。有人估算非洲大概存在2000多种语言。非洲是个多语言混用的大陆,如果在非洲,你发现好多人不仅会说多种非洲语言,而且通晓一两种欧洲语言,就不要觉得吃惊了。非洲人宗教信仰也很广泛,不过大多数人都信仰基督教和伊斯兰教。值得一提的是,非洲更是野生动物的天堂,像非洲大象,长颈鹿,斑马都快乐的生活在非洲大自然的怀抱里。 |