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I love to eat, so I love theThanksgiving Day. 我爱吃,所以我爱感恩节。
Edward Winslow's accountdetails that "they went out and killed five deer" and mentions that"our governor sent four men on fowling" and that "they four, in oneday, killed as much fowl as, with a little help beside, served thecompany almost a week." While it is possible that turkeys may havebeen killed, it is more likely that ducks or geese were the primarytargets。
In addition, thecrops grown by both settler and Native American would have gracedthat early thanksgiving dinner. Corn, squash, potatoes, yams, evenwheat to make bread were, in all probability, shared andenjoyed。
Today there is such a large variety of food to choose from that aThanksgiving Dinner can feature almost any main course. True, thetraditional turkey is still the meat of choice, yet goose, duck,ham, even some of the sea's harvests can be used. In place of sweetpotatoes, peas, greens, and even more exotic vegetables all maketheir way to this celebration of Thanksgiving andharvest。
The key to aThanksgiving menu is to choose foods that will represent the ideaof giving thanks for a good year, a harvesting of good fortune, andthe sharing of the bounty of your efforts with friends and family.In today's world, the only limit on preparing a Thanksgiving Dinneris an individual's imagination and creativity。
· 4 lbs largepotatoes 4磅大土豆
· 1/4 pintmilk (warmed) 4品脱温牛奶
· 2 oz butter2盎司黄油
· 1 large egg1个大鸡蛋
· Salt andpepper 盐和胡椒粉
· Parsleysprigs and lemon slices, for garnish 用作装饰的西芹和柠檬片
To prepare准备:
· Peelpotatoes, cut into large chunks, boil in salted water until tender.Drain and mash until smooth。
· Beat in thewarm milk, most of the butter and the egg yolk. Season totaste。
· Lightlywhisk the egg white until it just holds its shape. Fold into thepotato mixture。
· Spoon themixture into a greased 5-pint shallow ovenproof dish. Dot the topwith the remaining butter and sprinkle with ground blackpepper。
· Place onlower shelf of oven and bake at 200ºC for about 45minutes。
·Garnish。 |
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