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Stay-back-home kids yearning for parents' return 
| Xiao Zhou, a first-grade pupil whose parents work as migrant workers all year long, nibbles at a steamed bun under the eaves of a house in a town in Shaoyang County, central China's Hunan Province, February 6, 2007. Like many children left at home by migrant parents, Xiao Zhou is looking forward to a reunion with her parents during the Spring Festival. [newsphoto]
yearn for v.渴望
yearn v.intr.(不及物动词)yearned,yearn.ing,yearns (1)To have a strong, often melancholy desire.渴望:怀有强烈、经常是忧愁的愿望 (2)To feel deep pity, mpathy, or tenderness:同情:深深地感到惋惜、同情或怜悯:yearned over the poor child's fate.深深地同情那些穷孩子的命运
migrant mi.grant n.(名词)(1)One that moves from one region to another by chance, instinct, or plan.移民,移居者:偶然地、本能地或有计划地从一个地区迁移到另一个地区的人 (2)An itinerant worker who travels from one area to another in search of work.流动工人:不断从一地迁移到另一地寻找工作的流动工人 adj.(形容词)Migratory.迁移的
nibble at v.啃, 一点一点地咬, 吹毛求疵
nibble nib.ble v.(动词)nib.bled,nib.bling,nib.bles v.tr.(及物动词) (1)To bite at gently and repeatedly.不停地咬 (2)To eat with small, quick bites or in small morsels:小口快速吃:快速小口吃或一点一点地吃:nibble a cracker.小口吃硬饼干 (3)To wear away or diminish bit by bit:消耗:一点点地耗尽或减少:“If you start compromising too early . . . they nibble you to death”(People)“如果你过早妥协,他们会一点一点地把你吞噬”(民族)
v.intr.(不及物动词)To take small or hesitant bites:轻咬:犹豫地小口咬着吃:fish nibbling at the bait.鱼犹疑地咬饵
n.(名词)(1)A very small quantity, especially of food; a morsel.非常小的量,尤指食物而言;一小片
(2)The act or an instance of nibbling.小口咬:小口咬的动作或例子
bun n.(名词)(1)A small bread roll, often sweetened or spiced and sometimes containing dried fruit.小圆面包:一种甜的或奶香料的,有时还有干果的小面包圈 (2)A tight roll of hair worn at the back of the head.圆髻:脑袋后面结紧的发髻 (3)Slang 【俚语】 A drunken spree.酒宴,闹饮
eaves pl.n.(复数名词)The projecting overhang at the lower edge of a roof.房檐:房顶外沿下方的突出部分
These verbs mean to have a strong desire for something.这些动词表示对某事物怀有强烈的渴望。
Yearn and long both stress earnest, heartfelt, often melancholy desire, as for the return of something lost or the attainment of something unfulfilled or beyond reach: Yearn 和long 都强调真诚的、衷心的、常为感伤的愿望, 如希望回复失去的事物或得到无法实现的、超出能力所及的事物: “She yearned for reconciliation” (W.H. Hudson). “她渴望和好” (W.H.哈得孙)。“You don't really long for another country.You long for something in yourself that you don't have, or haven't been able to find” (John Cheever).“你并不是真正渴望另一个家园。你渴望的是你内心中没有或还未找到的东西” (约翰·奇弗)。
Pine implies a lingering, often nostalgic desire that saps strength or spirit: Pine 表示消耗力量或精神的、留恋不舍且经常是怀旧的渴望: “Like all sailors ashore,I at last pined for the billows” (Herman Melville). “就象所有呆在岸上的水手,我最终还是念念不忘那滔天巨浪” (荷曼·麦尔维尔)。
Hanker refers to a persistent or restless desire: Hanker 指的是一种持久或不停息的欲望:
“What business had he to be hankering after this girl at all!” (John Galsworthy). “究竟有什么使得他整天思念这个姑娘!" (约翰·高尔斯华绥)。
Hunger and thirst are applied to compelling desire likened to the need for food or drink:
Hunger 和thirst 用于象需要食物或饮料一样的渴望: The child hungered for approval.孩子渴望赞同。
Actors thirst for acclaim. 演员渴望喝彩
[ 本帖最后由 DZ 于 2007-10-16 09:27 AM 编辑 ] |