
1. harmony 1.和谐 2. understanding 2.理解 3. ceasefire 3.停火 4. dove 4.主和派,鸽派 5. olive branch 5.橄榄枝 6. diplomacy 6.外交手腕 7. tranquillity 7.安定 8. peace and quiet 8.平和与安静 9. treaty 9.条约,协议 10. non-violence 10.非暴力,无暴力 11. dialogue 11.对话 12. peace of mind 12.内心的宁静,明镜止水 13. negotiation 13.协商 14. serenity 14.宁静 15. reconciliation 15.和解,调和 16. tolerance 16.忍耐 17. acceptance 17.接受 18. peace process 18.和平进程 19. handshake 19.握手 20. pacifist 20.和平主义者 Here are some quotes about peace: Peace begins with a smile - Mother Teresa An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind. - Mohandas Gandhi It isn't enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn't enough to believe in it. One must work at it. - Eleanor Roosevelt Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding. - Albert Einstein 以下是关于和平的一些名人名言 和平,开始于微笑。 ——特丽莎修女 以眼还眼,世界只会更盲目。 ——甘地 和平,光说不够,我们必须相信它。光是相信和平也不够,我们必须付出有效的行动。 ——罗斯福 只有通过理解,而非武力,才能保持和平。 ——爱因斯坦 |