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Complexion is kind of grey, that is very annoying, because of spring is coming, we want to look refresh and energetic. In winter, our skin cannot absorb the skin products as quickly as usual, which causes darkness and roughness of our faces. If our skin is less absorbent, we should exfoliate it to use the facial scrubs to move dead cells. But exfoliation is very dangerous in spring because of our skin is very sensitive. But still necessary, do it as gently as possible. You can DIY skin scrub, just adding a little bit brown sugar into a spoon of honey and use it once a week, your skin will be whitened. Traditionally, honey water is actually good drink to girls and take it on every morning will help us exclude toxins in our bodies and smooth our skin.
当春天到来的时候,暗沉的肤色变得很烦死,因为在这明媚的季节里,我们希望自己的皮肤看起来焕然一新,充满活力。在冬季,由于皮肤减缓了对护肤品的吸收,所以导致肤色的暗沉,粗糙。这时,我们应该使用磨砂膏吸取死皮, 可是春天里去死皮是很危险的,因为会很容易伤到皮肤。但是确实必须要做,我们可以尽量轻缓一些,使用自制的磨砂膏,只不过是向一勺蜂蜜里加一些红糖就行了。一周一次,皮肤就能很快白起来了。另外,喝蜂蜜水对女孩特别好,每天早上喝一些能帮助排除体内毒素,光滑皮肤。
When we apply the skin products, the order is like toner, cream, lotion, wait 1-2minutes when you apply each layer, giving some time to let them fully absorbed, gently touching your face your palm to accelerate the process.
Sometimes, we may look very good in the morning after we use the skin products and cosmetics. But what is frustrating is that no matter how hard we try in the morning, we just cannot prevent our complexions turning dull in the afternoon. This is actually the result joint action of pressure, pollution and tiredness.
Warm your hands before you use them to apply moisturizerand foundation on our faces, because according to a report, when our skin temperature increases by 4 degree, its absorbence also increases by 20 percent. Another thing is Chinese people like white skin, so lots of girls choose lightest color when they buy the foundation. The truth is that if your foundation is lighter than your skin tone, it will make your skin looks very grey and dirty, especially when it comes to the afternoon. The right way to choose the foundation is to apply it a little bit on your chin. If it turns invisible, it is the most suitable color for you.
使用保湿霜和粉底之前,最好先温暖双手,因为据一个报道说,我们的皮肤温度上升4度时,其吸收能力也提升了20%。另外,中国人喜欢肤色白一些,因此,很多女孩买粉底时会选择最亮的颜色。其实道理是,如果你使用的粉底比自己的肤色还亮的话,你会看上去比较暗淡,干燥, 特别是在下午的时候。选择粉底正确的方法是少取一些涂在下巴上,若变没了,那么这一款粉底的颜色就是最适合你的。
Besides the skin tone, what also make us a little dull are the dark circles of the eyes.Temporary solution is to hide them by makeup.
Our hair looks even much more dim and dull after the winter than our skin, because the static causes the dryness and frication. Haircut is very needed after winter is over. It is very healthy, as damage had already been caused at the end of hair. If you don’t cut them off, your hair will grow very slowly and lose its natural glow.