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- 在线时间
- 250 小时
The Philadelphia Story
Any Cary Grant romanticcomedy is a winner, but this one is especially charming and fun – italso stars James Stewart and Katharine Hepburn. A Philadelphia heiress (Hepburn) has thrown out her first husband (Grant), and two years later is planning to marry a tabloid-type reporter. Grant and some friends try to intervene and, needless to say, plenty of sophisticated comedy ensues.
Cary Grant的任何浪漫喜剧片都相当不错,但这一部特别有趣又有爱--同时还成就了James Stewart和Katharine Hepburn的巨星地位。剧情简介:一位费城的富家女甩掉了她的第一任丈夫,两年后,她打算嫁给一个小报记者。她的前夫于是和一群朋友策划组织,许多笑料就接二连三地发生了……
Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze play acouple in love who move to the big city and okay, so PatrickSwayze is dead for most of the movie. But he refuses to let a littlething like mortality get in his way. In fact, Swayze's sudden demise only seems to make their love stronger, as he returns from the grave toright a few wrongs and say goodbye to Moore. Who says true love can'tlast forever?
Demi Moore和PatrickSwayze在剧中扮演一对情侣,他们搬到大城市居住……好吧,然后男主角就挂了,而且在影片的大部分时间里他都是死人。不过明显他不想让死亡这种小事阻止他和爱人的感情,相反的,他们之间的爱在男主角死后似乎更加强烈,他从坟墓归来、纠正了一些错误的事情,最后和爱人道别。是谁说真爱不能长久的!
Prelude to a Kiss
This quirky comedy stars Alec Baldwin and Meg Ryan as a couple who meet, fall inlove, get married, and then Well, there's this old guy who comesto their wedding, and he and Ryan accidentally switch bodies so thatshe has his life and he has hers. This sweet movie asks how well youknow the person you love. And is the person you married a differentperson from the one you fell in love with?
这一部离奇的爱情喜剧描写了由Alec Baldwin和MegRyan扮演的男女主角相识相恋、并走向结婚礼堂……然后,bang!一个怪老头来到他们的婚礼、突然和女主角交换了身体。所以新娘看起来还是新娘,却有一颗怪老头的心……这部甜蜜的影片拷问了我们"到底有多了解自己的爱人",以及,你结婚的对象、是不是当初你爱上的同一个人?
This operatic comedy is about love as destiny. Loretta's mother tries to convince her not to marry for love because "When you love them, they drive you crazy, because they know they can." But that doesn't stop Loretta from falling for her fiancé's brother. This movie features Cher and Nicholas Cage at the height of their acting powers, as well as a great supporting cast.
Don Juan DeMarco
Another off beat comedy, this film stars Johnny Depp and Marlon Brando. Depp plays DonJuan, the legendary lover – or at least someone who thinks he is.Marlon Brando is the psychiatrist who tries to "cure" him. Along the way, the Don (that's Juan, notCorleone) teaches Marlon Brando and his wife (Faye Dunaway) about lifeand the importance of love.
Like Water for Chocolate
A feast for thesenses! This Mexican movie is not just about romantic love; it's alsoabout love for food, family, and tradition. Pedro and Tita can't getmarried because Tita's mother wants her oldest daughter to be marriedfirst – to Pedro. And she wants Tita to stay home and take care of her.Tita acquiesces, but finds that her cooking has unusual powers.
Where would a top ten list be without this stylish classic? Humphrey Bogart plays Rick Blaine, an expatriate American and former freedom fighter who runs a nightclub in Casablancaduring World War II. Ingrid Bergman is his former love, Ilsa, who's intown with her husband, a resistance leader. Bogart and Bergman are suave, the setting is cosmopolitan, and the politics are intriguing.
James "King of the World" Cameron's magnumopus charmed billions (literally) of moviegoers around the world. Ithas something for everyone – most especially a love story that transcends class, circumstance, and even life – not to mention one really big boat.
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Paul Newman andElizabeth Taylor sizzle in the movie version of this Tennessee Williamsplay. Newman and Taylor play Brick and Maggie "the cat," a couple whosemarriage has hit a particularly rocky point. But "Big Daddy" (Burl Ivesas Newman's rich southern dad) wants grandkids. And Maggie will doanything to hang onto her marriage. Great acting all around in thisclassic.
Much Ado About Nothing
This Kenneth Branaghversion of Shakespeare's comedy is all light and wit. It's set in sunnysouthern Italy at a beautiful estate filled with nobility,as well as witty dialogue, foiled plots, and lighthearted love. Branaghand Emma Thompson play Benedick and Beatrice, who fall in love despitethemselves. Denzel Washington, Kate Beckinsdale, and Keanu Reeves roundout the cast.
一部根据莎翁经典改编的爱情喜剧。故事发生在阳光明媚的意大利南部一所美丽的别墅里,有贵族、有俏皮话、有桥段、有让人眼前一亮的爱情。 |