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发表于 2007-7-14 10:50
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This figure in the birth chart creates a great many problems in the life for its natives.
The position is highly occult, and fills the spirit with vain, indefinable longings. The spirit reaches out toward realms unknown, and the whole intelligence is withdrawn from the physical of this world, or even the higher planes of the intellect. The person scarcely knows what he or she really seeks. Nothing is this life measures up to their dreams, and possessions have no value. They are weary of the struggle for existence, and any aspiration, no matter how impossible of attainment gives them the chance to stretch the wings of the spirit. 较多自负, 没定义的神秘想法
On the other hand, life in this world has its own insistence, and the will to live struggles with the luna Piscean’s desire for death.
The average person with this configuration in the natal scheme does not experience anything so definite in the way of a call from the beyond. Rather, natives become bored with the regular routine of life, and seek sensational outlets for their depressed nerves, and enervated spirit. For the character that is not strong, this is dangerous. Eager, simple minds have too often through uncontrolled morbid curiosity sought solace and stimulation for the spirit, and ended up a slave to the drug habit, or to the spiritualistic mediums.
Even for the average daily routine, this planetary influence is not helpful. The natives are uncertain in all the gestures of life. Indecision is the keynote of the character. They are diffident, negative and vacillating, and stubbornly work against any practical judgments they are forced to make by the natural duties of life. Everything must, in order to please them, have a touch of the ideal. They are usually disappointed with the outcome of anything they tackle, for the end could never measure up to their ideals. It never occurs to them that part of their disappointment is founded on their inability to accomplish any task simply or correctly. This type of person choose the hard way to do everything, and gets little systematic practice in any field of work. They do not apply themselves consistently, even though they are patient and docile in disposition. 容易选择最难的路去做事情, 且无系统性的做事情.
Naturally this temperament unrestricted runs natives into a great deal of unhappiness. They become melancholy, brooding and oversensitive, and while they sit viewing life as they would like it to be, the procession marches on without them.
Natives in this group are very talented. They are artistic, and love and understand beauty. They are creative, responsive and intuitive, and have a soulful poetic type of ability when expressing themselves in the artistic fields. They can succeed as writers, musicians, poets, artists and designers. They fit in very well in the theatrical business, in fact in all branches of the arts, provided they can stimulate enough energy and fixity of purpose to succeed. 能胜任写作, 音乐, 诗歌,设计等工作
The personal lives of people born with this figure in the birth chart are apt to have a large proportion of self-sacrifice, loneliness and renunciation in the life’s experience. Pisces is the sign of tears, sorrow and isolation. This fact, coupled with the natives’ natural desire for “sainthood” or martyrdom often works toward a demonstration of just this condition in the life. Sometimes these people turn to work in the prisons, and use their highly-developed intuitive faculties for the purpose of criminal investigation. Sometimes they use their deep human sympathies for criminal and prison reform.
如果月亮相位不良,月亮在双鱼座的人会有神经过敏及精神病的倾向。而且常会有非理性的举动出现,某些人可能还会过度地羞怯、退缩。 |